Uses of Class

Packages that use IOFailure
dk.netarkivet.deploy Contains software for installing NetarchiveSuite on multiple machines. 
dk.netarkivet.harvester.harvesting This module handles defining, scheduling, and execution of harvests. 
dk.netarkivet.wayback Provides tools for integrating NetarchiveSuite with the open-source wayback machine for browsing webarchives. 

Uses of IOFailure in dk.netarkivet.archive.arcrepository

Methods in dk.netarkivet.archive.arcrepository that throw IOFailure
static ArcRepository ArcRepository.getInstance()
          Returns the unique ArcRepository instance.
 void rf, StoreMessage replyInfo)
          Stores a file in all known replicas.

Constructors in dk.netarkivet.archive.arcrepository that throw IOFailure
          Constructor for the ArcRepository.

Uses of IOFailure in dk.netarkivet.archive.arcrepository.bitpreservation

Methods in dk.netarkivet.archive.arcrepository.bitpreservation that throw IOFailure
 void FileBasedActiveBitPreservation.findChangedFiles(Replica replica)
          Deprecated. This method finds out which files in a given bitarchive are misrepresented in the admin data: Either having the wrong checksum or not being marked as uploaded when it actually is.
protected static WorkFiles.getSortedFile( unsortedFile)
          Get a sorted file from an unsorted one, updating if necessary.
 void FileBasedActiveBitPreservation.replaceChangedFile(Replica replica, java.lang.String filename, java.lang.String credentials, java.lang.String checksum)
          Deprecated. Check that file checksum is indeed different to admin data and reference replica.
 void FileBasedActiveBitPreservation.uploadMissingFiles(Replica replica, java.lang.String... filenames)
          Deprecated. Check that the files we want to restore are indeed missing on the replica, and present in admin data and the reference bitarchive.
 void DatabaseBasedActiveBitPreservation.uploadMissingFiles(Replica replica, java.lang.String... filenames)
          This method is used to upload missing files to a replica.

Uses of IOFailure in dk.netarkivet.archive.arcrepository.distribute

Methods in dk.netarkivet.archive.arcrepository.distribute that throw IOFailure
 BatchStatus JMSArcRepositoryClient.batch(FileBatchJob job, java.lang.String replicaId, java.lang.String batchId, java.lang.String... args)
          Runs a batch job on each file in the ArcRepository. JMSArcRepositoryClient.correct(java.lang.String replicaId, java.lang.String checksum, file, java.lang.String credentials)
          Method for correcting an entry in a replica.
 BitarchiveRecord JMSArcRepositoryClient.get(java.lang.String arcfile, long index)
          Sends a GetMessage on the "TheArcrepos" queue and waits for a reply. JMSArcRepositoryClient.getAllChecksums(java.lang.String replicaId)
          Retrieves all the checksum from the replica through a GetAllChecksumMessage. JMSArcRepositoryClient.getAllFilenames(java.lang.String replicaId)
          Retrieves the names of all the files in the replica through a GetAllFilenamesMessage.
 java.lang.String JMSArcRepositoryClient.getChecksum(java.lang.String replicaId, java.lang.String filename)
          Retrieves the checksum of a specific file.
 void JMSArcRepositoryClient.getFile(java.lang.String arcfilename, Replica replica, toFile)
          Synchronously retrieves a file from a bitarchive and places it in a local file. JMSArcRepositoryClient.removeAndGetFile(java.lang.String fileName, java.lang.String bitarchiveId, java.lang.String checksum, java.lang.String credentials)
          Removes a file from the bitarchives, if given credentials and checksum are correct.
 void file)
          Sends a StoreMessage via the synchronized JMS connection method sendAndWaitForOneReply().
 void JMSArcRepositoryClient.updateAdminData(java.lang.String fileName, java.lang.String replicaId, ReplicaStoreState newval)
          Request update of admin data to specific state.

Uses of IOFailure in dk.netarkivet.archive.arcrepositoryadmin

Methods in dk.netarkivet.archive.arcrepositoryadmin that throw IOFailure
 void DerbyEmbeddedSpecifics.backupDatabase(java.sql.Connection c, backupDir)
          Backup the database.
static java.sql.Connection DBConnect.getDBConnection(java.lang.String dbUrl)
          Get a connection to our database.
protected  void
          Deprecated. Reads the admin data from a file.

Uses of IOFailure in dk.netarkivet.archive.bitarchive

Methods in dk.netarkivet.archive.bitarchive that throw IOFailure
 BatchStatus Bitarchive.batch(java.lang.String bitarchiveAppId, FileBatchJob job)
          Run a batch job on all ARC entries in the archive.
 BitarchiveRecord Bitarchive.get(java.lang.String arcfile, long index)
          Get an ARC or WARC record out of the archive. BitarchiveAdmin.getTemporaryPath(java.lang.String arcFileName, long requestedSize)
          Returns a temporary place for the the file to be stored.
protected  boolean BitarchiveAdmin.isBitarchiveDirectory( theDir)
          Checks whether a directory is one of the known bitarchive directories. BitarchiveAdmin.moveToStorage( tempLocation)
          Moves a file from temporary storage to file storage.
 void BitarchiveAdmin.updateFileList( basedir)
          Method for updating the filelist for a given basedir.
 void Bitarchive.upload(RemoteFile arcfile, java.lang.String fileName)
          Upload an ARC file to this archive.

Uses of IOFailure in dk.netarkivet.archive.bitarchive.distribute

Methods in dk.netarkivet.archive.bitarchive.distribute that throw IOFailure RemoveAndGetFileMessage.getData()
          Writes the the content of the retrieved file into a local file.
 void GetFileMessage.getData( toFile)
          Writes the the content of the retrieved file into a local file.
static BitarchiveMonitorServer BitarchiveMonitorServer.getInstance()
          Returns the unique instance of a BitarchiveMonitorServer.
static BitarchiveClient BitarchiveClient.getInstance(ChannelID allBaIn, ChannelID anyBaIn, ChannelID theBamonIn)
          Factory that establish the connection to the server.
 BatchMessage BitarchiveClient.sendBatchJob(ChannelID replyChannel, FileBatchJob job)
          Submit a batch job to the archive.
 void BitarchiveClient.sendUploadMessage(RemoteFile rf)
          Submit an upload request to the bitarchive.

Constructors in dk.netarkivet.archive.bitarchive.distribute that throw IOFailure
          Creates an instance of a BitarchiveMonitorServer.
HeartBeatSender(ChannelID inReceiver, BitarchiveServer inBaServer)
          Constructs a HearBeatSender that sends heartbeats.

Uses of IOFailure in dk.netarkivet.archive.checksum

Methods in dk.netarkivet.archive.checksum that throw IOFailure
protected  java.lang.String FileChecksumArchive.calculateChecksum( f)
          Method for calculating the checksum of a file.
protected  java.lang.String FileChecksumArchive.calculateChecksum( is)
          Method for calculating the checksum of a inputstream. FileChecksumArchive.correct(java.lang.String filename, correctFile)
          Method for correcting a bad entry from the archive.
abstract ChecksumArchive.correct(java.lang.String filename, correctFile)
          Method for removing a bad entry from the archive. FileChecksumArchive.getAllFilenames()
          Method for retrieving the names of all the files within the archive as a temporary file. FileChecksumArchive.getArchiveAsFile()
          Method for retrieving the archive as a temporary file containing the checksum entries.

Uses of IOFailure in dk.netarkivet.archive.checksum.distribute

Methods in dk.netarkivet.archive.checksum.distribute that throw IOFailure
 void CorrectMessage.getData( toFile)
          Retrieves the content of the remoteFile and writes it into the local file.
 void GetAllChecksumsMessage.getData( toFile)
          Method for retrieving the resulting file.
static ChecksumClient ChecksumClient.getInstance(ChannelID theCRin)
          The method for invoking an instance of this class.
 RemoteFile CorrectMessage.getRemovedFile()
          Returns the removed file.

Uses of IOFailure in dk.netarkivet.archive.indexserver

Methods in dk.netarkivet.archive.indexserver that throw IOFailure
protected  is.hi.bok.deduplicator.CrawlDataItem CDXOriginCrawlLogIterator.parseLine(java.lang.String line)
          Parse a crawl.log line into a valid CrawlDataItem.

Uses of IOFailure in dk.netarkivet.archive.indexserver.distribute

Methods in dk.netarkivet.archive.indexserver.distribute that throw IOFailure
protected  java.util.Set<java.lang.Long> IndexRequestClient.cacheData(java.util.Set<java.lang.Long> jobSet)
          This method makes sure the actual caching of underlying data is done using the index server.
 void IndexRequestClient.requestIndex(java.util.Set<java.lang.Long> jobSet, java.lang.Long harvestId)
          Method to request an Index without having the result sent right away.

Uses of IOFailure in dk.netarkivet.archive.webinterface

Methods in dk.netarkivet.archive.webinterface that throw IOFailure
static BatchGUI.getJarFile(java.lang.String classPath)
          Method for retrieving and validating the arc-file for a given DOOM!
static void BatchGUI.getPageForClass(javax.servlet.jsp.PageContext context)
          Method for creating the page for a batchjob.
          Execution of the batchjob in its own thread (use start() instead).

Uses of IOFailure in dk.netarkivet.common.distribute

Methods in dk.netarkivet.common.distribute that throw IOFailure
static JMSConnection JMSConnectionSunMQ.getInstance()
          Intialises an Open Message Queue JMS connection.
static RemoteFile FTPRemoteFile.getInstance( localFile, java.lang.Boolean useChecksums, java.lang.Boolean fileDeletable, java.lang.Boolean multipleDownloads)
          Create a remote file that handles the transport of the remote file data.
protected  void JMSConnection.initConnection()
          Initializes the JMS connection.
 void JMSConnection.removeListener(ChannelID mq, javax.jms.MessageListener ml)
          Removes the specified MessageListener from the given queue or topic.
protected  void JMSConnection.sendMessage(NetarkivetMessage nMsg, ChannelID to)
          Submit an ObjectMessage to the destination channel.
 void JMSConnection.setListener(ChannelID mq, javax.jms.MessageListener ml)
          Method adds a listener to the given queue or topic.

Uses of IOFailure in dk.netarkivet.common.distribute.arcrepository

Methods in dk.netarkivet.common.distribute.arcrepository that throw IOFailure
 BatchStatus LocalArcRepositoryClient.batch(FileBatchJob job, java.lang.String replicaId, java.lang.String... args)
          Runs a batch job on each file in the ArcRepository. LocalArcRepositoryClient.getAllChecksums(java.lang.String replicaId)
          Method for retrieving the checksums of all the files of the replica. LocalArcRepositoryClient.getAllFilenames(java.lang.String replicaId)
          Method for retrieving all the filenames of the replica.
 void file)
          Store the given file in the ArcRepository.
 void file)
          Store the given file in the ArcRepository.
 void file)
          Store the given file in the ArcRepository.
 void file)
          Store the given file in the ArcRepository.

Uses of IOFailure in dk.netarkivet.common.utils

Methods in dk.netarkivet.common.utils that throw IOFailure
static void FileUtils.copyDirectory( from, to)
          Copy an entire directory from one location to another.
static java.lang.String Settings.get(java.lang.String key)
          Gets a setting.
static java.lang.String StreamUtils.getInputStreamAsString( in)
          Reads an input stream and returns it as a string.
static FileUtils.getResourceFileFromClassPath(java.lang.String filePath)
          Loads an file from the class path (for retrieving a file from '.jar').
static int DBUtils.getTableVersion(java.sql.Connection connection, java.lang.String tablename)
          Returns the version of a table according to schemaversions, or 0 for the initial, unnumbered version.
static org.dom4j.Document XmlUtils.getXmlDoc( f)
          Read and parse an XML-file, and return a Document object representing this object.
static FileUtils.makeValidFileFromExisting(java.lang.String filename)
          Makes a valid file from filename passed in String.
static byte[] FileUtils.readBinaryFile( file)
          Read an entire file, byte by byte, into a byte array, ignoring any locale issues.
static byte[] WARCUtils.readWARCRecord( record)
          Read the contents (payload) of an WARC record into a byte array.
static void XmlUtils.writeXmlToFile(org.dom4j.Document doc, f)
          Write document tree to file.

Uses of IOFailure in dk.netarkivet.common.utils.batch

Methods in dk.netarkivet.common.utils.batch that throw IOFailure
protected  void LoadableFileBatchJob.loadBatchJob()
          Method for initializing the loaded batchjob.

Uses of IOFailure in dk.netarkivet.deploy

Methods in dk.netarkivet.deploy that throw IOFailure
protected  void LinuxMachine.createApplicationKillScripts( directory)
          Creates the kill scripts for all the applications.
protected  void WindowsMachine.createApplicationKillScripts( directory)
          Creates the kill scripts for all the applications.
protected  void LinuxMachine.createApplicationStartScripts( directory)
          Creates the start scripts for all the applications.
protected  void LinuxMachine.createArchiveDatabaseKillScript( dir)
          Creates a script for killing the archive database on a given machine.
protected  void LinuxMachine.createArchiveDatabaseStartScript( dir)
          Creates a script for starting the archive database on a given machine.
protected  void LinuxMachine.createHarvestDatabaseKillScript( dir)
          Creates a script for killing the harvest database on a given machine.
protected  void LinuxMachine.createHarvestDatabaseStartScript( dir)
          Creates a script for starting the harvest database on a given machine.
protected  void WindowsMachine.createInstallDirScript( directory)
          Function to create the script which installs the new directories.
protected  void Machine.createJmxRemoteAccessFile( directory)
          Creates the jmxremote.password file, based on the settings.
protected  void Machine.createJmxRemotePasswordFile( directory)
          Creates the jmxremote.password file, based on the settings.
protected  void Machine.createLogPropertyFiles( directory)
          Creates a the log property file for every application.
protected  void LinuxMachine.createOSLocalKillAllScript( directory)
          This function creates the script to kill all applications on this machine.
protected  void WindowsMachine.createOSLocalKillAllScript( directory)
          This function creates the script to kill all applications on this machine.
protected  void LinuxMachine.createOSLocalStartAllScript( directory)
          This function creates the script to start all applications on this machine.
protected  void WindowsMachine.createOSLocalStartAllScript( directory)
          This function creates the script to start all applications on this machine.
protected  void LinuxMachine.createRestartScript( dir)
          Creates script for restarting all the applications on a machine.
protected  void WindowsMachine.createRestartScript( dir)
          Creates scripts for restarting all the applications on a machine.
protected  void Machine.createSecurityPolicyFile( directory)
          Copy inherited securityPolicyFile to local directory.
protected  void WindowsMachine.createWaitScript( dir)
          Creates the script for waiting during restart.
protected  void WindowsMachine.windowsStartBatScript(Application app, directory)
          Creates the batch script for starting the application.
protected  void WindowsMachine.windowsStartVbsScript(Application app, directory)
          This function creates the VBscript to start the application.

Uses of IOFailure in dk.netarkivet.harvester.datamodel

Methods in dk.netarkivet.harvester.datamodel that throw IOFailure
 void ExtendedFieldDBDAO.delete(long aExtendedfield_id)
 void ExtendedFieldValueDBDAO.delete(long aExtendedfieldValueID)
abstract  void ExtendedFieldValueDAO.delete(long aExtendedfieldValueID)
abstract  void ExtendedFieldDAO.delete(long aExtendedfieldId)
          deletes an ExtendedField from persistent storage.
abstract  Job jobID)
          Reads a job from persistent storage.
abstract  ExtendedFieldType aExtendedFieldID)
abstract  ExtendedField aExtendedFieldID)
          Reads an ExtendedField from persistent storage.
 HarvestDefinition harvestDefinitionID)
          Read the stored harvest definition for the given ID.
abstract  HarvestDefinition harvestDefinitionID)
          Read the stored harvest definition for the given ID.
abstract  ExtendedFieldValue aExtendedFieldID, java.lang.Long aInstanceID)
abstract  void ExtendedFieldDAO.update(ExtendedField aExtendedField)
          Update a ExtendedField in persistent storage.
 void ExtendedFieldValueDBDAO.update(ExtendedFieldValue aExtendedFieldValue)
abstract  void ExtendedFieldValueDAO.update(ExtendedFieldValue aExtendedFieldValue)
abstract  void JobDAO.update(Job job)
          Update a Job in persistent storage.

Constructors in dk.netarkivet.harvester.datamodel that throw IOFailure
GlobalCrawlerTrapList( is, java.lang.String name, java.lang.String description, boolean isActive)
          Construct a new GlobalCrawlerTrapList from an input stream consisting of newline-separated regular expressions.

Uses of IOFailure in dk.netarkivet.harvester.harvesting

Methods in dk.netarkivet.harvester.harvesting that throw IOFailure
abstract  void HeritrixLauncher.doCrawl()
          Launches the crawl and monitors its progress.
static void HarvestDocumentation.documentHarvest( crawlDir, long jobID, long harvestID)
          Documents the harvest under the given dir in a packaged metadata arc file in a directory 'metadata' under the current dir.
 void HeritrixLauncher.setupOrderfile()
          This method prepares the orderfile used by the Heritrix crawler.

Uses of IOFailure in dk.netarkivet.harvester.harvesting.controller

Methods in dk.netarkivet.harvester.harvesting.controller that throw IOFailure
 void BnfHeritrixLauncher.doCrawl()
          Initializes an Heritrix controller, then launches the Heritrix instance.
 void DefaultHeritrixLauncher.doCrawl()
          This method launches heritrix in the following way:
 void HeritrixController.requestCrawlStart()
          Request that Heritrix start crawling.

Uses of IOFailure in dk.netarkivet.harvester.harvesting.distribute

Methods in dk.netarkivet.harvester.harvesting.distribute that throw IOFailure
static HarvestControllerServer HarvestControllerServer.getInstance()
          Returns or creates the unique instance of this singleton The server creates an instance of the HarvestController, uploads arc-files from unfinished harvests, and starts to listen to JMS messages on the incoming jms queues.
 void HarvestControllerServer.visit(DoOneCrawlMessage msg)
          Receives a DoOneCrawlMessage and call onDoOneCrawl.

Uses of IOFailure in

Methods in that throw IOFailure
static HarvestReport HarvestReportFactory.generateHarvestReport(java.lang.Object... args)
          Returns an instance of the default HarvestReport implementation defined by the setting HarvesterSettings.HARVEST_REPORT_CLASS.

Constructors in that throw IOFailure
BnfHarvestReport(HeritrixFiles files)

Uses of IOFailure in dk.netarkivet.harvester.scheduler

Methods in dk.netarkivet.harvester.scheduler that throw IOFailure
 void HarvestDispatcher.doOneCrawl(Job job, java.lang.String origHarvestName, java.lang.String origHarvestDesc, java.lang.String origHarvestSchedule, java.util.List<MetadataEntry> metadata)
          Submit an doOneCrawl request to a HarvestControllerServer with correct priority.

Uses of IOFailure in dk.netarkivet.wayback

Constructors in dk.netarkivet.wayback that throw IOFailure
LRUCache( dir, int cacheSize)
          Creates a new LRU cache.