Package dk.netarkivet.harvester.harvesting

This module handles defining, scheduling, and execution of harvests.


Class Summary
ArcFilesReportGenerator This class generate a report that lists ARC files along with the opening date, closing date (if file was properly closed), and size in bytes.
ArcFilesReportGenerator.ArcFileStatus Stores the opening date, closing date and size of an ARC file.
ContentSizeAnnotationPostProcessor A post processor that adds an annotation content-size: for each succesfully harvested URI.
DomainnameQueueAssignmentPolicy Using the domain as the queue-name.
HarvestController This class handles all the things in a single harvest that are not related directly related either to launching Heritrix or to handling JMS messages.
HarvestControllerApplication This application controls the Heritrix harvester which does the actual harvesting, and is also responsible for uploading the harvested data to the ArcRepository.
HarvestDocumentation This class contains code for documenting a harvest.
HeritrixFiles This class encapsulates all the files that Heritrix gets from our system, and all files we read from Heritrix.
HeritrixLauncher A HeritrixLauncher object wraps around an instance of the web crawler Heritrix.
HeritrixLauncherFactory Factory class for instanciating a specific implementation of HeritrixLauncher.
IngestableFiles Encapsulation of files to be ingested into the archive.
MetadataFile Wraps information for an Heritrix file that should be stored in the metadata ARC.
OnNSDomainsDecideRule Class that re-creates the SurtPrefixSet to include only domain names according to the domain definition of NetarchiveSuite.

Package dk.netarkivet.harvester.harvesting Description

This module handles defining, scheduling, and execution of harvests.