Package dk.netarkivet.archive.arcrepositoryadmin

Interface Summary
Admin The interface for the administration of the storage.
BitPreservationDAO This is an interface for communicating with bitpreservation databases.

Class Summary
AdminData Deprecated. Use the DatabaseAdmin instead.
AdminFactory Factory class for the admin instance.
ArchiveStoreState This class contains a storestate, and the time, when it was last set.
ArcRepositoryEntry This class contains the information that we keep about each file in the arcrepository: Checksum and the store states for all bitarchives.
DatabaseAdmin The administrator class for the ArcRepository when dealing with an database instead of a file (alternative to AdminData).
DBConnect Logic to connect with the harvest definition database.
DBSpecifics Abstract collection of DB methods that are not standard SQL.
DerbyEmbeddedSpecifics A class that implement functionality specific to the embedded Derby system.
DerbyServerSpecifics Implementation of DB-specific functions for the server-based Derby.
DerbySpecifics Derby-specific implementation of DB methods.
ReadOnlyAdminData Deprecated. This class is only used by the deprecated class FileBasedActiveBitPreservation.
ReplicaCacheDatabase Method for storing the bitpreservation cache in a database.
ReplicaFileInfo This is a container for the ReplicaFileInfo table in the bitpreservation database.
UpdateableAdminData Deprecated. Use the database instance instead, DatabaseAdmin.

Enum Summary
ChecksumStatus The status of the checksum for the bitpreservation database.
FileListStatus The status for the file list updates.