Package dk.netarkivet.archive.bitarchive.distribute

Class Summary
BatchEndedMessage An instance of this class is sent by a bitarchive machine (Bitarchive class) to a BitarchiveMonitorServer to indicate that that single machine has finished processing a batch job.
BatchMessage Container for batch jobs.
BatchReplyMessage Message class used by the bit archive monitor to notify the ArcRepository of a completed batch job.
BatchTerminationMessage Message for telling the bitarchives to terminate a specific batchjob.
BitarchiveClient Proxy for remote bitarchive.
BitarchiveMonitorServer Class representing message handling for the monitor for bitarchives.
BitarchiveServer Bitarchive container responsible for processing the different classes of message which can be received by a bitarchive and returning appropriate data.
GetFileMessage Message requesting a file from a bitarchive.
GetMessage Container for get requests.
HeartBeatMessage Simple class representing a HeartBeat message from a bit archive application.
HeartBeatSender Thread reponsible for sending out periodic HeartBeatMessages.
RemoveAndGetFileMessage Message requesting a file to be removed and returned from a bitarchive.
UploadMessage Container for upload request.