Class BitarchiveMonitorServer

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    ArchiveMessageVisitor, CleanupIF, java.util.Observer, javax.jms.MessageListener

    public class BitarchiveMonitorServer
    extends ArchiveMessageHandler
    implements java.util.Observer, CleanupIF
    Class representing message handling for the monitor for bitarchives. The monitor is used for sending out and combining the results of executing batch jobs.

    Batch jobs are received on the BAMON-channel, and resent to all bitarchives, that are considered live by the bitarchive monitor.

    Lets the bitarchive monitor handle batch replies from the bitarchives, and observes it for when the batch job is done. Then constructs a reply from the data given, and sends it back to the originator.

    Also registers signs of life from the bitarchives in the bitarchive monitor.

    • Method Detail

      • visit

        public void visit​(BatchMessage inbMsg)
                   throws ArgumentNotValid
        This is the message handling method for BatchMessages.

        A new BatchMessage is created with the same Job as the incoming BatchMessage and sent off to all live bitarchives.

        The incoming and outgoing batch messages are then registered at the bitarchive monitor.

        Specified by:
        visit in interface ArchiveMessageVisitor
        visit in class ArchiveMessageHandler
        inbMsg - The message received
        ArgumentNotValid - If the BatchMessage is null.
      • visit

        public void visit​(RemoveAndGetFileMessage msg)
                   throws ArgumentNotValid
        This is the second step in correcting a bad entry.

        In the second stage, the reply of the RemoveAndGetFileMessage is used to extract the CorrectMessage from the Map. The CorrectMessage is then updated with the results from the RemoveAndGetFileMessage. Then an UploadMessage is send with the 'correct' file, where the ID of the UploadMessage is put into the map along the CorrectMessage.

        See the correctMessages Map.

        Specified by:
        visit in interface ArchiveMessageVisitor
        visit in class ArchiveMessageHandler
        msg - The RemoteAndGetFileMessage.
        ArgumentNotValid - If the RemoveAndGetFileMessage is null.
      • visit

        public void visit​(UploadMessage msg)
                   throws ArgumentNotValid
        This is the third step in correcting a bad entry.

        In the third stage, the reply of the UploadMessage is used to extract the CorrectMessage from the map again, and the results of the UploadMessage is used to update the UploadMessage, which is then returned.

        See the correctMessages Map.

        Specified by:
        visit in interface ArchiveMessageVisitor
        visit in class ArchiveMessageHandler
        msg - The reply of the UploadMessage.
        ArgumentNotValid - If the UploadMessage is null.
      • visit

        public void visit​(GetAllChecksumsMessage msg)
                   throws ArgumentNotValid
        Method for handling the GetAllChecksumsMessage. This message will be made into a batchjob, which will executed on the bitarchives. The reply to the batchjob will be handled and uses as reply to the GetAllChecksumsMessage.
        Specified by:
        visit in interface ArchiveMessageVisitor
        visit in class ArchiveMessageHandler
        msg - The GetAllChecksumsMessage, which will be made into a batchjob and sent to the bitarchives.
        ArgumentNotValid - If the GetAllChecksumsMessage is null.
      • visit

        public void visit​(GetAllFilenamesMessage msg)
                   throws ArgumentNotValid
        Method for handling the GetAllFilenamesMessage. The GetAllFilenamesMessage will be made into a filelist batchjob, which will be sent to the bitarchives. The reply to the batchjob will then be used as reply to the GetAllFilenamesMessage.
        Specified by:
        visit in interface ArchiveMessageVisitor
        visit in class ArchiveMessageHandler
        msg - The GetAllFilenamesMessage, which will be made into a batchjob and sent to the bitarchives.
        ArgumentNotValid - If the GetAllFilenamesMessage is null.
      • visit

        public void visit​(GetChecksumMessage msg)
                   throws ArgumentNotValid
        Method for handling the GetChecksumMessage. This is made into the batchjob ChecksumsJob which will be limitted to the specific filename. The batchjob will be executed on the bitarchives and the reply to the batchjob will be used as reply to the GetChecksumMessage.
        Specified by:
        visit in interface ArchiveMessageVisitor
        visit in class ArchiveMessageHandler
        msg - The GetAllChecksumsMessage, which will be made into a batchjob and sent to the bitarchives.
        ArgumentNotValid - If the GetChecksumMessage is null.
      • update

        public void update​(java.util.Observable o,
                           java.lang.Object arg)
        Handles notifications from the bitarchive monitor, that a batch job is complete.

        Spawns a new thread in which all the results are wrapped and sent back in a reply to the originator of this batch request.

        Specified by:
        update in interface java.util.Observer
        o - the observable object. Should always be the bitarchive monitor. If it isn't, this notification will be logged and ignored.
        arg - an argument passed from the bitarchive monitor. This should always be a batch status object indicating the end of that batchjob. If it isn't, this notification will be logged and ignored.
      • close

        public void close()
        Close down this BitarchiveMonitor.
      • cleanup

        public void cleanup()
        Closes this BitarchiveMonitorServer cleanly.
        Specified by:
        cleanup in interface CleanupIF