Class BatchMessage

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class BatchMessage
    extends ArchiveMessage
    Container for batch jobs. Messages of this class should be sent to a BAMON queue from where they are collected by a BitarchiveMonitorServer. The BitarchiveMonitorServer also creates instances of this class and sends them to the individual bitarchive machines.

    The response to this message comes in the form of a BatchReplyMessage placed on the senders queue.

    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • BatchMessage

        public BatchMessage​(ChannelID to,
                            FileBatchJob job,
                            java.lang.String replicaId)
        Creates a BatchMessage object which can be used to initiate a batch job. This is used by BitarchiveMonitorServer to create the message sent to the bitarchive machines.

        Note: The id for the batchjob is the empty string, which removes the possibility of terminating the batchjob remotely while it is running.

        to - The channel to which the batch message is to be sent
        job - The batch job to be executed
        replicaId - id of this replica.
      • BatchMessage

        public BatchMessage​(ChannelID to,
                            ChannelID replyTo,
                            FileBatchJob job,
                            java.lang.String replicaId,
                            java.lang.String... arguments)
        Creates a BatchMessage object which can be used to initiate a batch job.

        Note: The id for the batchjob is the empty string, which removes the possibility of terminating the batchjob remotely while it is running.

        to - The channel to which the batch message is to be sent
        replyTo - The channel whereto the reply to this message is sent.
        job - The batch job to be executed
        replicaId - id of this replica.
        arguments - The arguments for initialising the batchjob.
        ArgumentNotValid - If the job is null, or the replica is either null or the empty string.
      • BatchMessage

        public BatchMessage​(ChannelID to,
                            ChannelID replyTo,
                            FileBatchJob job,
                            java.lang.String replicaId,
                            java.lang.String batchId,
                            java.lang.String... arguments)
                     throws ArgumentNotValid
        Creates a BatchMessage object which can be used to initiate a batch job.
        to - The channel to which the batch message is to be sent
        replyTo - The channel whereto the reply to this message is sent.
        job - The batch job to be executed
        replicaId - id of this replica.
        batchId - The id for the process which runs the batchjob.
        arguments - The arguments for initialising the batchjob. This is allowed to be null.
        ArgumentNotValid - If the job is null, or the replica is either null or the empty string.
    • Method Detail

      • getReplicaId

        public java.lang.String getReplicaId()
        Returns the replica id.
        the replica id
      • getArgs

        public java.util.List<java.lang.String> getArgs()
        Returns the arguments for the batchjob.
        The arguments for the batchjob.
      • getBatchID

        public java.lang.String getBatchID()
        Returns the predefined ID for the batch process. If no Id is available, then the message id is returned.
        The ID for the batch process, or the message id, if no specific batch id has been declared.