Class GetChecksumMessage

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class GetChecksumMessage
    extends ArchiveMessage
    The GetChecksumMessage has the purpose to retrieve the checksum of a specific file.

    This is checksum replica alternative to sending a ChecksumBatchJob, with a filename limitation.

    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • GetChecksumMessage

        public GetChecksumMessage​(ChannelID to,
                                  ChannelID replyTo,
                                  java.lang.String filename,
                                  java.lang.String repId)
        to - Where this message should be sent.
        replyTo - Where the reply for this message should be sent.
        filename - The name of the file.
        repId - The id of the replica where the message is to be sent.
    • Method Detail

      • getArcfileName

        public java.lang.String getArcfileName()
        Retrieve name of the uploaded file.
        current value of arcfileName
      • getReplicaId

        public java.lang.String getReplicaId()
        Retrieves the replica id.
        The replica id.
      • getChecksum

        public java.lang.String getChecksum()
        Retrieves the checksum. This method is intended for the reply. If this checksum has not been sent, then the value is null.
        The retrieved checksum, or null if the entry was not found in the archive.
      • getIsReply

        public boolean getIsReply()
        Retrieves the variable for telling whether this it currently is a reply to this message or not.
        Whether this is a reply or not.
      • setIsReply

        public void setIsReply()
        Set that this is a reply. This should be set when there is replied to this message. isReply = true.
      • setChecksum

        public void setChecksum​(java.lang.String cs)
                         throws ArgumentNotValid
        Method for returning the result of the checksum.
        cs - The checksum.
        ArgumentNotValid - If the checksum which is attempted to be set is either null or an empty string.
      • toString

        public java.lang.String toString()
        Generate String representation of this object.
        toString in class NetarkivetMessage
        String representation of this object