Uses of Class

Packages that use JobStatus

Uses of JobStatus in dk.netarkivet.harvester.datamodel

Methods in dk.netarkivet.harvester.datamodel that return JobStatus
static JobStatus JobStatus.fromOrdinal(int status)
          Helper method that gives a proper object from e.g.
 JobStatus JobDBDAO.getJobStatus(java.lang.Long jobID)
          Get Jobstatus for the job with the given id.
abstract  JobStatus JobDAO.getJobStatus(java.lang.Long jobID)
          Get Jobstatus for the job with the given id.
 JobStatus Job.getStatus()
          Get the current status of this Job.
 JobStatus JobStatusInfo.getStatus()
static JobStatus JobStatus.parse(java.lang.String status)
          Helper method that gives a proper object from e.g.
static JobStatus JobStatus.valueOf(java.lang.String name)
          Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
static JobStatus[] JobStatus.values()
          Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.

Methods in dk.netarkivet.harvester.datamodel with parameters of type JobStatus
 java.util.Iterator<Job> JobDBDAO.getAll(JobStatus status)
          Return a list of all jobs with the given status, ordered by id.
abstract  java.util.Iterator<Job> JobDAO.getAll(JobStatus status)
          Return a list of all jobs with the given status.
 java.util.Iterator<java.lang.Long> JobDBDAO.getAllJobIds(JobStatus status)
          Return a list of all job_id's representing jobs with the given status.
abstract  java.util.Iterator<java.lang.Long> JobDAO.getAllJobIds(JobStatus status)
          Return a list of all job_id's representing jobs with the given status.
 java.util.Iterator<java.lang.Long> JobDBDAO.getAllJobIds(JobStatus status, JobPriority priority)
abstract  java.util.Iterator<java.lang.Long> JobDAO.getAllJobIds(JobStatus status, JobPriority priority)
          Return a list of all job_id's representing jobs with the given status and priority.
 int HarvestRunInfo.getJobCount(JobStatus status)
          Get the number of jobs for this run that are in a specific status.
 java.util.List<JobStatusInfo> JobDBDAO.getStatusInfo(JobStatus status)
          Get a list of small and immediately usable status information for given job status.
abstract  java.util.List<JobStatusInfo> JobDAO.getStatusInfo(JobStatus status)
          Return status information for all jobs with given job status.
 boolean JobStatus.legalChange(JobStatus newStatus)
          True if it is legal to change from this status to a new status.
 void Job.setStatus(JobStatus newStatus)
          Sets status of this job.
 void HarvestRunInfo.setStatusCount(JobStatus status, int count)
          Update the count for a specific jobstatus.

Constructors in dk.netarkivet.harvester.datamodel with parameters of type JobStatus
Job(java.lang.Long harvestID, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> configurations, JobPriority priority, long forceMaxObjectsPerDomain, long forceMaxBytesPerDomain, long forceMaxJobRunningTime, JobStatus status, java.lang.String orderXMLname, org.dom4j.Document orderXMLdoc, java.lang.String seedlist, int harvestNum, java.lang.Long continuationOf)
          Create a new Job object from basic information storable in the DAO.
JobStatusInfo(long jobID, JobStatus status, long harvestDefinitionID, java.lang.String harvestDefinition, int harvestNum, java.lang.String harvestErrors, java.lang.String uploadErrors, java.lang.String orderXMLname, int domainCount, java.util.Date submittedDate, java.util.Date startDate, java.util.Date endDate, java.lang.Long resubmittedAsJobWithID)
          Constructor for the JobStatusInfo class.

Uses of JobStatus in dk.netarkivet.harvester.harvesting.distribute

Methods in dk.netarkivet.harvester.harvesting.distribute that return JobStatus
 JobStatus JobEndedMessage.getJobStatus()
 JobStatus CrawlStatusMessage.getStatusCode()
          Returns the status code of this crawl job.

Constructors in dk.netarkivet.harvester.harvesting.distribute with parameters of type JobStatus
CrawlStatusMessage(long jobID, JobStatus statusCode)
          Alternate constructor, which does not have the DomainHarvestreport as argument.
CrawlStatusMessage(long jobID, JobStatus statusCode, HarvestReport harvestReport)
          Creates an instance of this class corresponding to a job.
JobEndedMessage(long jobId, JobStatus jobStatus)
          Constructs a new message.

Uses of JobStatus in dk.netarkivet.harvester.webinterface

Methods in dk.netarkivet.harvester.webinterface that return JobStatus
 JobStatus[] HarvestStatusQuery.getSelectedJobStatuses()

Methods in dk.netarkivet.harvester.webinterface that return types with arguments of type JobStatus
 java.util.Set<JobStatus> HarvestStatusQuery.getSelectedJobStatusesAsSet()

Method parameters in dk.netarkivet.harvester.webinterface with type arguments of type JobStatus
 void HarvestStatusQuery.setJobStatus(java.util.Set<JobStatus> chosenStates)
          Set the selected states in the query.