Package dk.netarkivet.harvester.webinterface

Class Summary
Constants Harvester webinterface constants.
DefinitionsSiteSection Site section that creates the menu for data definitions.
DomainConfigurationDefinition Utility class containing methods for processing a GUI-request to update the details of a domain-configuration.
DomainDefinition Utility class for handling update of domain from the domain jsp page.
DomainIngester This class manages a thread of ingesting domains.
DomainSeedsDefinition Contains utility methods for updating seedlists from the GUI.
DomainSeedsDefinition.UrlInfo Utility class gathering together data relating to the editing of a seed list.
EventHarvestUtil Contains utility methods for supporting event harvest GUI.
ExportFrontierReportCsvQuery UI query to export the frontier report extract as a CSV file.
ExtendedFieldConstants Constants primarily used by class ExtendedFieldDefinition and the jsp pages with extendedField functionality.
ExtendedFieldDefinition Contains utility methods for creating and editing schedule definitions for harvests.
FindRunningJobQuery Represents a query for job IDs that would be set to harvest a given domain.
HarvestStatus This page provides support for the HarvestStatus pages of the web interface.
HarvestStatusQuery Represents a query for a set of jobs.
HarvestStatusRunningTablesSort class used to manage the sort of tables in the harvest status running screen.
HistorySiteSection Site section that creates the menu for harvest history.
ScheduleDefinition Contains utility methods for creating and editing schedule definitions for harvests.
SelectiveHarvestUtil This class contains the methods for updating data for selective harvests.
SnapshotHarvestDefinition Contains utility methods for supporting GUI for updating snapshot harvests.
TrapAction Abstract class representing an action to take on the collection of global crawler traps.
TrapActivationAction Action class for changing the activation status of a crawler trap list.
TrapCreateOrUpdateAction This action processes multipart uploads to either create or update a global crawler trap list.
TrapDeleteAction Action class for deleting a global crawler trap list.
TrapReadAction Class to read and return a global crawler trap list to a web request.

Enum Summary
DomainSearchType Enumeration of the possible ways to search for domains.
ExportFrontierReportCsvQuery.UI_FIELD Defines the UI fields and their default values.
FindRunningJobQuery.UI_FIELD Defines the UI fields and their default values.
HarvestStatusQuery.SORT_ORDER Enum class defining the different sort-orders.
HarvestStatusQuery.UI_FIELD Defines the UI fields and their default values.
HarvestStatusRunningTablesSort.ColumnId list of the column id.
TrapActionEnum Represents the various actions which can be carried out to modify Global Crawler Traps.