Package dk.netarkivet.harvester.harvesting.distribute

Class Summary
CrawlProgressMessage This class wraps information stored in the Heritrix MBeans, CrawlService and CrawlService.Job, and represents the crawl progress.
CrawlStatusMessage Instances of this class are sent by a HarvestControllerServer to the THE_SCHED queue to indicate the progress of a heritrix crawl.
DomainStats Tuple class to hold domain harvest statistics for a single domain.
DoOneCrawlMessage Container for doOneCrawl request.
FrontierReportMessage Sends a frontier report to the HarvestMonitor.
HarvestControllerServer This class responds to JMS doOneCrawl messages from the HarvestScheduler and launches a Heritrix crawl with the received job description.
HarvesterReadyMessage The HarvestControllerServer periodically sends HarvesterReadyMessages to the JobDispatcher to notify it whether it is available for processing a job or already processing one.
JobChannelUtil Provides functionality specific to the harvest job channels.
JobEndedMessage This message is sent by the HarvestSchedulerMonitorServer to the HarvestMonitor to notify it that a job ended and should not be monitored anymore, and that any resource used to monitor this job should be freed.
MetadataEntry Class used to carry metadata in DoOneCrawl messages, including the URL and mimetype necessary to write the metadata to metadata ARC files.
PersistentJobData Class PersistentJobData holds information about an ongoing harvest.
PersistentJobData.HarvestDefinitionInfo Innerclass containing Info about a harvestjob.
PersistentJobData.XmlState Helper class for returning the OK-state back to the caller.

Enum Summary
CrawlProgressMessage.CrawlStatus The general status of a job in NAS.
PersistentJobData.XmlState.OKSTATE enum for holding OK/NOTOK values.