Uses of Class

Packages that use ArgumentNotValid
dk.netarkivet.deploy Contains software for installing NetarchiveSuite on multiple machines. 
dk.netarkivet.harvester.harvesting This module handles defining, scheduling, and execution of harvests. 

Uses of ArgumentNotValid in dk.netarkivet.archive.arcrepository

Methods in dk.netarkivet.archive.arcrepository that throw ArgumentNotValid
 ReplicaClient ArcRepository.getReplicaClientFromReplicaId(java.lang.String replicaId)
          Returns a replica client based on a replica id.
 void rf, StoreMessage replyInfo)
          Stores a file in all known replicas.

Uses of ArgumentNotValid in dk.netarkivet.archive.arcrepository.bitpreservation

Methods in dk.netarkivet.archive.arcrepository.bitpreservation that throw ArgumentNotValid
 void FileBasedActiveBitPreservation.addMissingFilesToAdminData(java.lang.String... filenames)
          Deprecated. Reestablish admin data to match bitarchive states for files.
 void DatabaseBasedActiveBitPreservation.addMissingFilesToAdminData(java.lang.String... filenames)
          Old method, which refers to the checksum replica part of admin data.
 void FileBasedActiveBitPreservation.changeStateForAdminData(java.lang.String filename)
          Deprecated. Reestablish admin data to match replica states for file.
 void DatabaseBasedActiveBitPreservation.changeStateForAdminData(java.lang.String filename)
          This should reestablish the state for the file.
 boolean DatabasePreservationState.fileIsMissing(Replica replica)
          Check if the file is missing from a replica.
 void FileBasedActiveBitPreservation.findChangedFiles(Replica replica)
          Deprecated. This method finds out which files in a given bitarchive are misrepresented in the admin data: Either having the wrong checksum or not being marked as uploaded when it actually is.
 void DatabaseBasedActiveBitPreservation.findChangedFiles(Replica replica)
          The method is used to update the checksum for all the files in a replica.
 void FileBasedActiveBitPreservation.findMissingFiles(Replica replica)
          Deprecated. This method takes as input the name of a replica for which we wish to retrieve the list of files, either through a FileListJob or a GetAllFilenamesMessage.
 void DatabaseBasedActiveBitPreservation.findMissingFiles(Replica replica)
          This method retrieves the filelist for the replica, and then it updates the database with this list of filenames.
 java.lang.String DatabasePreservationState.getAdminReplicaState(Replica replica)
          Get the status of the file in a replica, according to the admin data.
 java.lang.Iterable<java.lang.String> DatabaseBasedActiveBitPreservation.getChangedFiles(Replica replica)
          This method retrieves the name of all the files which has a wrong checksum for the replica.
 java.util.Date FileBasedActiveBitPreservation.getDateForChangedFiles(Replica replica)
          Deprecated. Get the date for last time the checksum information was updated for this replica.
 java.sql.Date DatabaseBasedActiveBitPreservation.getDateForChangedFiles(Replica replica)
          This method retrieves the date for the latest checksum update was performed for the replica.
 java.util.Date FileBasedActiveBitPreservation.getDateForMissingFiles(Replica replica)
          Deprecated. Get the date for last time the missing files information was updated for this replica.
 java.sql.Date DatabaseBasedActiveBitPreservation.getDateForMissingFiles(Replica replica)
          This method retrieves the date for the latest filelist update was performed for the replica.
 java.lang.Iterable<java.lang.String> FileBasedActiveBitPreservation.getMissingFiles(Replica replica)
          Deprecated. Get a list of missing files in a given replica.
 java.lang.Iterable<java.lang.String> DatabaseBasedActiveBitPreservation.getMissingFiles(Replica replica)
          This method retrieves the name of all the files which are missing for the given replica.
 long FileBasedActiveBitPreservation.getNumberOfChangedFiles(Replica replica)
          Deprecated. Get the number of wrong files for a replica.
 long DatabaseBasedActiveBitPreservation.getNumberOfChangedFiles(Replica replica)
          The method calculates the number of files which has a wrong checksum for the replica.
 long FileBasedActiveBitPreservation.getNumberOfFiles(Replica replica)
          Deprecated. Return the number of files found in the replica.
 long DatabaseBasedActiveBitPreservation.getNumberOfFiles(Replica replica)
          This method finds the number of files which are known to be in the archive of a specific replica.
 long FileBasedActiveBitPreservation.getNumberOfMissingFiles(Replica replica)
          Deprecated. Get the number of missing files in a given replica.
 long DatabaseBasedActiveBitPreservation.getNumberOfMissingFiles(Replica replica)
          This method calculates the number of files which are not found in the given replica.
 PreservationState DatabaseBasedActiveBitPreservation.getPreservationState(java.lang.String filename)
          Method for retrieving the FilePreservationState for a specific file.
 java.util.Map<java.lang.String,PreservationState> FileBasedActiveBitPreservation.getPreservationStateMap(java.lang.String... filenames)
          Deprecated. Retrieve the preservation status for the files with the given filenames.
 java.util.Map<java.lang.String,PreservationState> DatabaseBasedActiveBitPreservation.getPreservationStateMap(java.lang.String... filenames)
          Method for retrieving the FilePreservationState for a list of files.
 java.util.List<java.lang.String> DatabasePreservationState.getReplicaChecksum(Replica replica)
          Get the checksum of this file in a specific replica.
 java.lang.String DatabasePreservationState.getUniqueChecksum(Replica replica)
          Get a checksum that the whole replica agrees upon, or else "".
 void FileBasedActiveBitPreservation.replaceChangedFile(Replica replica, java.lang.String filename, java.lang.String credentials, java.lang.String checksum)
          Deprecated. Check that file checksum is indeed different to admin data and reference replica.
 void DatabaseBasedActiveBitPreservation.replaceChangedFile(Replica replica, java.lang.String filename, java.lang.String credentials, java.lang.String checksum)
          Check that the checksum of the file is indeed different to the value in admin data and reference replica.
 void FileBasedActiveBitPreservation.uploadMissingFiles(Replica replica, java.lang.String... filenames)
          Deprecated. Check that the files we want to restore are indeed missing on the replica, and present in admin data and the reference bitarchive.
 void DatabaseBasedActiveBitPreservation.uploadMissingFiles(Replica replica, java.lang.String... filenames)
          This method is used to upload missing files to a replica.

Constructors in dk.netarkivet.archive.arcrepository.bitpreservation that throw ArgumentNotValid
DatabasePreservationState(java.lang.String fileName, java.util.List<ReplicaFileInfo> rfis)
FilePreservationState(java.lang.String filename, ArcRepositoryEntry admindata, java.util.Map<Replica,java.util.List<java.lang.String>> checksumMap)
          Create new instance of the preservation status for a file.

Uses of ArgumentNotValid in dk.netarkivet.archive.arcrepository.distribute

Methods in dk.netarkivet.archive.arcrepository.distribute that throw ArgumentNotValid
 BatchStatus JMSArcRepositoryClient.batch(FileBatchJob job, java.lang.String replicaId, java.lang.String batchId, java.lang.String... args)
          Runs a batch job on each file in the ArcRepository. JMSArcRepositoryClient.correct(java.lang.String replicaId, java.lang.String checksum, file, java.lang.String credentials)
          Method for correcting an entry in a replica.
 BitarchiveRecord JMSArcRepositoryClient.get(java.lang.String arcfile, long index)
          Sends a GetMessage on the "TheArcrepos" queue and waits for a reply. JMSArcRepositoryClient.getAllChecksums(java.lang.String replicaId)
          Retrieves all the checksum from the replica through a GetAllChecksumMessage. JMSArcRepositoryClient.getAllFilenames(java.lang.String replicaId)
          Retrieves the names of all the files in the replica through a GetAllFilenamesMessage.
 java.lang.String JMSArcRepositoryClient.getChecksum(java.lang.String replicaId, java.lang.String filename)
          Retrieves the checksum of a specific file.
 void JMSArcRepositoryClient.getFile(java.lang.String arcfilename, Replica replica, toFile)
          Synchronously retrieves a file from a bitarchive and places it in a local file. JMSArcRepositoryClient.removeAndGetFile(java.lang.String fileName, java.lang.String bitarchiveId, java.lang.String checksum, java.lang.String credentials)
          Removes a file from the bitarchives, if given credentials and checksum are correct.
 void file)
          Sends a StoreMessage via the synchronized JMS connection method sendAndWaitForOneReply().
 void JMSArcRepositoryClient.updateAdminData(java.lang.String fileName, java.lang.String replicaId, ReplicaStoreState newval)
          Request update of admin data to specific state.
 void ArcRepositoryServer.visit(BatchMessage msg)
          Resends a batch message to the requested bitarchive.
 void ArcRepositoryServer.visit(BatchReplyMessage msg)
          Forwards the handling of batch replies to the arc repository.
 void ArcRepositoryServer.visit(CorrectMessage msg)
          Method for handling CorrectMessages.
 void ArcRepositoryServer.visit(GetAllChecksumsMessage msg)
          Method for retrieving all the checksums from a replica.
 void ArcRepositoryServer.visit(GetAllFilenamesMessage msg)
          For retrieving all the filenames from a replica.
 void ArcRepositoryServer.visit(GetFileMessage msg)
          Forwards a getfile message to requested bitarchive replica.
 void ArcRepositoryServer.visit(GetMessage msg)
          Forwards a get message to the local bitarchive.
 void ArcRepositoryServer.visit(UploadMessage msg)
          Forwards the handling of upload replies to the arc repository.

Uses of ArgumentNotValid in dk.netarkivet.archive.arcrepositoryadmin

Methods in dk.netarkivet.archive.arcrepositoryadmin that throw ArgumentNotValid
 void DatabaseAdmin.addEntry(java.lang.String filename, StoreMessage msg, java.lang.String checksum)
          Method for adding an entry for administration.
 void ReplicaCacheDatabase.addFileListInformation(java.util.List<java.lang.String> filelist, Replica replica)
          Method for adding the results from a list of filenames on a replica.
 void DerbyServerSpecifics.backupDatabase(java.sql.Connection c, backupDir)
          Backup the database.
 void DerbyEmbeddedSpecifics.backupDatabase(java.sql.Connection c, backupDir)
          Backup the database.
 void ReplicaCacheDatabase.changeStateOfReplicafileinfo(java.lang.String filename, Replica replica, ReplicaStoreState state)
          Method for inserting an entry into the database about a file upload has begun for a specific replica.
 void ReplicaCacheDatabase.changeStateOfReplicafileinfo(java.lang.String filename, java.lang.String checksum, Replica replica, ReplicaStoreState state)
          Method for inserting an entry into the database about a file upload has begun for a specific replica.
static ChecksumStatus ChecksumStatus.fromOrdinal(int status)
          Method to retrieve the FileListStatus based on an integer.
static FileListStatus FileListStatus.fromOrdinal(int status)
          Method to retrieve the FileListStatus based on an integer.
 java.util.Set<java.lang.String> DatabaseAdmin.getAllFileNames(Replica rep, ReplicaStoreState state)
          Retrieves a set with the name of the files with a specific ReplicaStoreState in a specific replica.
 Replica ReplicaCacheDatabase.getBitarchiveWithGoodFile(java.lang.String filename)
          Method for finding a replica with a valid version of a file.
 Replica ReplicaCacheDatabase.getBitarchiveWithGoodFile(java.lang.String filename, Replica badReplica)
          Method for finding a replica with a valid version of a file.
 java.lang.String ReplicaCacheDatabase.getChecksum(java.lang.String filename)
          Method for retrieving the checksum for a specific file.
 java.lang.String AdminData.getCheckSum(java.lang.String arcfileName)
          Deprecated. Get Checksum for a given arcfile.
 java.lang.String DatabaseAdmin.getCheckSum(java.lang.String filename)
          Retrieves the checksum of a given file.
 java.sql.Date ReplicaCacheDatabase.getDateOfLastMissingFilesUpdate(Replica replica)
          Get the date for the last file list job.
 java.sql.Date ReplicaCacheDatabase.getDateOfLastWrongFilesUpdate(Replica replica)
          Method for retrieving the date for the last update for corrupted files.
static java.sql.Connection DBConnect.getDBConnection(java.lang.String dbUrl)
          Get a connection to our database.
 java.lang.Iterable<java.lang.String> ReplicaCacheDatabase.getMissingFilesInLastUpdate(Replica replica)
          Method for retrieving the list of the names of the files which was missing for the replica in the last filelist update.
 long ReplicaCacheDatabase.getNumberOfFiles(Replica replica)
          Method for retrieving the number of files within a replica.
 long ReplicaCacheDatabase.getNumberOfMissingFilesInLastUpdate(Replica replica)
          Method for retrieving the number of files missing from a specific replica.
 long ReplicaCacheDatabase.getNumberOfWrongFilesInLastUpdate(Replica replica)
          Method for retrieving the amount of files with a incorrect checksum within a replica.
 ReplicaFileInfo ReplicaCacheDatabase.getReplicaFileInfo(java.lang.String filename, Replica replica)
          Method for retrieving the entry in the replicafileinfo table for a given file and replica.
 ReplicaStoreState ReplicaCacheDatabase.getReplicaStoreState(java.lang.String filename, java.lang.String replicaId)
          Retrieves the ReplicaStoreState for the entry in the replicafileinfo table, which refers to the given file and replica.
 ReplicaStoreState DatabaseAdmin.getState(java.lang.String filename, java.lang.String replicaChannelName)
          Returns the ReplicaStoreState of a given file in a specific replica.
 java.lang.Iterable<java.lang.String> ReplicaCacheDatabase.getWrongFilesInLastUpdate(Replica replica)
          Method for retrieving the list of the files in the replica which have a incorrect checksum.
 boolean DatabaseAdmin.hasEntry(java.lang.String filename)
          Method for telling whether a file entry exists.
 boolean DatabaseAdmin.hasReplyInfo(java.lang.String filename)
          Determines whether the StoreMessage of a given file exists.
 boolean DatabaseAdmin.hasState(java.lang.String filename, java.lang.String repChannelId)
          Determines whether a given file in a specific replica has a valid replica store state.
 boolean ReplicaCacheDatabase.insertAdminEntry(java.lang.String line)
          Method for inserting a line of Admin.Data into the database.
 void ReplicaCacheDatabase.insertNewFileForUpload(java.lang.String filename, java.lang.String checksum)
          Creates a new entry for the filename for each replica, and give it the given checksum and set the upload_status = UNKNOWN_UPLOAD_STATUS.
 StoreMessage DatabaseAdmin.removeReplyInfo(java.lang.String filename)
          Retrieves the StoreMessage of a specific file.
 FileListStatus ReplicaCacheDatabase.retrieveFileListStatus(java.lang.String filename, Replica replica)
          Method for retrieving the filelist_status for a replicafileinfo entry.
 java.util.Collection<java.lang.String> ReplicaCacheDatabase.retrieveFilenamesForReplicaEntries(java.lang.String replicaId, ReplicaStoreState state)
          Retrieves the names of all the files in the given replica which has the specified UploadStatus.
 void ReplicaCacheDatabase.setAdminDate(java.sql.Date date)
          Method for setting a specific value for the filelistdate and the checksumlistdate for all the replicas.
 void UpdateableAdminData.setCheckSum(java.lang.String fileName, java.lang.String checkSum)
          Deprecated. Set/update the checksum for a given arcfileName in the admindata.
 void DatabaseAdmin.setCheckSum(java.lang.String filename, java.lang.String checksum)
          Sets the checksum of a given file.
 void ReplicaCacheDatabase.setReplicaStoreState(java.lang.String filename, java.lang.String replicaId, ReplicaStoreState state)
          Sets the ReplicaStoreState for the entry in the replicafileinfo table.
 void DatabaseAdmin.setReplyInfo(java.lang.String filename, StoreMessage msg)
          Assign a StoreMessage to a specific filename.
 void ArchiveStoreState.setState(ReplicaStoreState state)
          Sets the current ReplicaStoreState.
 void ArchiveStoreState.setState(ReplicaStoreState state, java.util.Date lastDate)
          Sets the current ReplicaStoreState.
 void UpdateableAdminData.setState(java.lang.String fileName, java.lang.String replicaID, ReplicaStoreState state)
          Deprecated. Sets the store state for the given file on the given bitarchive.
 void DatabaseAdmin.setState(java.lang.String filename, java.lang.String repChannelId, ReplicaStoreState state)
          Sets the store state of an entry to a specific value.
 void ReplicaCacheDatabase.updateChecksumInformationForFileOnReplica(java.lang.String filename, java.lang.String checksum, Replica replica)
          Method for updating a specific entry in the replicafileinfo table.
 void ReplicaCacheDatabase.updateChecksumStatus(java.lang.String filename)
          Method for updating the status for a specific file for all the replicas.

Constructors in dk.netarkivet.archive.arcrepositoryadmin that throw ArgumentNotValid
ReplicaFileInfo(long gId, java.lang.String rId, long fId, long sId, java.lang.String cs, int us, int fs, int css, java.sql.Date fDate, java.sql.Date cDate)

Uses of ArgumentNotValid in dk.netarkivet.archive.bitarchive

Methods in dk.netarkivet.archive.bitarchive that throw ArgumentNotValid
 BatchStatus Bitarchive.batch(java.lang.String bitarchiveAppId, FileBatchJob job)
          Run a batch job on all ARC entries in the archive.
 void BitarchiveMonitor.bitarchiveReply(java.lang.String bitarchiveBatchID, java.lang.String bitarchiveID, int noOfFilesProcessed, java.util.Collection<> filesFailed, RemoteFile remoteFile, java.lang.String errMsg, java.util.List<FileBatchJob.ExceptionOccurrence> exceptions)
          Handle a reply received from a bitarchive.
 BitarchiveRecord Bitarchive.get(java.lang.String arcfile, long index)
          Get an ARC or WARC record out of the archive. Bitarchive.getFile(java.lang.String arcFileID)
          Get a file for a given arcFileID. BitarchiveAdmin.getTemporaryPath(java.lang.String arcFileName, long requestedSize)
          Returns a temporary place for the the file to be stored.
protected  boolean BitarchiveAdmin.isBitarchiveDirectory( theDir)
          Checks whether a directory is one of the known bitarchive directories. BitarchiveAdmin.moveToStorage( tempLocation)
          Moves a file from temporary storage to file storage.
 void BitarchiveMonitor.registerBatch(java.lang.String requestID, ChannelID requestReplyTo, java.lang.String bitarchiveBatchID, long timeout)
          Register a new batch sent to the bitarchives.
 void BitarchiveAdmin.updateFileList( basedir)
          Method for updating the filelist for a given basedir.
 void Bitarchive.upload(RemoteFile arcfile, java.lang.String fileName)
          Upload an ARC file to this archive.

Constructors in dk.netarkivet.archive.bitarchive that throw ArgumentNotValid
BitarchiveARCFile(java.lang.String fn, fp)
          Create a new representation of a file in the archive.

Uses of ArgumentNotValid in dk.netarkivet.archive.bitarchive.distribute

Methods in dk.netarkivet.archive.bitarchive.distribute that throw ArgumentNotValid
 void GetFileMessage.getData( toFile)
          Writes the the content of the retrieved file into a local file.
static BitarchiveServer BitarchiveServer.getInstance()
          Returns the unique instance of this class The server creates an instance of the bitarchive it provides access to and starts to listen to JMS messages on the incomming jms queue

Also, heartbeats are sent out at regular intervals to the Bitarchive Monitor, to tell that this bitarchive is alive.

 BatchMessage BitarchiveClient.sendBatchJob(BatchMessage bMsg)
          Submit an already constructed get message to the archive.
 BatchMessage BitarchiveClient.sendBatchJob(ChannelID replyChannel, FileBatchJob job)
          Submit a batch job to the archive.
 void BitarchiveClient.sendBatchTerminationMessage(java.lang.String batchID)
          Sends a message to terminate a running batchjob.
 void BitarchiveClient.sendCorrectMessage(CorrectMessage msg)
          For correcting an erroneous entry in the archive.
 void BitarchiveClient.sendGetAllChecksumsMessage(GetAllChecksumsMessage msg)
          Method for sending the GetAllChecksumMessage to the ChecksumReplica.
 void BitarchiveClient.sendGetAllFilenamesMessage(GetAllFilenamesMessage msg)
          Method for sending a GetAllFilenamesMessage to a checksum archive.
 GetChecksumMessage BitarchiveClient.sendGetChecksumMessage(ChannelID replyChannel, java.lang.String filename)
          Method for retrieving the checksum of a specific arcfile within the archive.
 void BitarchiveClient.sendGetChecksumMessage(GetChecksumMessage msg)
          Method for retrieving the checksum of a specific arcfile within the archive.
 void BitarchiveClient.sendUploadMessage(RemoteFile rf)
          Submit an upload request to the bitarchive.
 void RemoveAndGetFileMessage.setFile( data)
          Set the file this message should remove and return.
 void BitarchiveMonitorServer.visit(BatchEndedMessage beMsg)
          This is the message handling method for BatchEndedMessages.
 void BitarchiveMonitorServer.visit(BatchMessage inbMsg)
          This is the message handling method for BatchMessages.
 void BitarchiveServer.visit(BatchMessage msg)
          Process a batch job and send the result back to the client.
 void BitarchiveServer.visit(BatchTerminationMessage msg)
 void BitarchiveMonitorServer.visit(CorrectMessage cm)
          This is the first step in correcting a bad entry.
 void BitarchiveMonitorServer.visit(GetAllChecksumsMessage msg)
          Method for handling the GetAllChecksumsMessage.
 void BitarchiveMonitorServer.visit(GetAllFilenamesMessage msg)
          Method for handling the GetAllFilenamesMessage.
 void BitarchiveMonitorServer.visit(GetChecksumMessage msg)
          Method for handling the GetChecksumMessage.
 void BitarchiveServer.visit(GetFileMessage msg)
          Process a getFile request and send the result back to the client.
 void BitarchiveServer.visit(GetMessage msg)
          Process a get request and send the result back to the client.
 void BitarchiveMonitorServer.visit(HeartBeatMessage hbMsg)
          This is the message handling method for HeartBeatMessages.
 void BitarchiveMonitorServer.visit(RemoveAndGetFileMessage msg)
          This is the second step in correcting a bad entry.
 void BitarchiveServer.visit(RemoveAndGetFileMessage msg)
          Removes an arcfile from the bitarchive and returns the removed file as an remotefile.
 void BitarchiveMonitorServer.visit(UploadMessage msg)
          This is the third step in correcting a bad entry.
 void BitarchiveServer.visit(UploadMessage msg)
          Process a upload request and send the result back to the client.

Constructors in dk.netarkivet.archive.bitarchive.distribute that throw ArgumentNotValid
BatchEndedMessage(ChannelID to, java.lang.String baAppId, java.lang.String originatingBatchMsgId, RemoteFile rf)
          Message to signal from a BitarchiveServer to the BitarchiveMonitorServer that the Bit Archive Application identified by BA_ApplicationId has completed its part of the batch job.
BatchMessage(ChannelID to, ChannelID replyTo, FileBatchJob job, java.lang.String replicaId, java.lang.String batchId, java.lang.String... arguments)
          Creates a BatchMessage object which can be used to initiate a batch job.
BatchReplyMessage(ChannelID to, ChannelID replyTo, java.lang.String originatingBatchMsgId, int filesProcessed, java.util.Collection<> failedFiles, RemoteFile resultFile)
          Message to signal from BitarchiveMonitorServer that the batch job identified by originatingBatchMsgId is completed.
BatchTerminationMessage(ChannelID to, ChannelID replyTo, java.lang.String batchID)
BatchTerminationMessage(ChannelID to, java.lang.String batchID)
HeartBeatSender(ChannelID inReceiver, BitarchiveServer inBaServer)
          Constructs a HearBeatSender that sends heartbeats.

Uses of ArgumentNotValid in dk.netarkivet.archive.checksum

Methods in dk.netarkivet.archive.checksum that throw ArgumentNotValid FileChecksumArchive.correct(java.lang.String filename, correctFile)
          Method for correcting a bad entry from the archive.
abstract ChecksumArchive.correct(java.lang.String filename, correctFile)
          Method for removing a bad entry from the archive.
 java.lang.String FileChecksumArchive.getChecksum(java.lang.String filename)
          Method for retrieving the checksum of a record, based on the filename.
 void FileChecksumArchive.upload(RemoteFile file, java.lang.String filename)
          The method for uploading a file to the archive.

Uses of ArgumentNotValid in dk.netarkivet.archive.checksum.distribute

Methods in dk.netarkivet.archive.checksum.distribute that throw ArgumentNotValid
 void GetAllChecksumsMessage.getData( toFile)
          Method for retrieving the resulting file.
 void CorrectMessage.getData( toFile)
          Retrieves the content of the remoteFile and writes it into the local file.
static ChecksumClient ChecksumClient.getInstance(ChannelID theCRin)
          The method for invoking an instance of this class.
 BatchMessage ChecksumClient.sendBatchJob(BatchMessage msg)
          Method for sending batch job messages to the replica.
 BatchMessage ChecksumClient.sendBatchJob(ChannelID replyChannel, FileBatchJob job)
          Method for sending batch job messages to the replica.
 void ChecksumClient.sendCorrectMessage(CorrectMessage msg)
          Method for sending correct messages to the replica.
 void ChecksumClient.sendGetAllChecksumsMessage(GetAllChecksumsMessage msg)
          Method for sending the GetAllChecksumMessage to the ChecksumReplica.
 void ChecksumClient.sendGetAllFilenamesMessage(GetAllFilenamesMessage msg)
          Method for sending a GetAllFilenamesMessage to a checksum archive.
 GetChecksumMessage ChecksumClient.sendGetChecksumMessage(ChannelID replyChannel, java.lang.String filename)
          Method for retrieving the checksum of a specific arcfile within the archive.
 void ChecksumClient.sendGetFileMessage(GetFileMessage gfm)
          This method is intended to retrieve an arc-file from the archive.
 void ChecksumClient.sendGetMessage(GetMessage msg)
          This method is intended to retrieve a record from an arc-file within the archive.
 void ChecksumClient.sendRemoveAndGetFileMessage(RemoveAndGetFileMessage msg)
          This method is intended to retrieve an arc-file from the archive.
 void ChecksumClient.sendUploadMessage(RemoteFile rf)
          Method for uploading a file to the archive.
 void GetChecksumMessage.setChecksum(java.lang.String cs)
          Method for returning the result of the checksum.
 void GetAllChecksumsMessage.setFile( file)
          Method for setting the resulting file.
 void CorrectMessage.setRemovedFile(RemoteFile rf)
          Sets the removed file.
 void ChecksumFileServer.visit(CorrectMessage msg)
          Method for correcting an entry in the archive.
 void ChecksumFileServer.visit(GetAllChecksumsMessage msg)
          Method for retrieving a map containing all the checksums and their corresponding filenames within the archive.
 void ChecksumFileServer.visit(GetAllFilenamesMessage msg)
          Method for retrieving all the filenames within the archive.
 void ChecksumFileServer.visit(GetChecksumMessage msg)
          Method for retrieving the checksum of a record.
 void ChecksumFileServer.visit(UploadMessage msg)
          The method for uploading arc files.

Constructors in dk.netarkivet.archive.checksum.distribute that throw ArgumentNotValid
CorrectMessage(ChannelID to, ChannelID replyTo, java.lang.String badChecksum, RemoteFile rf, java.lang.String repId, java.lang.String cred)

Uses of ArgumentNotValid in dk.netarkivet.archive.distribute

Constructors in dk.netarkivet.archive.distribute that throw ArgumentNotValid
ArchiveMessage(ChannelID to, ChannelID replyTo)
          Creates a new ArchiveMessage.

Uses of ArgumentNotValid in dk.netarkivet.archive.indexserver.distribute

Methods in dk.netarkivet.archive.indexserver.distribute that throw ArgumentNotValid
protected  java.util.Set<java.lang.Long> IndexRequestClient.cacheData(java.util.Set<java.lang.Long> jobSet)
          This method makes sure the actual caching of underlying data is done using the index server.
static IndexRequestClient IndexRequestClient.getInstance(RequestType type)
          Factory method returning an IndexRequestClient for the given type of index cache.
 void IndexRequestMessage.setFoundJobs(java.util.Set<java.lang.Long> foundJobs)
          On reply, set the set of jobs for which an index is found.
 void IndexRequestMessage.setResultFile(RemoteFile resultFile)
          On reply, set remote file containing index of requested jobs.
 void IndexRequestMessage.setResultFiles(java.util.List<RemoteFile> resultFiles)
          Set several result files making up an index of requested jobs.
 void IndexRequestServer.visit(IndexRequestMessage irMsg)
          Given a request for an index over a set of job ids, use a cache to try to create the index, Then reply result.

Constructors in dk.netarkivet.archive.indexserver.distribute that throw ArgumentNotValid
IndexRequestMessage(RequestType requestType, java.util.Set<java.lang.Long> jobSet)
          Generate an index request message.

Uses of ArgumentNotValid in dk.netarkivet.archive.webinterface

Methods in dk.netarkivet.archive.webinterface that throw ArgumentNotValid
static void BatchGUI.getBatchOverviewPage(javax.servlet.jsp.PageContext context)
          Method for creating the batchjob overview page.
static BatchGUI.getJarFile(java.lang.String classPath)
          Method for retrieving and validating the arc-file for a given DOOM!
static java.lang.String BatchGUI.getJobName(java.lang.String classPath)
          Method for extracting the name of the batchjob from the batchjob path.
static void BatchGUI.getPageForClass(javax.servlet.jsp.PageContext context)
          Method for creating the page for a batchjob.
static PreservationState BitpreserveFileState.processChecksumRequest(java.lang.StringBuilder res, javax.servlet.jsp.PageContext context)
          Processes a checksum request.
static java.util.Map<java.lang.String,PreservationState> BitpreserveFileState.processMissingRequest(javax.servlet.jsp.PageContext context, java.lang.StringBuilder res)
          Processes a missingFiles request.
static java.lang.String BitpreserveFileState.processUpdateRequest(javax.servlet.jsp.PageContext context)
          Extract the name of the replica (parameter Constants.BITARCHIVE_NAME_PARAM) and the type of update requested (parameter Constants.UPDATE_TYPE_PARAM).

Constructors in dk.netarkivet.archive.webinterface that throw ArgumentNotValid
BatchExecuter(FileBatchJob job, java.lang.String pattern, Replica replica)
          The constructor.
BitpreservationUpdateThread(Replica replica, BitpreservationUpdateType updateType)
          Constructor for the BitpreservationUpdateThread.

Uses of ArgumentNotValid in dk.netarkivet.common.distribute

Methods in dk.netarkivet.common.distribute that throw ArgumentNotValid
static ChannelID Channels.getBaMonForReplica(java.lang.String replicaId)
          Given an replica, returns the BAMON queue to which batch jobs must be sent in order to run them on that bitarchive.
static ChannelID Channels.retrieveReplicaChannelFromReplicaId(java.lang.String replicaId)
          The method for retrieving the identification channel for a replica based on the Id of this replica.
static java.lang.String Channels.retrieveReplicaChannelNameFromReplicaId(java.lang.String replicaId)
          The method for retrieving the name of the identification channel for a replica based on the Id of this replica.
static Replica Channels.retrieveReplicaFromIdentifierChannel(java.lang.String channelName)
          Method for extracting the replica from the name of the identifier channel.
static NetarkivetMessage JMSConnection.unpack(javax.jms.Message msg)
          Unwraps a NetarkivetMessage from an ObjectMessage.

Uses of ArgumentNotValid in dk.netarkivet.common.distribute.arcrepository

Methods in dk.netarkivet.common.distribute.arcrepository that throw ArgumentNotValid
 BatchStatus LocalArcRepositoryClient.batch(FileBatchJob job, java.lang.String replicaId, java.lang.String... args)
          Runs a batch job on each file in the ArcRepository. LocalArcRepositoryClient.correct(java.lang.String replicaId, java.lang.String checksum, file, java.lang.String credentials)
          Method for correcting a bad entry.
 BitarchiveRecord PreservationArcRepositoryClient.get(java.lang.String arcfile, long index)
          Gets a single ARC record out of the ArcRepository.
 BitarchiveRecord LocalArcRepositoryClient.get(java.lang.String arcfile, long index)
          Gets a single ARC record out of the ArcRepository.
 BitarchiveRecord ViewerArcRepositoryClient.get(java.lang.String arcfile, long index)
          Gets a single ARC record out of the ArcRepository.
 BitarchiveRecord ArcRepositoryClient.get(java.lang.String arcfile, long index)
          Gets a single ARC record out of the ArcRepository. LocalArcRepositoryClient.getAllChecksums(java.lang.String replicaId)
          Method for retrieving the checksums of all the files of the replica. LocalArcRepositoryClient.getAllFilenames(java.lang.String replicaId)
          Method for retrieving all the filenames of the replica.
 java.lang.String LocalArcRepositoryClient.getChecksum(java.lang.String replicaId, java.lang.String filename)
          Method for finding the checksum of a file.
 void file)
          Store the given file in the ArcRepository.
 void file)
          Store the given file in the ArcRepository.
 void file)
          Store the given file in the ArcRepository.
 void file)
          Store the given file in the ArcRepository.

Uses of ArgumentNotValid in dk.netarkivet.common.utils

Methods in dk.netarkivet.common.utils that throw ArgumentNotValid
<T> java.lang.String
StringUtils.conjoin(java.lang.String separator, java.util.Collection<T> objects, int max)
          Concatenate the string representation of a maximum number of objects in a collection with a given separator between them.
static java.lang.String Settings.get(java.lang.String key)
          Gets a setting.
static java.lang.String[] Settings.getAll(java.lang.String key)
          Gets a list of settings.
static boolean Settings.getBoolean(java.lang.String key)
          Gets a setting as a boolean.
static double Settings.getDouble(java.lang.String key)
          Gets a setting as a double.
static java.lang.String StreamUtils.getInputStreamAsString( in)
          Reads an input stream and returns it as a string.
static int Settings.getInt(java.lang.String key)
          Gets a setting as an int.
static long Settings.getLong(java.lang.String key)
          Gets a setting as a long.

Uses of ArgumentNotValid in dk.netarkivet.common.utils.arc

Methods in dk.netarkivet.common.utils.arc that throw ArgumentNotValid
 void ARCBatchJob.handleException(java.lang.Exception e, arcfile, long index)
          When the classes throw IOExceptions while reading, this is where they go.
 boolean ARCBatchJob.processFile( arcFile, os)
          Accepts only ARC and ARCGZ files.

Uses of ArgumentNotValid in dk.netarkivet.common.utils.batch

Methods in dk.netarkivet.common.utils.batch that throw ArgumentNotValid
static KeyValuePair<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> ChecksumJob.parseLine(java.lang.String line)
          Parse a line of output into a key-value pair.

Constructors in dk.netarkivet.common.utils.batch that throw ArgumentNotValid
BatchLocalFiles([] incomingFiles)
          Given an array of files, constructs a BatchLocalFiles instance to be used in running a batch job over those files.
LoadableFileBatchJob( classFile, java.util.List<java.lang.String> arguments)
          Create a new batch job that runs the loaded class.
LoadableJarBatchJob(java.lang.String jobClass, java.util.List<java.lang.String> arguments, jarFiles)
          Load a given class from a jar file.

Uses of ArgumentNotValid in dk.netarkivet.common.utils.cdx

Methods in dk.netarkivet.common.utils.cdx that throw ArgumentNotValid
 void CDXReader.addCDXRecordFilter(CDXRecordFilter cdxrecfilter)
          Add another CDXRecordFilter to the list of filters to use when searching.
static void CDXUtils.generateCDX( arcFileDirectory, cdxFileDirectory)
          Applies createCDXRecord() to all ARC files in a directory, creating one CDX file per ARC file.

Constructors in dk.netarkivet.common.utils.cdx that throw ArgumentNotValid
ARCFilenameCDXRecordFilter(java.lang.String arcfilenamepattern, java.lang.String filtername)
          Class constructor.
SimpleCDXRecordFilter(java.lang.String filtername)

Uses of ArgumentNotValid in dk.netarkivet.deploy

Methods in dk.netarkivet.deploy that throw ArgumentNotValid
static java.lang.String Constants.changeToXMLBeginScope(java.lang.String scope)
          Create the beginning of a scope in XML (e.g.
static java.lang.String Constants.changeToXMLEndScope(java.lang.String scope)
          Create the ending of a scope in XML (e.g.
static java.lang.String ScriptConstants.doubleBackslashes(java.lang.String path)
          Changes a string into correct formatted style.
static java.lang.String ScriptConstants.getLinuxPIDS(java.lang.String totalName, java.lang.String path, java.lang.String id)
          Creates the script for extracting the processes of a specific application, depending on the name of the application and the settings file.
 void Parameters.newParameters(org.dom4j.Element root)
          Overwrites the inherited parameters, if the root has new specified.
static java.lang.String ScriptConstants.replaceWindowsDirSeparators(java.lang.String path)
          Changes a string into correct formatted style.
static boolean Constants.validEnvironmentName(java.lang.String name)
          Checks whether a string is valid for environment name.
 void PhysicalLocation.write( directory)
          Initiate the creation of global scripts and machine scripts.
 void Machine.write( parentDirectory)
          Create the directory for the specific configurations of this machine and call the functions for creating all the scripts in this directory.
static java.lang.String ScriptConstants.writeInstallMachineHeader(java.lang.String login)
          The header for the install all script for the machine.
static java.lang.String ScriptConstants.writeKillMachineHeader(java.lang.String login)
          The header for the kill all script for the machine.
static java.lang.String ScriptConstants.writeSecurityPolicyDirPermission(java.lang.String dir)
          For giving readonly permission to a directory in the security policy.
static java.lang.String ScriptConstants.writeStartMachineHeader(java.lang.String login)
          The header for the start all script for the machine.

Constructors in dk.netarkivet.deploy that throw ArgumentNotValid
DeployConfiguration( deployConfigFileName, netarchiveSuiteFileName, secPolicyFileName, logPropFileName, java.lang.String outputDirName, dbFileName, arcdbFileName, boolean resetDir, externalJarFolder)
Machine(org.dom4j.Element subTreeRoot, XmlStructure parentSettings, Parameters param, java.lang.String netarchiveSuiteSource, logProp, securityPolicy, dbFileName, archiveDbFileName, boolean resetDir, externalJarFolder)
          A machine is referring to an actual computer at a physical location, which can have independent applications from the other machines at the same location.
Parameters(Parameters parent)
Parameters(XmlStructure root)
PhysicalLocation(org.dom4j.Element subTreeRoot, XmlStructure parentSettings, Parameters param, java.lang.String netarchiveSuiteSource, logProp, securityPolicy, dbFile, arcdbFile, boolean resetDir, externalJarFolder)
          The physical locations is referring to the position in the real world where the computers are located.

Uses of ArgumentNotValid in dk.netarkivet.harvester.datamodel

Methods in dk.netarkivet.harvester.datamodel that throw ArgumentNotValid
abstract  int GlobalCrawlerTrapListDAO.create(GlobalCrawlerTrapList trapList)
          This method creates the object in the database and has the side effect of setting the trapLists id field to the auto-generated id in the database.
static Job Job.createSnapShotJob(java.lang.Long harvestID, DomainConfiguration cfg, long maxObjectsPerDomain, long maxBytesPerDomain, long maxJobRunningTime, int harvestNum)
          Create new instance of Job suitable for snapshot harvesting.
abstract  Job jobID)
          Reads a job from persistent storage.

Constructors in dk.netarkivet.harvester.datamodel that throw ArgumentNotValid
AliasInfo(java.lang.String domain, java.lang.String aliasOf, java.util.Date lastChange)
          Constructor for the AliasInfo class.
GlobalCrawlerTrapList( is, java.lang.String name, java.lang.String description, boolean isActive)
          Construct a new GlobalCrawlerTrapList from an input stream consisting of newline-separated regular expressions.
GlobalCrawlerTrapList(int id, java.util.List<java.lang.String> traps, java.lang.String name, java.lang.String description, boolean isActive)
          Protected constructor used by the DAO to create instances of this class.
Job(java.lang.Long harvestID, DomainConfiguration cfg, JobPriority priority, long forceMaxObjectsPerDomain, long forceMaxBytesPerDomain, long forceMaxJobRunningTime, int harvestNum)
          Package private constructor for common initialisation.

Uses of ArgumentNotValid in dk.netarkivet.harvester.harvesting

Methods in dk.netarkivet.harvester.harvesting that throw ArgumentNotValid
static HarvestDocumentation.getCDXURI(java.lang.String harvestID, java.lang.String jobID, java.lang.String timeStamp, java.lang.String serialNumber)
          Generates a URI identifying CDX info for one harvested ARC file.
static HeritrixLauncher HeritrixLauncherFactory.getInstance(java.lang.Object... args)
          Returns an instance of the default HeritrixLauncher implementation defined by the setting dk.netarkivet.harvester.harvesting.heritrixLauncher.class .
static java.lang.String HarvestDocumentation.getMetadataARCFileName(java.lang.String jobID)
          Generates a name for an ARC file containing metadata regarding a given job.
static java.lang.String HarvestDocumentation.getPreharvestMetadataARCFileName(long jobID)
          Generates a name for an ARC file containing "preharvest" metadata regarding a given job (e.g.
 void HarvestController.runHarvest(HeritrixFiles files)
          Creates the actual HeritrixLauncher instance and runs it, after the various setup files have been written.
 HarvestReport HarvestController.storeFiles(HeritrixFiles files, java.lang.StringBuilder errorMessage, java.util.List<> failedFiles)
          Controls storing all files involved in a job.

Constructors in dk.netarkivet.harvester.harvesting that throw ArgumentNotValid
HeritrixLauncher(HeritrixFiles files)
          Private HeritrixLaucher constructor.

Uses of ArgumentNotValid in dk.netarkivet.harvester.harvesting.controller

Methods in dk.netarkivet.harvester.harvesting.controller that throw ArgumentNotValid
static HeritrixController HeritrixControllerFactory.getDefaultHeritrixController(java.lang.Object... args)
          Returns an instance of the default HeritrixController implementation defined by the setting dk.netarkivet.harvester.harvesting.heritrixController.class .
static DefaultHeritrixLauncher DefaultHeritrixLauncher.getInstance(HeritrixFiles files)
          Get instance of this class.
static BnfHeritrixLauncher BnfHeritrixLauncher.getInstance(HeritrixFiles files)
          Get instance of this class.

Uses of ArgumentNotValid in dk.netarkivet.harvester.harvesting.distribute

Methods in dk.netarkivet.harvester.harvesting.distribute that throw ArgumentNotValid
 void HarvestControllerServer.visit(DoOneCrawlMessage msg)
          Receives a DoOneCrawlMessage and call onDoOneCrawl.

Constructors in dk.netarkivet.harvester.harvesting.distribute that throw ArgumentNotValid
DoOneCrawlMessage(Job submittedJob, ChannelID to, PersistentJobData.HarvestDefinitionInfo harvestInfo, java.util.List<MetadataEntry> metadata)
          A NetarkivetMessage that contains a Job for Heritrix.

Uses of ArgumentNotValid in

Methods in that throw ArgumentNotValid
static StopReason AbstractHarvestReport.findDefaultStopReason( logFile)
          Find out whether we stopped normally in progress statistics log.
static HarvestReport HarvestReportFactory.generateHarvestReport(java.lang.Object... args)
          Returns an instance of the default HarvestReport implementation defined by the setting HarvesterSettings.HARVEST_REPORT_CLASS.
 java.lang.Long HarvestReport.getByteCount(java.lang.String domainName)
          Get the number of bytes downloaded for the given domain.
 java.lang.Long HarvestReport.getObjectCount(java.lang.String domainName)
          Get the number of objects found for the given domain.
 StopReason HarvestReport.getStopReason(java.lang.String domainName)
          Get the StopReason for the given domain.

Uses of ArgumentNotValid in dk.netarkivet.harvester.scheduler

Methods in dk.netarkivet.harvester.scheduler that throw ArgumentNotValid
 void HarvestDispatcher.doOneCrawl(Job job, java.lang.String origHarvestName, java.lang.String origHarvestDesc, java.lang.String origHarvestSchedule, java.util.List<MetadataEntry> metadata)
          Submit an doOneCrawl request to a HarvestControllerServer with correct priority.

Uses of ArgumentNotValid in dk.netarkivet.monitor.webinterface

Methods in dk.netarkivet.monitor.webinterface that throw ArgumentNotValid
static java.lang.String JMXSummaryUtils.createJMXQuery(java.lang.String[] parameters, JMXSummaryUtils.StarredRequest starredRequest)
          Build a JMX query string (ObjectName) from a request and a list of parameters to query for.
static java.lang.String JMXSummaryUtils.generateLink(JMXSummaryUtils.StarredRequest request, java.lang.String setPart, java.lang.String setValue, java.lang.String linkText)
          Generate an HTML link to the JMX summary page with one part of the URL parameters set to a specific value.
static java.lang.String JMXSummaryUtils.generateMessage(java.lang.String logMessage, java.util.Locale l)
          Make an HTML fragment that shows a log message preformatted.
static java.lang.String JMXSummaryUtils.generateShowAllLink(JMXSummaryUtils.StarredRequest starredRequest, java.lang.String parameter, java.util.Locale l)
          Generate HTML to show at the top of the table, containing a "show all" link if the parameter is currently restricted.
static java.lang.String JMXSummaryUtils.generateShowColumn(JMXSummaryUtils.StarredRequest starredRequest, java.util.Locale l)
          Creates the show links for showing columns again.
static java.lang.String JMXSummaryUtils.generateShowLink(JMXSummaryUtils.StarredRequest starredRequest, java.lang.String parameter, java.util.Locale l)
          Generate HTML to show at the top of the table, containing a "show all" and a "off" links if the parameter is currently restricted.
 java.lang.String JMXSummaryUtils.StarredRequest.getParameter(java.lang.String paramName)
          Gets a parameter from the original request, except if the parameter is unset, return the following.
static java.util.List<StatusEntry> JMXSummaryUtils.queryJMXFromRequest(java.lang.String[] parameters, JMXSummaryUtils.StarredRequest request, javax.servlet.jsp.PageContext context)
          Get status entries from JMX based on a request and some parameters.
static java.lang.String JMXSummaryUtils.reduceApplicationName(java.lang.String applicationName)
          Reduce the class name of an application to the essentials.
static java.lang.String JMXSummaryUtils.reduceHostname(java.lang.String hostname)
          Reduce a hostname to a more readable form.
static boolean JMXSummaryUtils.showColumn(JMXSummaryUtils.StarredRequest starredRequest, java.lang.String parameter)
          Tests if a parameter in the request is "-" (thus off).
static void JMXSummaryUtils.unregisterJMXInstance(java.lang.String[] parameters, JMXSummaryUtils.StarredRequest request, javax.servlet.jsp.PageContext context)
          Select zero or more beans from JMX and unregister these.

Constructors in dk.netarkivet.monitor.webinterface that throw ArgumentNotValid
JMXSummaryUtils.StarredRequest(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest req)
          Makes the request reusable for this class.