Package dk.netarkivet.common.utils

Interface Summary
CleanupIF Interface for classes which can be cleaned up by a shutdown hook.
FreeSpaceProvider This interface encapsulates providing the number of bytes free on the file system.
Named This interface describes objects that have a name.
StringTree<T> An interface defining a structure with nodes, subnodes and leaves.
XmlTree.ValueParser<T> This interface defines how the value of an xml leaf is parsed to get a value of type T.

Class Summary
ApplicationUtils This class provides functionality for starting applications.
CleanupHook Defines a ShutdownHook for a class which has a cleanup method.
DBUtils Various database related utilities.
DefaultFreeSpaceProvider Default Free Space Provider of the number of bytes free on the file system.
DiscardingOutputStream An OutputStream implementation that simply discards everything it gets.
DomainUtils Utilities for working with domain names.
EMailNotifications Handles serious errors by sending email.
EMailUtils Utilities for sending an email.
ExceptionUtils Utilities for reading a stacktrace.
FileArrayIterator<T> An iterator that iterates over elements that can be read from files, given an array of files.
FilebasedFreeSpaceProvider File Free Space Provider returns the number of bytes free out of a file.
FileUtils Misc.
FileUtils.FilenameParser A class for parsing an ARC filename as generated by our runs of Heritrix and retrieving components like harvestID and jobID.
FilterIterator<T,S> An iterator that filters out and converts items from another iterator.
FixedUURI Fixed UURI which extends UURI to fix an NPE bug in getReferencedHost.
FreeSpaceProviderFactory Factory for FreeSpaceProvider.
I18n Internationalization class.
InputStreamUtils This class provides various utilities for inputstreams.
IteratorUtils Various utilities to work with iterators more easily.
JMXUtils Various JMX-related utility functions that have nowhere better to live.
KeyValuePair<K,V> A generic Map.Entry class, useful for returning key-value-like results.
LargeFileGZIPInputStream Subclass of GZIPInputstream, including a workaround to support >2GB files.
MD5 A class that does MD5 checksumming We don't want everybody to have to do MessageDigest.getInstance() and hex conversion.
Notifications This class encapsulates reacting to a serious error message.
NotificationsFactory Get a notifications handler for serious errors.
PrintNotifications A notification implementation that prints notifications on System.err
ProcessUtils Various utilities for running processes -- not exactly Java's forte.
ReadOnlyByteArray Implements access to an array in a read-only fashion.
ResultSetIterator<T> Similar to a FilterIterator, but takes a java.sql.ResultSet (which is neither Iterable, Iterator nor Enumeration).
Settings Provides access to general application settings.
SettingsFactory<T> Generic class for creating class instances from class names given in settings.
ShutdownHook Defines a ShutdownHook for a class which has a cleanup method.
SimpleXml Utility class to load and save data from/to XML files using a very simple XML format.
SparseBitSet A sparse implementation of a BitSet, that does not require memory linear to the largest index.
SparseRangeFilter Identical subclass of RangeFilter from Lucene 2.0.0, except the bitset returned by SparseRangeFilter.bits(IndexReader) is sparse.
StreamUtils Utilities for handling streams.
StringUtils Utilities for working with strings.
SystemUtils Miscellanous utilities for getting system resources.
TableSort contains the data about how a table is sorted.
TimeUtils Various utilities for waiting some time.
WARCUtils Various utilities on WARC-records.
XmlTree<T> A class that implements the StringTree interface by backing it with XML.
XmlUtils Utilities for handling XML-files.
ZipUtils Utilities for interfacing with the (fairly low-level) package

Enum Summary
TableSort.SortOrder list of the sort order.