Class HarvestDispatcher

  extended by dk.netarkivet.harvester.distribute.HarvesterMessageHandler
      extended by dk.netarkivet.harvester.scheduler.HarvestDispatcher
All Implemented Interfaces:
ComponentLifeCycle, HarvesterMessageVisitor, javax.jms.MessageListener

public class HarvestDispatcher
extends HarvesterMessageHandler
implements javax.jms.MessageListener, ComponentLifeCycle

This class handles dispatching of scheduled Harvest jobs to the Harvest servers

The scheduler loads all active harvest definitions on a regular basis and extracts the scheduling information for each definition. When a harvest definition is scheduled to start the scheduler creates the corresponding harvest jobs and submits these to the active HarvestServers.

The dispatching of jobs occurs when the internal state (built by processing HarvesterStatusMessages) tracksq at least one available harvester for a given priority. A job of the same priority is then issued for each available harvester.

Note: Only one HarvestDispatcher should be running at a time.

Field Summary
protected static org.apache.commons.logging.Log log
          The logger to use.
Constructor Summary
          Create new instance of the HarvestDispatcher.
Method Summary
(package private)  void dispatchJobs()
          Dispatches new jobs.
 void doOneCrawl(Job job, java.lang.String origHarvestName, java.lang.String origHarvestDesc, java.lang.String origHarvestSchedule, java.util.List<MetadataEntry> metadata)
          Submit an doOneCrawl request to a HarvestControllerServer with correct priority.
 void shutdown()
          Release allocated resources (JMS connections) and stops dispatching harvest jobs, all without logging.
 void start()
          Start the thread responsible for reading Harvest definitions from the database, and dispatching the harvest job to the servers.
(package private)  void submitNewJobs()
          For each JobPriority, submits as many jobs as the internal state records available harvesters.
 void visit(HarvesterStatusMessage msg)
          This method should be overridden and implemented by a sub class if message handling is wanted.
Methods inherited from class dk.netarkivet.harvester.distribute.HarvesterMessageHandler
onMessage, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface javax.jms.MessageListener

Field Detail


protected static final org.apache.commons.logging.Log log
The logger to use.

Constructor Detail


public HarvestDispatcher()
Create new instance of the HarvestDispatcher.

Method Detail


public void start()
Start the thread responsible for reading Harvest definitions from the database, and dispatching the harvest job to the servers.

Specified by:
start in interface ComponentLifeCycle


void dispatchJobs()
Dispatches new jobs. First stops jobs with status STARTED, which have been on running for more than settings.harvester.scheduler.jobtimeouttime time. Then submits new jobs if crawlers are free.


void submitNewJobs()
For each JobPriority, submits as many jobs as the internal state records available harvesters.


public void doOneCrawl(Job job,
                       java.lang.String origHarvestName,
                       java.lang.String origHarvestDesc,
                       java.lang.String origHarvestSchedule,
                       java.util.List<MetadataEntry> metadata)
                throws ArgumentNotValid,
Submit an doOneCrawl request to a HarvestControllerServer with correct priority.

job - the specific job to send
origHarvestName - the harvest definition's name
origHarvestDesc - the harvest definition's description
origHarvestSchedule - the harvest definition schedule name
metadata - pre-harvest metadata to store in arcfile.
ArgumentNotValid - one of the parameters are null
IOFailure - if unable to send the doOneCrawl request to a harvestControllerServer


public void shutdown()
Release allocated resources (JMS connections) and stops dispatching harvest jobs, all without logging.

Specified by:
shutdown in interface ComponentLifeCycle


public void visit(HarvesterStatusMessage msg)
Description copied from class: HarvesterMessageHandler
This method should be overridden and implemented by a sub class if message handling is wanted.

Specified by:
visit in interface HarvesterMessageVisitor
visit in class HarvesterMessageHandler
msg - a HarvesterStatusMessage