Class DBSpecifics

    • Method Detail

      • getInstance

        public static DBSpecifics getInstance()
        Get the singleton instance of the DBSpecifics implementation class.
        An instance of DBSpecifics with implementations for a given DB.
      • shutdownDatabase

        public abstract void shutdownDatabase()
        Shutdown the database system, if running in embedded mode. Otherwise, this is ignored.

        Will log a warning on errors, but otherwise ignore them.

      • backupDatabase

        public abstract void backupDatabase​(java.sql.Connection c,
                                     throws java.sql.SQLException,
        Backup the database. For server-based databases, where the administrator is expected to perform the backups, this method should do nothing. This method gets called within one hour of the hour-of-day indicated by the DB_BACKUP_INIT_HOUR settings.
        backupDir - Directory to which the database should be backed up
        c - The connection to the database.
        java.sql.SQLException - On SQL trouble backing up database
        PermissionDenied - if the directory cannot be created.
      • getDriverClassName

        public abstract java.lang.String getDriverClassName()
        Get the name of the JDBC driver class that handles interfacing to this server.
        The name of a JDBC driver class