Class PostgreSQLSpecifics

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void backupDatabase​(java.sql.Connection c, backupDir)
      Backup the database.
      java.lang.String getDriverClassName()
      Get the name of the JDBC driver class that handles interfacing to this server.
      static DBSpecifics getInstance()
      Factory method discoverable by reflection from SettingsFactory.getInstance().
      void shutdownDatabase()
      Shutdown the database system, if running in embedded mode.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Method Detail

      • getInstance

        public static DBSpecifics getInstance()
        Factory method discoverable by reflection from SettingsFactory.getInstance().
        a new instance of theis class.
      • shutdownDatabase

        public void shutdownDatabase()
        Description copied from class: DBSpecifics
        Shutdown the database system, if running in embedded mode. Otherwise, this is ignored.

        Will log a warning on errors, but otherwise ignore them.

        Specified by:
        shutdownDatabase in class DBSpecifics
      • backupDatabase

        public void backupDatabase​(java.sql.Connection c,
                            throws java.sql.SQLException,
        Description copied from class: DBSpecifics
        Backup the database. For server-based databases, where the administrator is expected to perform the backups, this method should do nothing. This method gets called within one hour of the hour-of-day indicated by the DB_BACKUP_INIT_HOUR settings.
        Specified by:
        backupDatabase in class DBSpecifics
        c - The connection to the database.
        backupDir - Directory to which the database should be backed up
        java.sql.SQLException - On SQL trouble backing up database
        PermissionDenied - if the directory cannot be created.