Package dk.netarkivet.viewerproxy

This module gives access to previously harvested material, through a proxy solution.


Interface Summary
Controller The API for controlling the viewerproxy.
Request The Request interface is a very minimal version of a HTTP request.
Response The Response interface is a very minimal version of a HTTP response.
URIResolver Interface for all classes that may resolve requests and update response with result.
URIResolverHandler Interface for classes that use an URI resolver.

Class Summary
ARCArchiveAccess The ARCArchiveAccess class implements reading of ARC indexes and files.
CommandResolver An abstract superclass for URIResolvers that handle commands given to the server host (http://<>/<>/<>=<>*).
Constants Constants for the Viewerproxy module.
DelegatingController Control of viewer proxy.
GetDataResolver Wrapper for an URIResolver, which retrieves raw data on given specific URLs, and forwards all others to the wrapped handler.
LocalCDXCache Deprecated. Use JobIndexCache-mechanism instead
MissingURIRecorder This class handles recordings of URIs not found during URI lookup.
NotifyingURIResolver A wrapper class for URI resolver, which also notifies an URIObserver about all URIs visited and their response codes.
UnknownCommandResolver Wrapper for an URIResolver, which gives failures on specific specific URLs, and forwards all others to the wrapped handler.
URIObserver Super class for all URIObservers - calls the URIObserver notify method on all notifications of a URI and its response code.
URIObserver.URIResponseCodePair Helper class to be able to notify about a pair of .
ViewerProxy Singleton of a viewerproxy.
ViewerProxyApplication This class is used to start the ViewerProxy application.
ViewerProxySettings Settings specific to the viewerproxy module of NetarchiveSuite.
WebProxy The WebProxy is the ONLY viewerproxy class that interfaces with the Jetty classes.
WebProxy.HttpRequest A wrapper around the Jetty HttpRequest, giving the simple Request interface used in our URIResolvers.
WebProxy.HttpResponse A wrapper around the Jetty HttpResponse, giving the simple Response interface used in our URIResolvers.

Package dk.netarkivet.viewerproxy Description

This module gives access to previously harvested material, through a proxy solution.