Class ViewerProxySettings

  extended by dk.netarkivet.viewerproxy.ViewerProxySettings

public class ViewerProxySettings
extends java.lang.Object

Settings specific to the viewerproxy module of NetarchiveSuite.

Field Summary
static java.lang.String MAXIMUM_OBJECT_IN_BROWSER
          settings.viewerproxy.maxSizeInBrowser The size (in bytes) of the largest object to be returned for viewing in the browser window.
static java.lang.String TRY_LOOKUP_URI_AS_FTP
If we fail to lookup an URI, we will try changing the protocol to ftp, if this setting is set to true.
static java.lang.String VIEWERPROXY_DIR
The main directory for the ViewerProxy, used for storing the Lucene index for the jobs being viewed.
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static java.lang.String VIEWERPROXY_DIR
The main directory for the ViewerProxy, used for storing the Lucene index for the jobs being viewed. This directory can be used by multiple ViewerProxy applications running on the same machine.


public static java.lang.String TRY_LOOKUP_URI_AS_FTP
If we fail to lookup an URI, we will try changing the protocol to ftp, if this setting is set to true. The default is false.


public static java.lang.String MAXIMUM_OBJECT_IN_BROWSER
settings.viewerproxy.maxSizeInBrowser The size (in bytes) of the largest object to be returned for viewing in the browser window. Larger objects will be returned with the appropriate http header for saving them to a file.

Constructor Detail


public ViewerProxySettings()