Uses of Class

Packages that use Job
dk.netarkivet.harvester.harvesting This module handles defining, scheduling, and execution of harvests. 

Uses of Job in dk.netarkivet.harvester.datamodel

Methods in dk.netarkivet.harvester.datamodel that return Job
static Job Job.createJob(java.lang.Long harvestID, DomainConfiguration cfg, int harvestNum)
          Create new Job configured according to the properties of the supplied DomainConfiguration.
static Job Job.createSnapShotJob(java.lang.Long harvestID, DomainConfiguration cfg, long maxObjectsPerDomain, long maxBytesPerDomain, long maxJobRunningTime, int harvestNum)
          Create new instance of Job suitable for snapshot harvesting.
protected  Job PartialHarvest.getNewJob(DomainConfiguration cfg)
          Get a new Job suited for this type of HarvestDefinition.
protected  Job FullHarvest.getNewJob(DomainConfiguration cfg)
          Get a new Job suited for this type of HarvestDefinition.
protected abstract  Job HarvestDefinition.getNewJob(DomainConfiguration cfg)
          Get a new Job suited for this type of HarvestDefinition.
 Job jobID)
          Read a single job from the job database.
abstract  Job jobID)
          Reads a job from persistent storage.

Methods in dk.netarkivet.harvester.datamodel that return types with arguments of type Job
 java.util.Iterator<Job> JobDBDAO.getAll()
          Return a list of all jobs.
abstract  java.util.Iterator<Job> JobDAO.getAll()
          Return a list of all jobs .
 java.util.Iterator<Job> JobDBDAO.getAll(JobStatus status)
          Return a list of all jobs with the given status, ordered by id.
abstract  java.util.Iterator<Job> JobDAO.getAll(JobStatus status)
          Return a list of all jobs with the given status.
 java.util.Iterator<Job> JobDAO.iterator()
          Gets an iterator of all jobs.

Methods in dk.netarkivet.harvester.datamodel with parameters of type Job
 void JobDBDAO.create(Job job)
          Creates an instance in persistent storage of the given job.
abstract  void JobDAO.create(Job job)
          Creates an instance in persistent storage of the given job.
abstract  HarvestInfo DomainDAO.getDomainJobInfo(Job job, java.lang.String domainName, java.lang.String configName)
          Get the HarvestInfo object for a certain job and DomainConfiguration defined by domainName and configName.
 HarvestInfo DomainDBDAO.getDomainJobInfo(Job j, java.lang.String domainName, java.lang.String configName)
 void JobDBDAO.update(Job job)
          Update a Job in persistent storage.
abstract  void JobDAO.update(Job job)
          Update a Job in persistent storage.

Uses of Job in dk.netarkivet.harvester.harvesting

Methods in dk.netarkivet.harvester.harvesting with parameters of type Job
 HeritrixFiles HarvestController.writeHarvestFiles( crawldir, Job job, PersistentJobData.HarvestDefinitionInfo hdi, java.util.List<MetadataEntry> metadataEntries)
          Writes the files involved with a harvests.

Uses of Job in dk.netarkivet.harvester.harvesting.distribute

Methods in dk.netarkivet.harvester.harvesting.distribute that return Job
 Job DoOneCrawlMessage.getJob()

Methods in dk.netarkivet.harvester.harvesting.distribute with parameters of type Job
 void PersistentJobData.write(Job harvestJob, PersistentJobData.HarvestDefinitionInfo hdi)
          Write information about given Job to XML-structure.

Constructors in dk.netarkivet.harvester.harvesting.distribute with parameters of type Job
DoOneCrawlMessage(Job submittedJob, ChannelID to, PersistentJobData.HarvestDefinitionInfo harvestInfo, java.util.List<MetadataEntry> metadata)
          A NetarkivetMessage that contains a Job for Heritrix.

Uses of Job in

Methods in with parameters of type Job
 void LegacyHarvestReport.postProcess(Job job)
          Post-processing happens on the scheduler side when ARC files have been uploaded.
 void BnfHarvestReport.postProcess(Job job)
          Post-processing happens on the scheduler side when ARC files have been uploaded.
abstract  void AbstractHarvestReport.postProcess(Job job)
          Post-processing happens on the scheduler side when ARC files have been uploaded.
 void HarvestReport.postProcess(Job job)
          Post-processing happens on the scheduler side when ARC files have been uploaded.

Uses of Job in dk.netarkivet.harvester.scheduler

Methods in dk.netarkivet.harvester.scheduler with parameters of type Job
 void JobDispatcher.doOneCrawl(Job job, java.lang.String origHarvestName, java.lang.String origHarvestDesc, java.lang.String origHarvestSchedule, java.util.List<MetadataEntry> metadata)
          Submit an doOneCrawl request to a HarvestControllerServer.