Uses of Class

Packages that use ChannelID

Uses of ChannelID in dk.netarkivet.archive.arcrepository.distribute

Constructors in dk.netarkivet.archive.arcrepository.distribute with parameters of type ChannelID
StoreMessage(ChannelID replyTo, arcfile)
          Construct StoreMessage.

Uses of ChannelID in dk.netarkivet.archive.bitarchive

Fields in dk.netarkivet.archive.bitarchive declared as ChannelID
 ChannelID BitarchiveMonitor.BatchJobStatus.originalRequestReplyTo
          The reply channel for the original request.

Methods in dk.netarkivet.archive.bitarchive with parameters of type ChannelID
 void BitarchiveMonitor.registerBatch(java.lang.String requestID, ChannelID requestReplyTo, java.lang.String bitarchiveBatchID, long timeout)
          Register a new batch sent to the bitarchives.

Uses of ChannelID in dk.netarkivet.archive.bitarchive.distribute

Methods in dk.netarkivet.archive.bitarchive.distribute with parameters of type ChannelID
static BitarchiveClient BitarchiveClient.getInstance(ChannelID allBaIn, ChannelID anyBaIn, ChannelID theBamonIn)
          Factory that establish the connection to the server.
 BatchMessage BitarchiveClient.sendBatchJob(ChannelID replyChannel, FileBatchJob job)
          Submit a batch job to the archive.
 GetChecksumMessage BitarchiveClient.sendGetChecksumMessage(ChannelID replyChannel, java.lang.String filename)
          Method for retrieving the checksum of a specific arcfile within the archive.

Constructors in dk.netarkivet.archive.bitarchive.distribute with parameters of type ChannelID
BatchEndedMessage(ChannelID to, java.lang.String originatingBatchMsgId, BatchStatus status)
          Message to signal from a BitarchiveServer to the BitarchiveMonitorServer that the Bit Archive Application identified by BA_ApplicationId has completed its part of the batch job.
BatchEndedMessage(ChannelID to, java.lang.String baAppId, java.lang.String originatingBatchMsgId, RemoteFile rf)
          Message to signal from a BitarchiveServer to the BitarchiveMonitorServer that the Bit Archive Application identified by BA_ApplicationId has completed its part of the batch job.
BatchMessage(ChannelID to, ChannelID replyTo, FileBatchJob job, java.lang.String replicaId, java.lang.String... arguments)
          Creates a BatchMessage object which can be used to initiate a batch job.
BatchMessage(ChannelID to, ChannelID replyTo, FileBatchJob job, java.lang.String replicaId, java.lang.String batchId, java.lang.String... arguments)
          Creates a BatchMessage object which can be used to initiate a batch job.
BatchMessage(ChannelID to, FileBatchJob job, java.lang.String replicaId)
          Creates a BatchMessage object which can be used to initiate a batch job.
BatchReplyMessage(ChannelID to, ChannelID replyTo, java.lang.String originatingBatchMsgId, int filesProcessed, java.util.Collection<> failedFiles, RemoteFile resultFile)
          Message to signal from BitarchiveMonitorServer that the batch job identified by originatingBatchMsgId is completed.
BatchTerminationMessage(ChannelID to, ChannelID replyTo, java.lang.String batchID)
BatchTerminationMessage(ChannelID to, java.lang.String batchID)
GetFileMessage(ChannelID to, ChannelID replyTo, java.lang.String arcfileName, java.lang.String replicaId)
          Constructor for get file message.
GetMessage(ChannelID to, ChannelID replyTo, java.lang.String arcfile, long index)
HeartBeatMessage(ChannelID inReceiver, java.lang.String applicationId)
          Creates a heartbeat message.
HeartBeatSender(ChannelID inReceiver, BitarchiveServer inBaServer)
          Constructs a HearBeatSender that sends heartbeats.
RemoveAndGetFileMessage(ChannelID to, ChannelID replyTo, java.lang.String fileName, java.lang.String replicaId, java.lang.String checksum, java.lang.String credentials)
UploadMessage(ChannelID to, ChannelID replyTo, RemoteFile rf)
          Construct UploadMessage.

Uses of ChannelID in dk.netarkivet.archive.checksum.distribute

Fields in dk.netarkivet.archive.checksum.distribute declared as ChannelID
protected  ChannelID ChecksumArchiveServer.theCR
          The channel used for communication.

Methods in dk.netarkivet.archive.checksum.distribute with parameters of type ChannelID
static ChecksumClient ChecksumClient.getInstance(ChannelID theCRin)
          The method for invoking an instance of this class.
 BatchMessage ChecksumClient.sendBatchJob(ChannelID replyChannel, FileBatchJob job)
          Method for sending batch job messages to the replica.
 GetChecksumMessage ChecksumClient.sendGetChecksumMessage(ChannelID replyChannel, java.lang.String filename)
          Method for retrieving the checksum of a specific arcfile within the archive.

Constructors in dk.netarkivet.archive.checksum.distribute with parameters of type ChannelID
CorrectMessage(ChannelID to, ChannelID replyTo, java.lang.String badChecksum, RemoteFile rf, java.lang.String repId, java.lang.String cred)
GetAllChecksumsMessage(ChannelID to, ChannelID replyTo, java.lang.String repId)
GetAllFilenamesMessage(ChannelID to, ChannelID replyTo, java.lang.String repId)
GetChecksumMessage(ChannelID to, ChannelID replyTo, java.lang.String filename, java.lang.String repId)

Uses of ChannelID in dk.netarkivet.archive.distribute

Methods in dk.netarkivet.archive.distribute with parameters of type ChannelID
 BatchMessage ReplicaClient.sendBatchJob(ChannelID replyChannel, FileBatchJob job)
          Method for sending batch message and retrieving the results.
 GetChecksumMessage ReplicaClient.sendGetChecksumMessage(ChannelID replyChannel, java.lang.String filename)
          Retrieves the checksum for a specific file.

Constructors in dk.netarkivet.archive.distribute with parameters of type ChannelID
ArchiveMessage(ChannelID to, ChannelID replyTo)
          Creates a new ArchiveMessage.

Uses of ChannelID in dk.netarkivet.archive.indexserver.distribute

Constructors in dk.netarkivet.archive.indexserver.distribute with parameters of type ChannelID
IndexRequestMessage(RequestType requestType, java.util.Set<java.lang.Long> jobSet, ChannelID replyTo, boolean returnIndex, java.lang.Long harvestId)
          Generate an IndexRequestMessage that can send its reply to a specific channel.

Uses of ChannelID in dk.netarkivet.common.distribute

Methods in dk.netarkivet.common.distribute that return ChannelID
static ChannelID[] Channels.getAllArchives_ALL_BAs()
          Returns ALL_BA channels for every known bitarchive.
static ChannelID[] Channels.getAllArchives_ANY_BAs()
          Returns ANY_BA channels for every known bitarchive.
static ChannelID[] Channels.getAllArchives_BAMONs()
          Returns BAMON channels for every known bitarchive (replica).
static ChannelID[] Channels.getAllArchives_CRs()
          Returns the channels for the all Checksum replicas.
static ChannelID Channels.getAllBa()
          Returns the topic that all bitarchive machines on this replica are listening on.
static ChannelID Channels.getAnyBa()
          Returns the channel where exactly one of all the bitarchive machines at this replica will get the message.
static ChannelID Channels.getAnyHighpriorityHaco()
          Returns the queue which is used by the scheduler to send doOneCrawl to Harvest Controllers of high priority (selective harvests).
static ChannelID Channels.getAnyLowpriorityHaco()
          Returns the queue which is used by the scheduler to send doOneCrawl to Harvest Controllers of low priority (snapshot harvests).
static ChannelID Channels.getBaMonForReplica(java.lang.String replicaId)
          Given an replica, returns the BAMON queue to which batch jobs must be sent in order to run them on that bitarchive.
static ChannelID Channels.getError()
          Returns the queue on which to put errors which are not handled elsewhere.
static ChannelID Channels.getHarvestDispatcherChannel()
          Return the queue for the harvest dispatcher.
static ChannelID Channels.getHarvestMonitorChannel()
          Return the queue for the harvest monitor registry.
 ChannelID NetarkivetMessage.getReplyTo()
          Retrieve specified reply channel.
static ChannelID Channels.getTheBamon()
          Returns the queue for sending messages to bitarchive monitors.
static ChannelID Channels.getTheCR()
          Method for retrieving the 'THE_CR' channel for this replica.
static ChannelID Channels.getTheCrForReplica(java.lang.String replicaId)
static ChannelID Channels.getTheIndexServer()
          Returns the queue for sending messages to the IndexServer application.
static ChannelID Channels.getTheMonitorServer()
          Return the queue for the monitor registry.
static ChannelID Channels.getTheRepos()
          Returns the queue on which all messages to the Repository are sent.
static ChannelID Channels.getTheSched()
          Returns the queue on which HarvestControllers reply with status messages to the HarvestScheduler.
static ChannelID Channels.getThisIndexClient()
          Returns the queue for getting responses from the IndexServer application.
static ChannelID Channels.getThisReposClient()
          Returns the one-per-client queue on which client receives replies from the arcrepository.
 ChannelID NetarkivetMessage.getTo()
          Retrieve initial destination.
static ChannelID Channels.retrieveReplicaChannelFromReplicaId(java.lang.String replicaId)
          The method for retrieving the identification channel for a replica based on the Id of this replica.

Methods in dk.netarkivet.common.distribute with parameters of type ChannelID
 javax.jms.QueueBrowser JMSConnection.createQueueBrowser(ChannelID queueID)
          Creates a QueueBrowser object to peek at the messages on the specified queue.
 void JMSConnection.removeListener(ChannelID mq, javax.jms.MessageListener ml)
          Removes the specified MessageListener from the given queue or topic.
 void JMSConnection.resend(NetarkivetMessage msg, ChannelID to)
          Sends a message msg to the channel defined by the parameter to - NOT the channel defined in the message.
protected  void JMSConnection.sendMessage(NetarkivetMessage nMsg, ChannelID to)
          Submit an ObjectMessage to the destination channel.
 void JMSConnection.setListener(ChannelID mq, javax.jms.MessageListener ml)
          Method adds a listener to the given queue or topic.

Constructors in dk.netarkivet.common.distribute with parameters of type ChannelID
NetarkivetMessage(ChannelID to, ChannelID replyTo)
          Creates a new NetarkivetMessage.

Uses of ChannelID in dk.netarkivet.common.distribute.arcrepository

Methods in dk.netarkivet.common.distribute.arcrepository that return ChannelID
 ChannelID Replica.getIdentificationChannel()
          Get the identification channel that corresponds to this replica.

Uses of ChannelID in dk.netarkivet.harvester.distribute

Constructors in dk.netarkivet.harvester.distribute with parameters of type ChannelID
HarvesterMessage(ChannelID to, ChannelID replyTo)
          Creates a new HarvesterMessage.
IndexReadyMessage(java.lang.Long harvestId, ChannelID to, ChannelID replyTo)
          Constructor for the IndexReadyMessage.

Uses of ChannelID in dk.netarkivet.harvester.harvesting.distribute

Methods in dk.netarkivet.harvester.harvesting.distribute that return ChannelID
static ChannelID JobChannelUtil.getChannel(JobPriority jobPriority)
          Finds channels based on the priority of jobs.

Constructors in dk.netarkivet.harvester.harvesting.distribute with parameters of type ChannelID
DoOneCrawlMessage(Job submittedJob, ChannelID to, PersistentJobData.HarvestDefinitionInfo harvestInfo, java.util.List<MetadataEntry> metadata)
          A NetarkivetMessage that contains a Job for Heritrix.

Uses of ChannelID in dk.netarkivet.harvester.harvesting.monitor

Fields in dk.netarkivet.harvester.harvesting.monitor declared as ChannelID
static ChannelID HarvestMonitor.HARVEST_MONITOR_CHANNEL_ID
          The JMS channel on which to listen for CrawlProgressMessages.

Uses of ChannelID in dk.netarkivet.monitor.distribute

Constructors in dk.netarkivet.monitor.distribute with parameters of type ChannelID
MonitorMessage(ChannelID to, ChannelID replyTo)
          Creates a new MonitorMessage.