Uses of Class

Packages that use HarvestDefinition

Uses of HarvestDefinition in dk.netarkivet.harvester.datamodel

Subclasses of HarvestDefinition in dk.netarkivet.harvester.datamodel
 class FullHarvest
          This class contains the specific properties and operations of snapshot harvest definitions.
 class PartialHarvest
          This class contains the specific properties and operations of harvest definitions which are not snapshot harvest definitions.

Methods in dk.netarkivet.harvester.datamodel that return HarvestDefinition
abstract  HarvestDefinition HarvestDefinitionDAO.getHarvestDefinition(java.lang.String name)
          Get the harvest definition that has the given name, or null, if no harvestdefinition exist with this name.
 HarvestDefinition HarvestDefinitionDBDAO.getHarvestDefinition(java.lang.String name)
          Get the harvest definition that has the given name, if any.
 HarvestDefinition FullHarvest.getPreviousHarvestDefinition()
          Get the previous HarvestDefinition which is used to base this.
abstract  HarvestDefinition harvestDefinitionID)
          Read the stored harvest definition for the given ID.
 HarvestDefinition harvestDefinitionID)
          Read the stored harvest definition for the given ID.

Methods in dk.netarkivet.harvester.datamodel that return types with arguments of type HarvestDefinition
abstract  java.util.Iterator<HarvestDefinition> HarvestDefinitionDAO.getAllHarvestDefinitions()
          Get a list of all existing harvest definitions.
 java.util.Iterator<HarvestDefinition> HarvestDefinitionDBDAO.getAllHarvestDefinitions()
          Get a list of all existing harvest definitions ordered by name.
 java.util.Iterator<HarvestDefinition> HarvestDefinitionDAO.iterator()
          Get an iterator of all harvest definitions.

Methods in dk.netarkivet.harvester.datamodel with parameters of type HarvestDefinition
abstract  java.lang.Long HarvestDefinitionDAO.create(HarvestDefinition harvestDefinition)
          Create a harvest definition in persistent storage.
 java.lang.Long HarvestDefinitionDBDAO.create(HarvestDefinition harvestDefinition)
          Create a harvest definition in Database.
 java.util.Iterator<HarvestInfo> DomainDAO.getHarvestInfoBasedOnPreviousHarvestDefinition(HarvestDefinition previousHarvestDefinition)
          Find all info about results of a harvest definition.
abstract  void HarvestDefinitionDAO.update(HarvestDefinition harvestDefinition)
          Update an existing harvest definition with new info in persistent storage.
 void HarvestDefinitionDBDAO.update(HarvestDefinition hd)
          Update an existing harvest definition with new info.