Class FullHarvest

  extended by dk.netarkivet.harvester.datamodel.HarvestDefinition
      extended by dk.netarkivet.harvester.datamodel.FullHarvest
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class FullHarvest
extends HarvestDefinition

This class contains the specific properties and operations of snapshot harvest definitions.

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class dk.netarkivet.harvester.datamodel.HarvestDefinition
comments, edition, harvestDefName, isActive, numEvents, oid, submissionDate
Constructor Summary
FullHarvest(java.lang.String harvestDefName, java.lang.String comments, java.lang.Long previousHarvestDefinitionOid, long maxCountObjects, long maxBytes, long maxJobRunningTime)
          Create new instance of FullHarvest configured according to the properties of the supplied DomainConfiguration.
Method Summary
 java.util.Iterator<DomainConfiguration> getDomainConfigurations()
          Returns an iterator of domain configurations for this harvest definition.
 long getMaxBytes()
          Get the maximum number of bytes that this fullharvest will harvest per domain, 0 for no limit.
 long getMaxCountObjects()
          Returns how many objects to harvest per domain, or 0 for no limit.
 long getMaxJobRunningTime()
protected  Job getNewJob(DomainConfiguration cfg)
          Get a new Job suited for this type of HarvestDefinition.
 HarvestDefinition getPreviousHarvestDefinition()
          Get the previous HarvestDefinition which is used to base this.
 boolean isSnapShot()
          Returns whether this HarvestDefinition represents a snapshot harvest.
 boolean runNow(java.util.Date now)
          Check if this harvest definition should be run, given the time now.
 void setMaxBytes(long maxBytes)
          Set the limit for how many bytes this fullharvest will harvest per domain, or -1 for no limit.
 void setMaxCountObjects(long maxCountObjects)
 void setMaxJobRunningTime(long maxJobRunningtime)
          Set the limit for how many seconds each crawljob in this fullharvest will run, or 0 for no limit.
 void setPreviousHarvestDefinition(java.lang.Long prev)
          Set the previous HarvestDefinition which is used to base this.
Methods inherited from class dk.netarkivet.harvester.datamodel.HarvestDefinition
createFullHarvest, createJobs, createPartialHarvest, equals, getActive, getComments, getEdition, getName, getNumEvents, getOid, getSubmissionDate, hashCode, hasID, makeJobs, setActive, setComments, setEdition, setNumEvents, setOid, setSubmissionDate, toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public FullHarvest(java.lang.String harvestDefName,
                   java.lang.String comments,
                   java.lang.Long previousHarvestDefinitionOid,
                   long maxCountObjects,
                   long maxBytes,
                   long maxJobRunningTime)
Create new instance of FullHarvest configured according to the properties of the supplied DomainConfiguration.

harvestDefName - the name of the harvest definition
comments - comments
previousHarvestDefinitionOid - This harvestDefinition is used to create this Fullharvest definition.
maxCountObjects - Limit for how many objects can be fetched per domain
maxBytes - Limit for how many bytes can be fetched per domain
maxJobRunningTime - Limit on how much time can be spent on each job. 0 means no limit
Method Detail


protected Job getNewJob(DomainConfiguration cfg)
Get a new Job suited for this type of HarvestDefinition.

Specified by:
getNewJob in class HarvestDefinition
cfg - The configuration to use when creating the job
a new job


public HarvestDefinition getPreviousHarvestDefinition()
Get the previous HarvestDefinition which is used to base this.

The previous HarvestDefinition


public void setPreviousHarvestDefinition(java.lang.Long prev)
Set the previous HarvestDefinition which is used to base this.

prev - The id of a HarvestDefinition


public long getMaxCountObjects()
Description copied from class: HarvestDefinition
Returns how many objects to harvest per domain, or 0 for no limit.

Specified by:
getMaxCountObjects in class HarvestDefinition
Returns the maxCountObjects.


public void setMaxCountObjects(long maxCountObjects)
maxCountObjects - The maxCountObjects to set.


public long getMaxBytes()
Get the maximum number of bytes that this fullharvest will harvest per domain, 0 for no limit.

Specified by:
getMaxBytes in class HarvestDefinition
Total download limit in bytes per domain.


public void setMaxBytes(long maxBytes)
Set the limit for how many bytes this fullharvest will harvest per domain, or -1 for no limit.

maxBytes - Number of bytes to stop harvesting at.


public java.util.Iterator<DomainConfiguration> getDomainConfigurations()
Returns an iterator of domain configurations for this harvest definition. Domains are filtered out if, on the previous harvest, they: 1) were completed 2) reached their maxBytes limit (and the maxBytes limit has not changed since time of harvest) 3) reached their maxObjects limit (and the maxObjects limit has not changed since time of harvest) 4) died uncleanly (e.g. due to a manual shutdown of heritrix) on their last harvest. Domains are also excluded if they are aliases of another domain.

Specified by:
getDomainConfigurations in class HarvestDefinition
Iterator containing information about the domain configurations


public boolean runNow(java.util.Date now)
Check if this harvest definition should be run, given the time now.

Specified by:
runNow in class HarvestDefinition
now - The current time
true if harvest definition should be run


public boolean isSnapShot()
Returns whether this HarvestDefinition represents a snapshot harvest.

Specified by:
isSnapShot in class HarvestDefinition
Returns true


public long getMaxJobRunningTime()
Returns the max job running time


public void setMaxJobRunningTime(long maxJobRunningtime)
Set the limit for how many seconds each crawljob in this fullharvest will run, or 0 for no limit.

maxJobRunningtime - max number of seconds