Class IndexRequestClient

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class IndexRequestClient
    extends MultiFileBasedCache<Long>
    implements JobIndexCache
    Client for index request server.

    Allows to request an index of some type over a list of jobs. Factory method will return the index request client of the type wished.

    • Field Detail


        public static final String INDEXREQUEST_TIMEOUT
        Setting for the amount of time, in milliseconds, we should wait for replies when issuing a call to generate an index over some jobs.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final String INDEXREQUEST_USE_LOCAL_FTPSERVER
        Setting for using the ftpserver assigned to the client instead of the one assigned to the indexserver. Set to false by default.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Method Detail

      • getInstance

        public static IndexRequestClient getInstance​(RequestType type)
                                              throws ArgumentNotValid
        Factory method returning an IndexRequestClient for the given type of index cache.
        type - The type of this cache.
        The singleton instance dedicated to this type of index requests.
        ArgumentNotValid - if type is null.
      • cacheData

        protected Set<Long> cacheData​(Set<Long> jobSet)
                               throws IOFailure,
        This method makes sure the actual caching of underlying data is done using the index server. It will convert calls into an IndexRequestMessage which is sent to the server. The Set<Long> of found jobs, and the side effect of caching the index, is done using this communication with the server. The resulting files will be unzipped into the cache dir.

        This method should not be called directly! Instead call cache() or getIndex().

        Specified by:
        cacheData in class FileBasedCache<Set<Long>>
        jobSet - The set of job IDs.
        The set of found job IDs.
        ArgumentNotValid - on null argument; or on wrong parameters in replied message.
        IOFailure - on trouble in communication or invalid reply types.
        IllegalState - if message is not OK.
        See Also:
        FileBasedCache.cache(T), FileBasedCache.getIndex(T)
      • getIndexTimeout

        protected long getIndexTimeout()
        How long should we wait for index replies?
        Index timeout value in milliseconds.
      • useLocalFtpserver

        protected boolean useLocalFtpserver()
        Check if we should use local ftpserver or not, provided you are using FTPRemoteFile as the CommonSettings.REMOTE_FILE_CLASS. This always returns false, when CommonSettings.REMOTE_FILE_CLASS is not FTPRemoteFile.
        true, if we should use the local ftpserver when retrieving data from the indexserver, false, if the indexserver should decide for us.