Class JobDAO

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    DAO, Iterable<Job>
    Direct Known Subclasses:

    public abstract class JobDAO
    extends Object
    implements DAO, Iterable<Job>
    Interface for creating and accessing jobs in persistent storage.
    • Constructor Detail

      • JobDAO

        protected JobDAO()
        constructor used when creating singleton. Do not call directly.
    • Method Detail

      • getInstance

        public static JobDAO getInstance()
        Gets the JobDAO singleton.
        the JobDAO singleton
      • create

        public abstract void create​(Job job)
        Creates an instance in persistent storage of the given job. If the job doesn't have an ID, one is generated for it.
        job - a job to create in persistent storage.
        PermissionDenied - If a job already exists in persistent storage with id of the given job
        IOFailure - If some IOException occurs while writing the job
      • exists

        public abstract boolean exists​(Long jobID)
        Check whether a particular job exists.
        jobID - Id of the job.
        true if the job exists in any state.
      • getCountJobs

        public abstract int getCountJobs()
        Returns the number of jobs existing.
        Number of jobs in jobs directory
      • read

        public abstract Job read​(long jobID)
                          throws ArgumentNotValid,
        Reads a job from persistent storage.
        jobID - The ID of the job to read
        a Job instance
        ArgumentNotValid - If failed to create job instance in case the configuration or priority is null, or the harvestID is invalid.
        UnknownID - If the job with the given jobID does not exist in persistent storage.
        IOFailure - If the loaded ID of job does not match the expected.
      • update

        public abstract void update​(Job job)
                             throws IOFailure
        Update a Job in persistent storage.
        job - The Job to update
        ArgumentNotValid - If the Job is null
        UnknownID - If the Job doesn't exist in the DAO
        IOFailure - If writing the job to persistent storage fails
        PermissionDenied - If the job has been updated behind our backs
      • reset

        public static void reset()
        Reset the DAO instance. Only for use from within tests.
      • getAll

        public abstract Iterator<Job> getAll​(JobStatus status)
        Return a list of all jobs with the given status.
        status - A given status.
        A list of all job with given status
        ArgumentNotValid - If the given status is not one of the six valid states specified in JobStatus.
      • getAllJobIds

        public abstract Iterator<Long> getAllJobIds​(JobStatus status)
        Return a list of all job_id's representing jobs with the given status.
        status - A given status.
        A list of all job_id's representing jobs with given status
        ArgumentNotValid - If the given status is not one of the six valid states specified in JobStatus.
      • getAllJobIds

        public abstract Iterator<Long> getAllJobIds​(JobStatus status,
                                                    HarvestChannel channel)
        Return a list of all job_id's representing jobs with the given status and channel.
        status - A given status
        channel - A given HarvestChannel
        A list of all job_id's representing jobs with given status and channel.
      • getAll

        public abstract Iterator<Job> getAll()
        Return a list of all jobs .
        A list of all jobs
      • iterator

        public Iterator<Job> iterator()
        Gets an iterator of all jobs. Implements the Iterable interface.
        Specified by:
        iterator in interface Iterable<Job>
        Iterator of all jobs, regardless of status.
      • getAllJobIds

        public abstract Iterator<Long> getAllJobIds()
        Return a list of all job_ids .
        A list of all job_ids
      • getStatusInfo

        public abstract HarvestStatus getStatusInfo​(HarvestStatusQuery query)
        Return status information for all jobs defined by the supplied query.
        query - the user query
        A HarvestStatus object corresponding to the given query.
        IOFailure - on trouble in database access
      • getStatusInfo

        public abstract List<JobStatusInfo> getStatusInfo​(JobStatus status)
        Return status information for all jobs with given job status.
        status - The status asked for.
        A list of status objects with the pertinent information for all jobs with given job status.
        IOFailure - on trouble in database access
      • getJobIDsForDuplicateReduction

        public abstract List<Long> getJobIDsForDuplicateReduction​(long jobID)
                                                           throws UnknownID
        Calculate all jobIDs to use for duplication reduction.

        More precisely, this method calculates the following: If the job ID corresponds to a partial harvest, all jobIDs from the previous scheduled harvest are returned, or the empty list if this harvest hasn't been scheduled before.

        If the job ID corresponds to a full harvest, the entire chain of harvests this is based on is returned, and all jobIDs from the previous chain of full harvests is returned.

        jobID - The job ID to find duplicate reduction data for.
        A list of job IDs (possibly empty) of potential previous harvests of this job, to use for duplicate reduction.
        UnknownID - if job ID is unknown
        IOFailure - on trouble getting jobIDs for deduplication from the metadata archive file.
      • rescheduleJob

        public abstract long rescheduleJob​(long oldJobID)
        Reschedule a job by creating a new job (in status NEW) and setting the old job to status RESUBMITTED.

        Notice the slightly confusing naming: The only job is marked RESUBMITTED, but the new job is not really submitted, that happens in a separate stage, the new job is in status NEW.

        oldJobID - ID of a job to reschedule
        ID of the newly created job
        UnknownID - if no job exists with id jobID
        IllegalState - if the job with id jobID is not SUBMITTED or FAILED.
      • getJobStatus

        public abstract JobStatus getJobStatus​(Long jobID)
        Get Jobstatus for the job with the given id.
        jobID - A given Jobid
        the Jobstatus for the job with the given id.
        UnknownID - if no job exists with id jobID
      • getJobAliasInfo

        public abstract List<AliasInfo> getJobAliasInfo​(Job job)
        Get a list of AliasInfo objects for all the domains included in the job.
        a list of AliasInfo objects for all the domains included in the job.