Class BitarchiveAdmin

  • public final class BitarchiveAdmin
    extends Object
    This class handles file lookup and encapsulates the actual placement of files.
    • Method Detail

      • verifyFilelistUpToDate

        public void verifyFilelistUpToDate()
        Checks whether the filelist is up to date. If the modified timestamp for the a directory is larger than the last recorded timestamp, then the stored filelist is updated with the latest changes.
      • updateFileList

        public void updateFileList​(File basedir)
                            throws ArgumentNotValid,
        Method for updating the filelist for a given basedir.
        basedir - The basedir to update the filelist for.
        ArgumentNotValid - If basedir is null or if it not a proper directory.
        UnknownID - If the basedir cannot be found both the archivedFiles map or the archiveTime map, or if the file-directory under basedir is not either a writable directory or a symbolic link
        IOFailure - If it is not possible to retrieve the canonical file for the basedir.
      • hasEnoughSpace

        public boolean hasEnoughSpace()
        Returns true if we have at least one dir with the required amount of space left.
        true if we have at least one dir with the required amount of space left, otherwise false.
      • getTemporaryPath

        public File getTemporaryPath​(String arcFileName,
                                     long requestedSize)
                              throws ArgumentNotValid,
        Returns a temporary place for the the file to be stored.
        arcFileName - The simple name (i.e. no dirs) of the ARC file.
        requestedSize - How large the file is in bytes.
        The path where the arcFile should go.
        ArgumentNotValid - If arcFileName is null or empty, or requestedSize is negative.
        IOFailure - if there is no more room left to store this file of size=requestedSize
      • moveToStorage

        public File moveToStorage​(File tempLocation)
                           throws IOFailure,
        Moves a file from temporary storage to file storage.

        Note: It is checked, if tempLocation resides in directory TEMPORARY_DIRECTORY_NAME and whether the parent of tempLocation is a Bitarchive directory.

        tempLocation - The temporary location where the file was stored. This must be a path returned from getTemporaryPath
        The location where the file is now stored
        IOFailure - if tempLocation is not created from getTemporaryPath or file cannot be moved to Storage location.
        ArgumentNotValid - If the tempLocation file is null.
      • isBitarchiveDirectory

        protected boolean isBitarchiveDirectory​(File theDir)
                                         throws ArgumentNotValid,
        Checks whether a directory is one of the known bitarchive directories.
        theDir - The dir to check
        true If it is a valid archive directory; otherwise returns false.
        IOFailure - if theDir or one of the valid archive directories does not exist
        ArgumentNotValid - if theDir is null
      • getFiles

        public File[] getFiles()
        Return array with references to all files in the archive.
        array with references to all files in the archive
      • getFilesMatching

        public File[] getFilesMatching​(Pattern regexp)
        Return an array of all files in this archive that match a given regular expression on the filename.
        regexp - A precompiled regular expression matching whole filenames. This will probably be given to a FilenameFilter
        An array of all the files in this bitarchive that exactly match the regular expression on the filename (sans paths).
      • lookup

        public BitarchiveARCFile lookup​(String arcFileName)
        Return the path that a given arc file can be found in.
        arcFileName - Name of an arc file (with no path)
        A BitarchiveARCFile for the given file, or null if the file does not exist.
      • getInstance

        public static BitarchiveAdmin getInstance()
        Get the one and only instance of the bitarchive admin.
        A BitarchiveAdmin object
      • close

        public void close()
        Close down the bitarchive admin. Currently has no data to store.
      • getAtticPath

        public File getAtticPath​(File existingFile)
        Return the path used to store files that are removed by RemoveAndGetFileMessage.
        existingFile - a File object for an existing file in the bitarchive
        The full path of the file in the attic dir
      • isReadonlyMode

        public boolean isReadonlyMode()