Class ExtendedFieldDAO

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Direct Known Subclasses:

    public abstract class ExtendedFieldDAO
    extends java.lang.Object
    implements DAO
    Interface for creating and accessing extended fields in persistent storage.
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      protected static ExtendedFieldDAO instance
      The database singleton model.
    • Constructor Summary

      Modifier Constructor Description
      protected ExtendedFieldDAO()
      constructor used when creating singleton.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      abstract void create​(ExtendedField aExtendedField)
      Creates an instance in persistent storage of the given extended Field.
      abstract void delete​(long aExtendedFieldID)
      deletes an ExtendedField from persistent storage.
      abstract boolean exists​(java.lang.Long aExtendedfieldId)
      Check if an extendedfield exists for a given ID.
      abstract java.util.List<ExtendedField> getAll​(long aExtendedFieldTypeId)
      Return a list of all ExtendedFields of the given Extended Field Type.
      static ExtendedFieldDAO getInstance()  
      abstract ExtendedField read​(java.lang.Long aExtendedFieldID)
      Reads an ExtendedField from persistent storage.
      static void reset()
      Reset the DAO instance.
      abstract void update​(ExtendedField aExtendedField)
      Update a ExtendedField in persistent storage.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • ExtendedFieldDAO

        protected ExtendedFieldDAO()
        constructor used when creating singleton. Do not call directly.
    • Method Detail

      • reset

        public static void reset()
        Reset the DAO instance. Only for use from within tests.
      • exists

        public abstract boolean exists​(java.lang.Long aExtendedfieldId)
        Check if an extendedfield exists for a given ID.
        aExtendedfieldId - a given ID.
        true, if an extendedfield exists for the given ID
      • create

        public abstract void create​(ExtendedField aExtendedField)
        Creates an instance in persistent storage of the given extended Field.
        aExtendedField - a ExtendedField to create in persistent storage.
      • read

        public abstract ExtendedField read​(java.lang.Long aExtendedFieldID)
                                    throws ArgumentNotValid,
        Reads an ExtendedField from persistent storage.
        aExtendedFieldID - The ID of the ExtendedField to read
        a ExtendedField instance
        ArgumentNotValid - If failed to create ExtendedField instance in case aExtendedFieldID is invalid
        UnknownID - If the job with the given jobID does not exist in persistent storage.
        IOFailure - If the loaded ID of ExtendedField does not match the expected.
      • update

        public abstract void update​(ExtendedField aExtendedField)
                             throws IOFailure
        Update a ExtendedField in persistent storage.
        aExtendedField - The ExtendedField to update
        IOFailure - If writing the ExtendedField to persistent storage fails
      • getAll

        public abstract java.util.List<ExtendedFieldgetAll​(long aExtendedFieldTypeId)
        Return a list of all ExtendedFields of the given Extended Field Type.
        aExtendedFieldTypeId - extended field type.
        A list of all ExtendedFields with given Extended Field Type
      • delete

        public abstract void delete​(long aExtendedFieldID)
                             throws IOFailure
        deletes an ExtendedField from persistent storage. The implementation of this method must also delete all belonging extended field values.
        aExtendedFieldID - The ID of the ExtendedField to read
        IOFailure - If deleting the ExtendedField fails