Class HarvestDefinition

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Direct Known Subclasses:
    FullHarvest, PartialHarvest

    public abstract class HarvestDefinition
    extends ExtendableEntity
    implements Named
    This abstract class models the general properties of a harvest definition, i.e. object id , name, comments, and submission date

    The specializing classes FullHarvest and PartielHarvest contains the specific properties and operations of snapshot harvestdefinitions and all other kinds of harvestdefinitions, respectively.

    Methods exist to generate jobs from this harvest definition.

    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      protected java.lang.String audience
      The intended audience for the harvest.
      protected java.lang.Long channelId
      The id of the associated harvest channel, or null if the default one is to be used.
      protected java.lang.String comments  
      protected long edition
      Edition is used by the DAO to keep track of changes.
      protected java.lang.String harvestDefName  
      protected boolean isActive
      Determines if the harvest definition is active and ready for scheduling.
      protected int numEvents
      The number of times this event has already run.
      protected java.lang.Long oid  
      protected java.util.Date submissionDate
      The time this harvest definition was first written.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      static FullHarvest createFullHarvest​(java.lang.String harvestDefName, java.lang.String comments, java.lang.Long prevHarvestOid, long maxCountObjects, long maxBytes, long maxJobRunningTime)
      Create snapshot harvestdefinition.
      static PartialHarvest createPartialHarvest​(java.util.List<DomainConfiguration> domainConfigurations, Schedule schedule, java.lang.String harvestDefName, java.lang.String comments, java.lang.String audience)
      Create new instance of a PartialHavest configured according to the properties of the supplied DomainConfiguration.
      boolean equals​(java.lang.Object o)
      Tests whether some other object is "equal to" this HarvestDefinition.
      boolean getActive()
      Returns the activation status.
      java.lang.String getAudience()  
      java.lang.Long getChannelId()  
      java.lang.String getComments()
      Returns the comments for this harvest definition.
      abstract java.util.Iterator<DomainConfiguration> getDomainConfigurations()
      Returns a iterator of domain configurations for this harvest definition.
      long getEdition()
      Get the edition number.
      protected int getExtendedFieldType()
      All derived classes allow ExtendedFields from Type ExtendedFieldTypes.HARVESTDEFINITION
      abstract long getMaxBytes()
      Returns how many bytes to harvest per domain, or -1 for no limit.
      abstract long getMaxCountObjects()
      Returns how many objects to harvest per domain, or 0 for no limit.
      java.lang.String getName()
      Returns the name of the harvest definition.
      int getNumEvents()
      Get the number of times this harvest definition has been run so far.
      java.lang.Long getOid()
      Return the object ID of this harvest definition.
      java.util.Date getSubmissionDate()
      Returns the submission date.
      int hashCode()
      Returns a hashcode of this object generated on fields oid, harvestDefName, and comments.
      abstract boolean isSnapShot()
      Used to check if a harvestdefinition is a snapshot harvestdefinition.
      abstract boolean runNow​(java.util.Date now)
      Check if this harvest definition should be run, given the time now.
      void setActive​(boolean active)
      Set's activation status.
      void setAudience​(java.lang.String audience)
      Set the audience.
      protected void setChannelId​(java.lang.Long channelId)  
      void setComments​(java.lang.String comments)
      Set the comments for this harvest definition.
      void setEdition​(long theEdition)
      Set the edition number.
      void setName​(java.lang.String newName)
      Change the name of the Harvestdefinition to newName.
      void setNumEvents​(int numEvents)
      Set the number of times this harvest definition has been run so far.
      void setOid​(java.lang.Long oid)
      Set the object ID of this harvest definition.
      void setSubmissionDate​(java.util.Date submissionDate)
      Set the submission date.
      java.lang.String toString()
      Return a human-readable string representation of this object.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
    • Field Detail

      • oid

        protected java.lang.Long oid
      • audience

        protected java.lang.String audience
        The intended audience for the harvest.
      • submissionDate

        protected java.util.Date submissionDate
        The time this harvest definition was first written.
      • comments

        protected java.lang.String comments
      • edition

        protected long edition
        Edition is used by the DAO to keep track of changes.
      • isActive

        protected boolean isActive
        Determines if the harvest definition is active and ready for scheduling. When true the jobs should be scheduled otherwise the scheduler should ignore the definition. Initially a definition is assumed active - the original behaviour before the isActive flag was introduced.
      • numEvents

        protected int numEvents
        The number of times this event has already run.
      • channelId

        protected java.lang.Long channelId
        The id of the associated harvest channel, or null if the default one is to be used.
    • Method Detail

      • createPartialHarvest

        public static PartialHarvest createPartialHarvest​(java.util.List<DomainConfiguration> domainConfigurations,
                                                          Schedule schedule,
                                                          java.lang.String harvestDefName,
                                                          java.lang.String comments,
                                                          java.lang.String audience)
        Create new instance of a PartialHavest configured according to the properties of the supplied DomainConfiguration.
        domainConfigurations - a list of domain configurations
        schedule - the harvest definition schedule
        harvestDefName - the name of the harvest definition
        comments - comments
        the newly created PartialHarvest
      • createFullHarvest

        public static FullHarvest createFullHarvest​(java.lang.String harvestDefName,
                                                    java.lang.String comments,
                                                    java.lang.Long prevHarvestOid,
                                                    long maxCountObjects,
                                                    long maxBytes,
                                                    long maxJobRunningTime)
        Create snapshot harvestdefinition. A snapshot harvestdefinition creates jobs for all domains, using the default configuration for each domain. The HarvestDefinition is scheduled to run once as soon as possible.

        When a previous harvest definition is supplied, only domains not completely harvested by the previous harvestdefinition are included in this harvestdefinition. indexready set to false.

        harvestDefName - the name of the harvest definition
        comments - description of the harvestdefinition
        prevHarvestOid - an id of a previous harvest to use as basis for this definition, ignored when null.
        maxCountObjects - the maximum number of objects harvested from any domain
        maxBytes - the maximum number of bytes harvested from any domain
        maxJobRunningTime - The maximum running time for each job
        a snapshot harvestdefinition
      • setOid

        public void setOid​(java.lang.Long oid)
        Set the object ID of this harvest definition.
        oid - The oid
        ArgumentNotValid - if the oid is null
      • getOid

        public java.lang.Long getOid()
        Return the object ID of this harvest definition.
        The object id, or null if none.
      • setSubmissionDate

        public void setSubmissionDate​(java.util.Date submissionDate)
        Set the submission date.
        submissionDate - the time when the harvestdefinition was created
      • getSubmissionDate

        public java.util.Date getSubmissionDate()
        Returns the submission date.
        the submission date
      • getName

        public java.lang.String getName()
        Returns the name of the harvest definition.
        Specified by:
        getName in interface Named
        the harvest definition name
      • getComments

        public java.lang.String getComments()
        Returns the comments for this harvest definition.
        Specified by:
        getComments in interface Named
        the comments for this harvest definition.
      • setComments

        public void setComments​(java.lang.String comments)
        Set the comments for this harvest definition.
        comments - A user-entered string.
      • getEdition

        public long getEdition()
        Get the edition number.
        The edition number
      • setEdition

        public void setEdition​(long theEdition)
        Set the edition number.
        theEdition - the new edition of the harvestdefinition
      • getNumEvents

        public int getNumEvents()
        Get the number of times this harvest definition has been run so far.
        That number
      • setNumEvents

        public void setNumEvents​(int numEvents)
        Set the number of times this harvest definition has been run so far.
        numEvents - The number.
        ArgumentNotValid - if numEvents is negative
      • setActive

        public void setActive​(boolean active)
        Set's activation status. Only active harvestdefinitions should be scheduled.
        active - new activation status
      • getActive

        public boolean getActive()
        Returns the activation status.
        activation status
      • getDomainConfigurations

        public abstract java.util.Iterator<DomainConfigurationgetDomainConfigurations()
        Returns a iterator of domain configurations for this harvest definition.
        Iterator containing information about the domain configurations
      • toString

        public java.lang.String toString()
        Return a human-readable string representation of this object.
        toString in class java.lang.Object
        A human-readable string representation of this object
      • equals

        public boolean equals​(java.lang.Object o)
        Tests whether some other object is "equal to" this HarvestDefinition. Cfr. documentation of java.lang.Object.equals()
        equals in class java.lang.Object
        o -
        True or false, indicating equality.
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        Returns a hashcode of this object generated on fields oid, harvestDefName, and comments.
        hashCode in class java.lang.Object
        the hashCode
      • runNow

        public abstract boolean runNow​(java.util.Date now)
        Check if this harvest definition should be run, given the time now.
        now - The current time
        true if harvest definition should be run
      • isSnapShot

        public abstract boolean isSnapShot()
        Used to check if a harvestdefinition is a snapshot harvestdefinition.
        true if this harvestdefinition defines a snapshot harvest
      • getMaxCountObjects

        public abstract long getMaxCountObjects()
        Returns how many objects to harvest per domain, or 0 for no limit.
        how many objects to harvest per domain
      • getMaxBytes

        public abstract long getMaxBytes()
        Returns how many bytes to harvest per domain, or -1 for no limit.
        how many bytes to harvest per domain
      • getAudience

        public java.lang.String getAudience()
        the intended audience for this harvest.
      • setAudience

        public void setAudience​(java.lang.String audience)
        Set the audience.
        audience - the audience.
      • setChannelId

        protected void setChannelId​(java.lang.Long channelId)
      • setName

        public void setName​(java.lang.String newName)
        Change the name of the Harvestdefinition to newName.
        newName - The new name of the Harvestdefinition