Class GlobalCrawlerTrapListDAO

    • Method Detail

      • getInstance

        public static GlobalCrawlerTrapListDAO getInstance()
        Factory method to return the singleton instance of this class.
        the singleton instance of this class.
      • reset

        public static void reset()
        Resets the singleton instance of this class. Mostly for testing.
      • getAllActiveTrapExpressions

        public abstract java.util.List<java.lang.String> getAllActiveTrapExpressions()
        Get a merged list (without duplicates) of all currently-active crawler trap expressions.
        a list os all active crawler trap expressions.
      • create

        public abstract int create​(GlobalCrawlerTrapList trapList)
                            throws ArgumentNotValid
        This method creates the object in the database and has the side effect of setting the trapLists id field to the auto-generated id in the database.
        trapList - The list to persist
        the id of the created list
        ArgumentNotValid - if the trapList is null.
      • delete

        public abstract void delete​(int id)
                             throws UnknownID
        Deletes a crawler trap list from the database.
        id - the id of the list to be deleted
        UnknownID - if the argument doesn not correspond to a known trap list.
      • update

        public abstract void update​(GlobalCrawlerTrapList trapList)
                             throws UnknownID
        Updates a given global crawler trap list.
        trapList - the trap list to update
        UnknownID - if the id of the trapList argument does not correspond to an existing trap list in the database.
      • read

        public abstract GlobalCrawlerTrapList read​(int id)
                                            throws UnknownID
        Get a traplist from the database.
        id - the id of the traplist to be read.
        the trap list.
        UnknownID - if the id does not correspond to a known traplist in the database.
      • exists

        public abstract boolean exists​(java.lang.String name)
        Does crawlertrap with this name already exist.
        name - The name for a crawlertrap
        true, if a crawlertrap with the given name already exists in the database; otherwise false
      • addGlobalCrawlerTraps

        public abstract void addGlobalCrawlerTraps​(HeritrixTemplate orderXmlDoc)
        Reads a list of all active global crawler trap expressions from the database and adds them to the crawl template.