Class DomainHistory

  • public class DomainHistory
    extends java.lang.Object
    Container for the historical information available for a domain.
    • Constructor Detail

      • DomainHistory

        public DomainHistory()
        Create new DomainHistory instance.
    • Method Detail

      • getHarvestInfo

        public java.util.Iterator<HarvestInfogetHarvestInfo()
        Get all harvest information domain history.
        Iterator of harvest information registered for this domain. The information is sorted by date with the most recent information as the first entry.
      • getMostRecentHarvestInfo

        public HarvestInfo getMostRecentHarvestInfo​(java.lang.String cfgName)
        Gets the most recent harvestinfo for a specific DomainConfiguration.
        cfgName - name of the configuration
        the most recent harvest info or null if no matching harvestinfo found
      • getSpecifiedHarvestInfo

        public HarvestInfo getSpecifiedHarvestInfo​(java.lang.Long oid,
                                                   java.lang.String cfgName)
        Gets the newest harvestinfo for a specific HarvestDefinition and DomainConfiguration.
        oid - id of the harvest definition
        cfgName - the name of the domain configuration
        the harvest info or null if no matching harvestinfo found
      • addHarvestInfo

        public void addHarvestInfo​(HarvestInfo hi)
        Add new harvestinformation to the domainHistory.
        hi - the harvest information to add
      • getBestHarvestInfoExpectation

        public static HarvestInfo getBestHarvestInfoExpectation​(java.lang.String configName,
                                                                DomainHistory history)
        Return the most recent harvestresult for the configuration identified by name that was a complete harvest of the domain.
        configName - The name of the configuration
        history - The domainHistory for a domain
        the most recent harvestresult for the configuration identified by name that was a complete harvest of the domain.