Class JMSConnection

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    CleanupIF, javax.jms.ExceptionListener
    Direct Known Subclasses:
    JMSConnectionMockupMQ, JMSConnectionSunMQ

    public abstract class JMSConnection
    extends java.lang.Object
    implements javax.jms.ExceptionListener, CleanupIF
    Handles the communication with a JMS broker. Note on Thread-safety: the methods and fields of JMSConnection are not accessed by multiple threads (though JMSConnection itself creates threads). Thus no synchronization is needed on methods and fields of JMSConnection. A shutdown hook is also added, which closes the connection. Class JMSConnection is now also a exceptionhandler for the JMS Connections
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      protected java.lang.Thread closeHook
      Shutdown hook that closes the JMS connection.
      protected javax.jms.Connection connection
      The JMS Connection.
      protected java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantReadWriteLock connectionLock
      Lock for the connection.
      protected static java.lang.String CONSUMER_KEY_SEPARATOR
      Separator used in the consumer key.
      protected java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​javax.jms.MessageConsumer> consumers
      Map for caching message consumers (topic-subscribers and queue-receivers).
      protected static JMSConnection instance
      Singleton pattern is be used for this class.
      protected java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​javax.jms.MessageListener> listeners
      Map for caching message listeners (topic-subscribers and queue-receivers).
      protected java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​javax.jms.MessageProducer> producers
      Map for caching message producers.
      protected javax.jms.Session session
      The Session handling messages sent to / received from the NetarchiveSuite queues and topics.
    • Constructor Summary

      Modifier Constructor Description
      protected JMSConnection()
      Class constructor.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void cleanup()
      Clean up.
      javax.jms.QueueBrowser createQueueBrowser​(ChannelID queueID)
      Creates a QueueBrowser object to peek at the messages on the specified queue.
      javax.jms.QueueBrowser createQueueBrowser​(ChannelID queueID, javax.jms.QueueSession QSession)
      Creates a QueueBrowser object to peek at the messages on the specified queue.
      protected abstract javax.jms.ConnectionFactory getConnectionFactory()
      Should be implemented according to a specific JMS broker.
      protected static java.lang.String getConsumerKey​(java.lang.String channel, javax.jms.MessageListener messageListener)
      Generate a consumerkey based on the given channel name and messageListener.
      protected abstract javax.jms.Destination getDestination​(java.lang.String destinationName)
      Should be implemented according to a specific JMS broker.
      abstract javax.jms.QueueSession getQueueSession()
      Provides a QueueSession instance.
      protected void initConnection()
      Initializes the JMS connection.
      abstract void onException​(javax.jms.JMSException e)
      Exceptionhandler for the JMSConnection.
      protected void reconnect()
      Do a reconnect to the JMSbroker.
      void removeListener​(ChannelID mq, javax.jms.MessageListener ml)
      Removes the specified MessageListener from the given queue or topic.
      void reply​(NetarkivetMessage msg)
      Submit an object to the reply queue.
      void resend​(NetarkivetMessage msg, ChannelID to)
      Sends a message msg to the channel defined by the parameter to - NOT the channel defined in the message.
      void send​(NetarkivetMessage msg)
      Submit an object to the destination queue.
      protected void sendMessage​(NetarkivetMessage nMsg, ChannelID to)
      Submit an ObjectMessage to the destination channel.
      void setListener​(ChannelID mq, javax.jms.MessageListener ml)
      Method adds a listener to the given queue or topic.
      static NetarkivetMessage unpack​(javax.jms.Message msg)
      Unwraps a NetarkivetMessage from an ObjectMessage.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Field Detail


        protected static final java.lang.String CONSUMER_KEY_SEPARATOR
        Separator used in the consumer key. Separates the ChannelName from the MessageListener.toString().
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • connection

        protected javax.jms.Connection connection
        The JMS Connection.
      • session

        protected javax.jms.Session session
        The Session handling messages sent to / received from the NetarchiveSuite queues and topics.
      • producers

        protected final java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​javax.jms.MessageProducer> producers
        Map for caching message producers.
      • consumers

        protected final java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​javax.jms.MessageConsumer> consumers
        Map for caching message consumers (topic-subscribers and queue-receivers).
      • listeners

        protected final java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​javax.jms.MessageListener> listeners
        Map for caching message listeners (topic-subscribers and queue-receivers).
      • connectionLock

        protected final java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantReadWriteLock connectionLock
        Lock for the connection. Locked for read on adding/removing listeners and sending messages. Locked for write when connection, releasing and reconnecting.
      • closeHook

        protected java.lang.Thread closeHook
        Shutdown hook that closes the JMS connection.
      • instance

        protected static JMSConnection instance
        Singleton pattern is be used for this class. This is the one and only instance.
    • Constructor Detail

    • Method Detail

      • getConnectionFactory

        protected abstract javax.jms.ConnectionFactory getConnectionFactory()
                                                                     throws javax.jms.JMSException
        Should be implemented according to a specific JMS broker.
        javax.jms.JMSException - If unable to get QueueConnectionFactory
      • getDestination

        protected abstract javax.jms.Destination getDestination​(java.lang.String destinationName)
                                                         throws javax.jms.JMSException
        Should be implemented according to a specific JMS broker.
        destinationName - the name of the wanted Queue
        The destination. Note that the implementation should make sure that this is a Queue or a Topic, as required by the NetarchiveSuite design. Channels.isTopic(String)
        javax.jms.JMSException - If unable to get a destination.
      • onException

        public abstract void onException​(javax.jms.JMSException e)
        Exceptionhandler for the JMSConnection. Implemented according to a specific JMS broker. Should try to reconnect if at all possible.
        Specified by:
        onException in interface javax.jms.ExceptionListener
        e - a JMSException
      • initConnection

        protected void initConnection()
                               throws IOFailure
        Initializes the JMS connection. Creates and starts connection and session. Adds a shutdown hook that closes down JMSConnection. Adds this object as ExceptionListener for the connection.
        IOFailure - if initialization fails.
      • send

        public void send​(NetarkivetMessage msg)
        Submit an object to the destination queue. This method shouldn't be overridden. Override the method sendMessage to change functionality.
        msg - The NetarkivetMessage to send to the destination queue (null not allowed)
        ArgumentNotValid - if nMsg is null.
        IOFailure - if the operation failed.
      • resend

        public final void resend​(NetarkivetMessage msg,
                                 ChannelID to)
        Sends a message msg to the channel defined by the parameter to - NOT the channel defined in the message.
        msg - Message to be sent
        to - The destination channel
      • reply

        public final void reply​(NetarkivetMessage msg)
        Submit an object to the reply queue.
        msg - The NetarkivetMessage to send to the reply queue (null not allowed)
        ArgumentNotValid - if nMsg is null.
        PermissionDenied - if message nMsg has not been sent yet.
        IOFailure - if unable to reply.
      • setListener

        public void setListener​(ChannelID mq,
                                javax.jms.MessageListener ml)
                         throws IOFailure
        Method adds a listener to the given queue or topic.
        mq - the messagequeue to listen to
        ml - the messagelistener
        IOFailure - if the operation failed.
      • removeListener

        public void removeListener​(ChannelID mq,
                                   javax.jms.MessageListener ml)
                            throws IOFailure
        Removes the specified MessageListener from the given queue or topic.
        mq - the given queue or topic
        ml - a messagelistener
        IOFailure - On network trouble
      • createQueueBrowser

        public javax.jms.QueueBrowser createQueueBrowser​(ChannelID queueID)
                                                  throws javax.jms.JMSException
        Creates a QueueBrowser object to peek at the messages on the specified queue.
        queueID - The ChannelID for a specified queue.
        A new QueueBrowser instance with access to the specified queue
        javax.jms.JMSException - If unable to create the specified queue browser
      • createQueueBrowser

        public javax.jms.QueueBrowser createQueueBrowser​(ChannelID queueID,
                                                         javax.jms.QueueSession QSession)
                                                  throws javax.jms.JMSException
        Creates a QueueBrowser object to peek at the messages on the specified queue.
        queueID - The ChannelID for a specified queue.
        QSession - The QueueSession to use.
        A new QueueBrowser instance with access to the specified queue
        javax.jms.JMSException - If unable to create the specified queue browser
      • getQueueSession

        public abstract javax.jms.QueueSession getQueueSession()
                                                        throws javax.jms.JMSException
        Provides a QueueSession instance. Functionality for retrieving a QueueSession object isen't available on the generic JMSConnectionFactory
        A QueueSession object connected to the current JMS broker
        javax.jms.JMSException - Failure to retrieve the QueueBrowser JMS Browser
      • cleanup

        public void cleanup()
        Clean up. Remove close connection, remove shutdown hook and null the instance.
        Specified by:
        cleanup in interface CleanupIF
      • unpack

        public static NetarkivetMessage unpack​(javax.jms.Message msg)
                                        throws ArgumentNotValid
        Unwraps a NetarkivetMessage from an ObjectMessage.
        msg - a javax.jms.ObjectMessage
        a NetarkivetMessage
        ArgumentNotValid - when msg in valid or format of JMS Object message is invalid
      • sendMessage

        protected void sendMessage​(NetarkivetMessage nMsg,
                                   ChannelID to)
                            throws IOFailure
        Submit an ObjectMessage to the destination channel.
        nMsg - the NetarkivetMessage to be wrapped and send as an ObjectMessage
        to - the destination channel
        IOFailure - if message failed to be sent.
      • reconnect

        protected void reconnect()
        Do a reconnect to the JMSbroker. Does absolutely nothing, if already in the process of reconnecting.
      • getConsumerKey

        protected static java.lang.String getConsumerKey​(java.lang.String channel,
                                                         javax.jms.MessageListener messageListener)
        Generate a consumerkey based on the given channel name and messageListener.
        channel - Channel name
        messageListener - a messageListener
        the generated consumerkey.