Class FileBasedActiveBitPreservation

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    ActiveBitPreservation, CleanupIF

    public class FileBasedActiveBitPreservation
    extends java.lang.Object
    implements ActiveBitPreservation, CleanupIF
    Use the DatabaseBasedActiveBitPreservation instead (define in the setting: settings.archive.admin.class).
    Class handling integrity check of the arcrepository.

    This class must run on the same machine as the arcrepository, as it uses the same admin data file (read-only). However, it still talks JMS with the arcrepository.

    • Constructor Summary

      Modifier Constructor Description
      protected FileBasedActiveBitPreservation()
      Initializes a FileBasedActiveBitPreservation instance.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods Deprecated Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void addMissingFilesToAdminData​(java.lang.String... filenames)
      Reestablish admin data to match bitarchive states for files.
      void changeStateForAdminData​(java.lang.String filename)
      Reestablish admin data to match replica states for file.
      void cleanup()
      Used to clean up a class from within a shutdown hook.
      void close()
      Shut down cleanly.
      void findChangedFiles​(Replica replica)
      This method finds out which files in a given bitarchive are misrepresented in the admin data: Either having the wrong checksum or not being marked as uploaded when it actually is.
      void findMissingFiles​(Replica replica)
      This method takes as input the name of a replica for which we wish to retrieve the list of files, either through a FileListJob or a GetAllFilenamesMessage.
      java.lang.Iterable<java.lang.String> getChangedFiles​(Replica bitarchive)
      Get a list of corrupt files in a given bitarchive.
      java.lang.Iterable<java.lang.String> getChangedFilesForAdminData()
      Return a list of files with wrong checksum or status in admin data.
      java.util.Date getDateForChangedFiles​(Replica replica)
      Get the date for last time the checksum information was updated for this replica.
      java.util.Date getDateForMissingFiles​(Replica replica)
      Get the date for last time the missing files information was updated for this replica.
      static FileBasedActiveBitPreservation getInstance()
      Get singleton instance.
      java.lang.Iterable<java.lang.String> getMissingFiles​(Replica replica)
      Get a list of missing files in a given replica.
      java.lang.Iterable<java.lang.String> getMissingFilesForAdminData()
      Return a list of files present in bitarchive but missing in AdminData.
      long getNumberOfChangedFiles​(Replica replica)
      Get the number of wrong files for a replica.
      long getNumberOfFiles​(Replica replica)
      Return the number of files found in the replica.
      long getNumberOfMissingFiles​(Replica replica)
      Get the number of missing files in a given replica.
      PreservationState getPreservationState​(java.lang.String filename)
      Get the details of the state of the given file in the bitarchives and admin data.
      java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​PreservationState> getPreservationStateMap​(java.lang.String... filenames)
      Retrieve the preservation status for the files with the given filenames.
      void replaceChangedFile​(Replica replica, java.lang.String filename, java.lang.String credentials, java.lang.String checksum)
      Check that file checksum is indeed different to admin data and reference replica.
      void uploadMissingFiles​(Replica replica, java.lang.String... filenames)
      Check that the files we want to restore are indeed missing on the replica, and present in admin data and the reference bitarchive.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

    • Method Detail

      • getPreservationStateMap

        public java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​PreservationStategetPreservationStateMap​(java.lang.String... filenames)
                                                                                        throws ArgumentNotValid
        Retrieve the preservation status for the files with the given filenames. This will ask for a fresh checksum from the bitarchives and admin data.
        Specified by:
        getPreservationStateMap in interface ActiveBitPreservation
        filenames - List of filenames
        a map ([filename]-> [FilePreservationState]) of the preservation status for the given files. The preservationstate is null, if the file named does not exist in admin data.
        ArgumentNotValid - If the list of filenames is null or contains a null.
      • getPreservationState

        public PreservationState getPreservationState​(java.lang.String filename)
        Get the details of the state of the given file in the bitarchives and admin data.
        Specified by:
        getPreservationState in interface ActiveBitPreservation
        filename - A given file
        the FilePreservationState for the given file. This will be null, if the filename is not found in admin data.
      • findMissingFiles

        public void findMissingFiles​(Replica replica)
                              throws ArgumentNotValid,
        This method takes as input the name of a replica for which we wish to retrieve the list of files, either through a FileListJob or a GetAllFilenamesMessage. It also reads in the known files in the arcrepository from the AdminData directory specified in the Setting DIRS_ARCREPOSITORY_ADMIN. The two file lists are compared and a subdirectory missingFiles is created with two unsorted files: 'missingba.txt' containing missing files, ie those registered in the admin data, but not found in the replica, and 'missingadmindata.txt' containing extra files, ie. those found in the replica but not in the arcrepository admin data.

        TODO The second file is never used on the current implementation.

        FIXME: It is unclear if the decision if which files are missing isn't better suited to be in getMissingFiles, so this method only runs the batch job.

        Specified by:
        findMissingFiles in interface ActiveBitPreservation
        replica - the replica to search for missing files
        ArgumentNotValid - If the given directory does not contain a file filelistOutput/sorted.txt, or the argument replica is null.
        PermissionDenied - If the output directory cannot be created.
      • getChangedFiles

        public java.lang.Iterable<java.lang.String> getChangedFiles​(Replica bitarchive)
                                                             throws IllegalState
        Get a list of corrupt files in a given bitarchive.
        Specified by:
        getChangedFiles in interface ActiveBitPreservation
        bitarchive - a bitarchive
        a list of wrong files in a given bitarchive.
        IllegalState - if the file with the list cannot be found.
      • findChangedFiles

        public void findChangedFiles​(Replica replica)
                              throws IOFailure,
        This method finds out which files in a given bitarchive are misrepresented in the admin data: Either having the wrong checksum or not being marked as uploaded when it actually is.

        It uses the admindata file from the DIRS_ARCREPOSITORY_ADMIN directory, as well as the files output by a runChecksumJob. The erroneous files are stored in files.

        FIXME: It is unclear if the decision if which files are changed isn't better suited to be in getChangedFiles, so this method only runs the batch job.

        Specified by:
        findChangedFiles in interface ActiveBitPreservation
        replica - the bitarchive replica the checksumjob came from
        IOFailure - On file or network trouble.
        PermissionDenied - if the output directory cannot be created
        ArgumentNotValid - if argument replica is null
      • getNumberOfFiles

        public long getNumberOfFiles​(Replica replica)
                              throws ArgumentNotValid
        Return the number of files found in the replica. If nothing is known about the replica, -1 is returned.
        Specified by:
        getNumberOfFiles in interface ActiveBitPreservation
        replica - the bitarchive to check
        the number of files found in the bitarchive. If nothing is known about the bitarchive replica, -1 is returned.
        ArgumentNotValid - If the replica is null.
      • uploadMissingFiles

        public void uploadMissingFiles​(Replica replica,
                                       java.lang.String... filenames)
                                throws IOFailure,
        Check that the files we want to restore are indeed missing on the replica, and present in admin data and the reference bitarchive. If so, upload missing files from reference replica to this replica.
        Specified by:
        uploadMissingFiles in interface ActiveBitPreservation
        replica - The replica to restore files to
        filenames - The names of the files.
        IllegalState - If one of the files is unknown (For all known files, there will be an attempt at udpload)
        IOFailure - If some file cannot be reestablished. All files will be attempted, though.
        ArgumentNotValid - If the replica or the list of filenames are null.
      • replaceChangedFile

        public void replaceChangedFile​(Replica replica,
                                       java.lang.String filename,
                                       java.lang.String credentials,
                                       java.lang.String checksum)
                                throws ArgumentNotValid,
        Check that file checksum is indeed different to admin data and reference replica. If so, remove missing file and upload it from reference replica to this replica.
        Specified by:
        replaceChangedFile in interface ActiveBitPreservation
        replica - The replica to restore file to
        filename - The name of the file.
        credentials - The credentials used to perform this replace operation
        checksum - The expected checksum.
        IOFailure - if the file cannot be reestablished
        PermissionDenied - if the file is not in correct state
        ArgumentNotValid - If the filename, the credentials or the checksum either are null or contain the empty string, or if the replica is null.
      • close

        public void close()
        Shut down cleanly.
      • cleanup

        public void cleanup()
        Description copied from interface: CleanupIF
        Used to clean up a class from within a shutdown hook. Must not do any logging. Program defensively, please.
        Specified by:
        cleanup in interface CleanupIF
        See Also: