Class JMXSummaryUtils

  extended by dk.netarkivet.monitor.webinterface.JMXSummaryUtils

public class JMXSummaryUtils
extends java.lang.Object

Various utility methods and classes for the JMX Monitor page. and a bunch of JMX properties used by Monitor-JMXsummary.jsp.

Nested Class Summary
static class JMXSummaryUtils.StarredRequest
          This class encapsulates a HttpServletRequest, making non-existing parameters appear as "*" for wildcard (or "0" for the index parameter).
Field Summary
static java.lang.String JMXApplicationInstIdProperty
          JMX property for the application instance id.
static java.lang.String JMXApplicationNameProperty
          JMX property for the application name.
static java.lang.String JMXArchiveReplicaNameProperty
          JMX property for the replica name.
static java.lang.String JMXHarvestPriorityProperty
          JMX property for the harvest priority.
static java.lang.String JMXHttpportProperty
          JMX property for the HTTP port.
static java.lang.String JMXIndexProperty
          JMX property for the index.
static java.lang.String JMXMachineNameProperty
          JMX property for the machine name.
static java.lang.String JMXPhysLocationProperty
          JMX property for the physical location.
static java.lang.String JMXRemoveApplication
          JMX property for remove application button.
static java.lang.String[] STARRABLE_PARAMETERS
          JMX properties, which can set to star.
static java.lang.String STATUS_MONITOR_JMXSUMMARY
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
static java.lang.String createJMXQuery(java.lang.String[] parameters, JMXSummaryUtils.StarredRequest starredRequest)
          Build a JMX query string (ObjectName) from a request and a list of parameters to query for.
static java.lang.String generateLink(JMXSummaryUtils.StarredRequest request, java.lang.String setPart, java.lang.String setValue, java.lang.String linkText)
          Generate an HTML link to the JMX summary page with one part of the URL parameters set to a specific value.
static java.lang.String generateMessage(java.lang.String logMessage, java.util.Locale l)
          Make an HTML fragment that shows a log message preformatted.
static java.lang.String generateShowAllLink(JMXSummaryUtils.StarredRequest starredRequest, java.lang.String parameter, java.util.Locale l)
          Generate HTML to show at the top of the table, containing a "show all" link if the parameter is currently restricted.
static java.lang.String generateShowColumn(JMXSummaryUtils.StarredRequest starredRequest, java.util.Locale l)
          Creates the show links for showing columns again.
static java.lang.String generateShowLink(JMXSummaryUtils.StarredRequest starredRequest, java.lang.String parameter, java.util.Locale l)
          Generate HTML to show at the top of the table, containing a "show all" and a "off" links if the parameter is currently restricted.
static java.util.List<StatusEntry> queryJMXFromRequest(java.lang.String[] parameters, JMXSummaryUtils.StarredRequest request, javax.servlet.jsp.PageContext context)
          Get status entries from JMX based on a request and some parameters.
static java.lang.String reduceApplicationName(java.lang.String applicationName)
          Reduce the class name of an application to the essentials.
static boolean showColumn(JMXSummaryUtils.StarredRequest starredRequest, java.lang.String parameter)
          Tests if a parameter in the request is "-" (thus off).
static void unregisterJMXInstance(java.lang.String[] parameters, JMXSummaryUtils.StarredRequest request, javax.servlet.jsp.PageContext context)
          Select zero or more beans from JMX and unregister these.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final java.lang.String JMXRemoveApplication
JMX property for remove application button.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String JMXPhysLocationProperty
JMX property for the physical location.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String JMXMachineNameProperty
JMX property for the machine name.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String JMXApplicationNameProperty
JMX property for the application name.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String JMXApplicationInstIdProperty
JMX property for the application instance id.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String JMXHttpportProperty
JMX property for the HTTP port.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String JMXHarvestPriorityProperty
JMX property for the harvest priority.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String JMXArchiveReplicaNameProperty
JMX property for the replica name.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String JMXIndexProperty
JMX property for the index.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String[] STARRABLE_PARAMETERS
JMX properties, which can set to star.


public static final java.lang.String STATUS_MONITOR_JMXSUMMARY

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public JMXSummaryUtils()
Method Detail


public static java.lang.String reduceApplicationName(java.lang.String applicationName)
                                              throws ArgumentNotValid
Reduce the class name of an application to the essentials.

applicationName - The class name of the application, should not be null.
A reduced name suitable for user output.
ArgumentNotValid - if argument isn't valid.


public static java.lang.String generateShowColumn(JMXSummaryUtils.StarredRequest starredRequest,
                                                  java.util.Locale l)
                                           throws ArgumentNotValid
Creates the show links for showing columns again. Goes through all parameters to check if their column is active. If a column is not active, the link to showing a specific column again is generated.

starredRequest - A request to take parameters from, should be different from null.
l - For retrieving the correct words form the current language.
The link to show the parameter again.
ArgumentNotValid - if argument isn't valid.


public static java.lang.String generateShowAllLink(JMXSummaryUtils.StarredRequest starredRequest,
                                                   java.lang.String parameter,
                                                   java.util.Locale l)
                                            throws ArgumentNotValid
Generate HTML to show at the top of the table, containing a "show all" link if the parameter is currently restricted. This function is only used by JMXIndexProperty field, the other properties uses generateShowLing instead.

starredRequest - A request to take parameters from, should not be null.
parameter - The parameter that, if not already unrestricted, should be unrestricted in the "show all" link, should not be null.
l - the current locale.
HTML to insert at the top of the JMX monitor table.
ArgumentNotValid - if arguments isn't valid.


public static java.lang.String generateShowLink(JMXSummaryUtils.StarredRequest starredRequest,
                                                java.lang.String parameter,
                                                java.util.Locale l)
                                         throws ArgumentNotValid
Generate HTML to show at the top of the table, containing a "show all" and a "off" links if the parameter is currently restricted.

starredRequest - A request to take parameters from, should not be null.
parameter - The parameter that, if not already unrestricted, should be unrestricted in the "show all", should not be null.
l - the current locale.
HTML to insert at the top of the JMX monitor table.
ArgumentNotValid - if arguments isn't valid.


public static boolean showColumn(JMXSummaryUtils.StarredRequest starredRequest,
                                 java.lang.String parameter)
                          throws ArgumentNotValid
Tests if a parameter in the request is "-" (thus off).

starredRequest - A request to take parameters from, should not be null.
parameter - The parameter that should be tested.
Whether the parameter is set to "-".
ArgumentNotValid - if argument isn't valid.


public static java.lang.String generateLink(JMXSummaryUtils.StarredRequest request,
                                            java.lang.String setPart,
                                            java.lang.String setValue,
                                            java.lang.String linkText)
                                     throws ArgumentNotValid
Generate an HTML link to the JMX summary page with one part of the URL parameters set to a specific value.

request - A request to draw other parameter values from, should not be null.
setPart - Which of the parameters to set.
setValue - The value to set that parameter to.
linkText - The HTML text that should go inside the link. Remember to escape HTML values if inserting a normal string.
A link to insert in the page, or an unlinked text, if setPart or setValue is null, or an empty string if linkText is null.
ArgumentNotValid - if request is null.


public static java.util.List<StatusEntry> queryJMXFromRequest(java.lang.String[] parameters,
                                                              JMXSummaryUtils.StarredRequest request,
                                                              javax.servlet.jsp.PageContext context)
                                                       throws ArgumentNotValid,
Get status entries from JMX based on a request and some parameters.

parameters - The parameters to query JMX for, should not be null.
request - A request possibly containing values for some of the parameters, should not be null.
context - the current JSP context, should not be null.
Status entries for the MBeans that match the parameters.
ArgumentNotValid - if the query is invalid (typically caused by invalid parameters).
ForwardedToErrorPage - if unable to create JMX-query.


public static void unregisterJMXInstance(java.lang.String[] parameters,
                                         JMXSummaryUtils.StarredRequest request,
                                         javax.servlet.jsp.PageContext context)
                                  throws ArgumentNotValid
Select zero or more beans from JMX and unregister these.

parameters - The parameters to query JMX for, should not be null.
request - A request possibly containing values for some of the parameters, which select zero or more beans.
context - the current JSP context, should not be null.
ArgumentNotValid - if arguments isn't valid.


public static java.lang.String createJMXQuery(java.lang.String[] parameters,
                                              JMXSummaryUtils.StarredRequest starredRequest)
                                       throws ArgumentNotValid
Build a JMX query string (ObjectName) from a request and a list of parameters to query for. This string is always a property pattern (wildcarded), even if all the values we define in the names are specified.

parameters - The parameters to query for. These should make up the parts of the unique identification of an MBean.
starredRequest - A request containing current values for the given parameters.
A query, wildcarded for those parameters that are or missing in starredRequest.
ArgumentNotValid - if one or all of the arguements are null.


public static java.lang.String generateMessage(java.lang.String logMessage,
                                               java.util.Locale l)
                                        throws ArgumentNotValid
Make an HTML fragment that shows a log message preformatted. If the log message is longer than NUMBER_OF_LOG_LINES lines, the rest are hidden and replaced with an internationalized link "More..." that will show the rest. Long loglines are split to length approximately monitor.preferredMaxJMXLogLength and then split again to ensure that no lines are wider than monitor.absoluteMaxJMXLogLength. However as the wrapping algorithm is not sophisticated it is better to split the lines in a meaningful way where they are generated.

logMessage - The log message to present.
l - the current Locale.
An HTML fragment as defined above.
ArgumentNotValid - if argument isn't valid.