Interface JMXProxyConnectionFactory

All Known Implementing Classes:
CachingProxyConnectionFactory, RmiProxyConnectionFactory

public interface JMXProxyConnectionFactory

Common interface for objects that supply JMX connections to remote servers. This interface does not specify which protocol to use for connection, nor whether previously created connections will be cached for reuse.

Method Summary
 JMXProxyConnection getConnection(java.lang.String server, int port, int rmiPort, java.lang.String userName, java.lang.String password)
          Establish a JMX connection to a remote server.

Method Detail


JMXProxyConnection getConnection(java.lang.String server,
                                 int port,
                                 int rmiPort,
                                 java.lang.String userName,
                                 java.lang.String password)
Establish a JMX connection to a remote server.

server - The name of remote server to connect to.
port - The port to connect to on the remote server.
rmiPort - The RMI-port to use in this connection.
userName - The user name to log in as.
password - The password for the specified user.
a connection object that can be used for accessing MBeans on the remote server.