Class MonitorSettings

  extended by dk.netarkivet.monitor.MonitorSettings

public class MonitorSettings
extends java.lang.Object

Provides access to monitor settings. The settings are retrieved from an settings.xml file under monitor dir.

Field Summary
static java.lang.String DEFAULT_REREGISTER_DELAY
          Delay between every reregistering in minutes.
static java.lang.String JMX_ABSOLUTE_MAX_LOG_LENGTH
          The absolute maximum length at which lines in the JMX log will be wrapped, even if this means breaking the line within a word.
static java.lang.String JMX_PASSWORD_SETTING
The password used to connect to the all MBeanservers started by the application.
static java.lang.String JMX_PREFERRED_MAX_LOG_LENGTH
The preferred length at which lines in the JMX log will be wrapped.
static java.lang.String JMX_PROXY_TIMEOUT
The number of milliseconds we wait for a connection to other machines when we proxy all machines MBeans to one place for monitoring, for instance in the Status GUI site section.
static java.lang.String JMX_USERNAME_SETTING
The username used to connect to the all MBeanservers started by the application.
static java.lang.String LOGGING_HISTORY_SIZE
The number of logmessages from each application visible in the monitor.
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static java.lang.String JMX_USERNAME_SETTING
The username used to connect to the all MBeanservers started by the application. The username must correspond to the value stored in the jmxremote.password file (name defined in setting settings.common.jmx.passwordFile).


public static java.lang.String JMX_PASSWORD_SETTING
The password used to connect to the all MBeanservers started by the application. The password must correspond to the value stored in the jmxremote.password file (name defined in setting settings.common.jmx.passwordFile).


public static java.lang.String LOGGING_HISTORY_SIZE
The number of logmessages from each application visible in the monitor.


public static java.lang.String JMX_PROXY_TIMEOUT
The number of milliseconds we wait for a connection to other machines when we proxy all machines MBeans to one place for monitoring, for instance in the Status GUI site section.


public static java.lang.String DEFAULT_REREGISTER_DELAY
Delay between every reregistering in minutes.


public static java.lang.String JMX_PREFERRED_MAX_LOG_LENGTH
The preferred length at which lines in the JMX log will be wrapped. (default 70)


public static java.lang.String JMX_ABSOLUTE_MAX_LOG_LENGTH
The absolute maximum length at which lines in the JMX log will be wrapped, even if this means breaking the line within a word. (default 100)

Constructor Detail


public MonitorSettings()