Class JobSupervisor

  extended by dk.netarkivet.harvester.scheduler.JobSupervisor
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class JobSupervisor
extends java.lang.Object
implements ComponentLifeCycle

Responsible for cleaning obsolete jobs, see start() for details.

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
(package private)  void cleanOldJobs()
          Stops any job that has been in status STARTED a very long time defined by the HarvesterSettings.JOB_TIMEOUT_TIME setting.
(package private)  void rescheduleLeftOverJobs()
          Reschedule all jobs with JobStatus SUBMITTED.
 void shutdown()
          The inverse of the start() method.
 void start()
           Starts the rescheduling of left over jobs (in a separate thread).
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public JobSupervisor()
Method Detail


public void start()
  1. Starts the rescheduling of left over jobs (in a separate thread).
  2. Starts the timer for cleaning old jobs. eg. jobs that have been run longer than HarvesterSettings.JOB_TIMEOUT_TIME.

Specified by:
start in interface ComponentLifeCycle


public void shutdown()
Description copied from interface: ComponentLifeCycle
The inverse of the start() method. Contains functionality for deallocation of ressources, clearing data, closing connections, stopping threads, etc

Specified by:
shutdown in interface ComponentLifeCycle


void rescheduleLeftOverJobs()
Reschedule all jobs with JobStatus SUBMITTED. Runs in a separate thread to avoid blocking. Package protected to allow unit testing.


void cleanOldJobs()
Stops any job that has been in status STARTED a very long time defined by the HarvesterSettings.JOB_TIMEOUT_TIME setting. Package protected to allow unit testing.