Class LinuxMachine

  extended by dk.netarkivet.deploy.Machine
      extended by dk.netarkivet.deploy.LinuxMachine

public class LinuxMachine
extends Machine

A LinuxMachine is the instance of the abstract machine class, which runs the operating system Linux or another Unix dependent operation system. This class only contains the operating system specific functions.

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class dk.netarkivet.deploy.Machine
applications, arcDatabaseFile, databaseFile, inheritedLogPropFile, inheritedSecurityPolicyFile, jarFolder, log, machineDirectory, machineParameters, machineRoot, name, netarchiveSuiteFileName, operatingSystem, resetTempDir, scriptExtension, settings
Constructor Summary
LinuxMachine(org.dom4j.Element subTreeRoot, XmlStructure parentSettings, Parameters param, java.lang.String netarchiveSuiteSource, logProp, securityPolicy, dbFile, arcdbFile, boolean resetDir, externalJarFolder)
          The constructor.
Method Summary
protected  java.lang.String callKillArchiveDatabase()
          Method for generating the command for running the external_database_kill script.
protected  java.lang.String callKillHarvestDatabase()
          Method for generating the command for running the external_database_kill script.
protected  java.lang.String callStartArchiveDatabase()
          Method for generating the command for running the external_admin_database_start script.
protected  java.lang.String callStartHarvestDatabase()
          Method for generating the command for running the external_harvest_database_start script.
protected  java.lang.String changeFileDirPathForSecurity(java.lang.String path)
          Changes the file directory path to the format used in the security policy.
protected  void createApplicationKillScripts( directory)
          Creates the kill scripts for all the applications.
protected  void createApplicationStartScripts( directory)
          Creates the start scripts for all the applications.
protected  void createArchiveDatabaseKillScript( dir)
          Creates a script for killing the archive database on a given machine.
protected  void createArchiveDatabaseStartScript( dir)
          Creates a script for starting the archive database on a given machine.
protected  void createHarvestDatabaseKillScript( dir)
          Creates a script for killing the harvest database on a given machine.
protected  void createHarvestDatabaseStartScript( dir)
          Creates a script for starting the harvest database on a given machine.
protected  void createHarvestDatabaseUpdateScript( dir)
          create a harvestDatabaseUpdatescript in the given machineDirectory.
protected  void createInstallDirScript( dir)
          Dummy function on linux machine.
protected  void createOSLocalKillAllScript( directory)
          This function creates the script to kill all applications on this machine.
protected  void createOSLocalStartAllScript( directory)
          This function creates the script to start all applications on this machine.
protected  java.lang.String createPathToDir(java.lang.String dir)
          Function for creating the directories along the path until the end directory.
protected  void createRestartScript( dir)
          Creates script for restarting all the applications on a machine.
protected  java.lang.String getAppDirectories()
          Creates the script for creating the application specified directories.
protected  java.lang.String getConfDirPath()
          The operation system specific path to the conf directory.
protected  java.lang.String getInstallDirPath()
          The operation system specific path to the installation directory.
protected  java.lang.String getJMXremoteFilesCommand()
          This method does the following: Retrieves the path to the jmxremote.access and jmxremote.password files.
protected  java.lang.String osGetClassPath(Application app)
          Makes all the class paths into the operation system specific syntax, and puts them into a string where they are separated by the operation system specific separator (':' for linux, ';' for windows).
protected  java.lang.String osInstallArchiveDatabase()
          Checks if a specific directory for the archive database is given in the settings, and thus if the archive database should be installed on this machine.
protected  java.lang.String osInstallDatabase()
          Checks if a specific directory for the database is given in the settings, and thus if the database should be installed on this machine.
protected  java.lang.String osInstallExternalJarFiles()
          This function makes the part of the install script for installing the external jar files from within the jarFolder.
protected  java.lang.String osInstallScript()
          Creates the operation system specific installation script for this machine.
protected  java.lang.String osInstallScriptCreateDir()
          Creates the specified directories in the deploy-configuration file.
protected  java.lang.String osKillScript()
          Creates the operation system specific killing script for this machine.
protected  java.lang.String osStartScript()
          Creates the operation system specific starting script for this machine.
protected  java.lang.String scriptCreateDir(java.lang.String dir, boolean clean)
          This functions makes the script for creating the new directories.
Methods inherited from class dk.netarkivet.deploy.Machine
createJmxRemoteAccessFile, createJmxRemotePasswordFile, createLogPropertyFiles, createSecurityPolicyFile, getEnvironmentName, getHeritrixLogin, getHeritrixUsername, getMonitorLogin, getMonitorUsername, machineUserLogin, modifyLogProperties, write, writeToGlobalInstallScript, writeToGlobalKillScript, writeToGlobalStartScript
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public LinuxMachine(org.dom4j.Element subTreeRoot,
                    XmlStructure parentSettings,
                    Parameters param,
                    java.lang.String netarchiveSuiteSource,
                    boolean resetDir,
The constructor. Starts by initialising the parent abstract class, then sets the operating system dependent variables.

subTreeRoot - The XML root element.
parentSettings - The Settings to be inherited from the PhysicalLocation, where this machine is placed.
param - The machine parameters to be inherited from the PhysicalLocation.
netarchiveSuiteSource - The name of the NetarchiveSuite package file. Must end with '.zip'.
logProp - The logging property file, to be copied into machine directory.
securityPolicy - The security policy file, to be copied into machine directory.
dbFile - The name of the database file.
arcdbFile - The name of the archive file.
resetDir - Whether the temporary directory should be reset.
externalJarFolder - The folder containing the external jar library files.
Method Detail


protected java.lang.String osInstallScript()
Description copied from class: Machine
Creates the operation system specific installation script for this machine.

Specified by:
osInstallScript in class Machine
Operation system specific part of the installscript.


protected java.lang.String osKillScript()
Description copied from class: Machine
Creates the operation system specific killing script for this machine.

Specified by:
osKillScript in class Machine
Operation system specific part of the killscript.


protected java.lang.String osStartScript()
Creates the operation system specific starting script for this machine. pseudo code: - ssh maclogin ". /etc/profile; conf/; sleep 5; cat install/*.log" where: maclogin = login for machine (username@machine). conf = path to /conf directory. install = path to install directory.

Specified by:
osStartScript in class Machine
Operation system specific part of the startscript.


protected java.lang.String getInstallDirPath()
Description copied from class: Machine
The operation system specific path to the installation directory.

Specified by:
getInstallDirPath in class Machine
Install path.


protected java.lang.String getConfDirPath()
Description copied from class: Machine
The operation system specific path to the conf directory.

Specified by:
getConfDirPath in class Machine
Conf path.


protected void createOSLocalKillAllScript( directory)
                                   throws IOFailure
This function creates the script to kill all applications on this machine. The scripts calls all the kill script for each application. It also runs the script for killing any external database. pseudo code: - echo Killing all applications at machine: mac - if [ -e ./ ] - ./ - fi - ... where: mac = machine name. app = application name. ... = the same for other applications.

Specified by:
createOSLocalKillAllScript in class Machine
directory - The directory for this machine (use global variable?).
IOFailure - If an error occurred during the creation of the local killall script.


protected void createOSLocalStartAllScript( directory)
                                    throws IOFailure
This function creates the script to start all applications on this machine. The scripts calls all the start script for each application. It also runs the script for starting any external database. pseudo code: - echo Starting all applications at machine: mac - if [ -e ./ ] - ./ - fi - ... where: mac = machine name. app = application name. ... = the same for other applications.

Specified by:
createOSLocalStartAllScript in class Machine
directory - The directory for this machine (use global variable?).
IOFailure - If an error occurred during the creation of the local startall script.


protected void createApplicationKillScripts( directory)
                                     throws IOFailure
Creates the kill scripts for all the applications. The script starts by finding all running processes of the application. If it finds any processes, it kills them. The should have the following structure: - echo Killing linux application. - #!/bin/bash - PIDS = $(ps -wwfe | grep fullapp | grep -v grep | grep path\settings_app.xml | awk "{print \\$2}") - if [ -n "$PIDS" ]; then - kill -9 $PIDS; - fi Also, if a heritrix process is started, the following is added: - PIDS = $(ps -wwfe | grep heritrix | grep -v grep | grep path\settings_app.xml | awk "{print \\$2}") - if [ -n "$PIDS" ]; then - kill -9 $PIDS; - fi where: path = the path to the ./conf directory. fullapp = the full application name with class path. app = the id of the application (name + instanceId). heritrix = the heritrix class path.

Specified by:
createApplicationKillScripts in class Machine
directory - The directory for this machine (use global variable?).
IOFailure - If an error occured during the creation of the kill application script file.


protected void createApplicationStartScripts( directory)
                                      throws IOFailure
Creates the start scripts for all the applications. The application should only be started, if it is not running already. The script starts by finding all running processes of the application. If any processes are found, a new application should not be started. Otherwise start the application. The should have the following structure: - echo Starting linux application: app - cd path - #!/bin/bash - PIDS = $(ps -wwfe | grep fullapp | grep -v grep | grep path\settings_app.xml | awk "{print \\$2}") - if [ -n "$PIDS" ]; then - echo Application already running. - else - export CLASSPATH = cp:$CLASSPATH; - JAVA - fi where: path = the path to the install directory. fullapp = the full name application with java path. app = the name of the application. cp = the classpaths for the application. JAVA = the command to run the java application.

Specified by:
createApplicationStartScripts in class Machine
directory - The directory for this machine (use global variable?).
IOFailure - If an error occurred during the creation of the start application script file.


protected java.lang.String osGetClassPath(Application app)
Description copied from class: Machine
Makes all the class paths into the operation system specific syntax, and puts them into a string where they are separated by the operation system specific separator (':' for linux, ';' for windows).

Specified by:
osGetClassPath in class Machine
app - The application which has the class paths.
The class paths in operation system specific syntax.


protected java.lang.String osInstallDatabase()
Description copied from class: Machine
Checks if a specific directory for the database is given in the settings, and thus if the database should be installed on this machine. If no specific database is given as deploy argument (databaseFileName = null) then use the standard database extracted from Else send the given new database to the standard database location. Extract the database in the standard database location to the specified database directory.

Specified by:
osInstallDatabase in class Machine
The script for installing the database (if needed).


protected java.lang.String osInstallExternalJarFiles()
Description copied from class: Machine
This function makes the part of the install script for installing the external jar files from within the jarFolder. If the jarFolder is null, then no action will be performed.

Specified by:
osInstallExternalJarFiles in class Machine
The script for installing the external jar files (if needed).


protected java.lang.String osInstallArchiveDatabase()
Description copied from class: Machine
Checks if a specific directory for the archive database is given in the settings, and thus if the archive database should be installed on this machine. If not specific database is given (adminDatabaseFileName = null) then use the default in the package. Else send the new archive database to the standard database location, and extract it to the given location.

Specified by:
osInstallArchiveDatabase in class Machine
The script for installing the archive database (if needed).


protected java.lang.String osInstallScriptCreateDir()
Creates the specified directories in the deploy-configuration file. Structure - ssh login cd path; DIRS; CLEANDIR; exit; where: login = username@machine. path = path to install directory. DIRS = the way to create directories. CLEANDIR = the command to clean the tempDir (if chosen as optional) The install creation of DIR has the following structure for directory dir: if [ ! -d dir ]; then mkdir dir; fi;

Specified by:
osInstallScriptCreateDir in class Machine
The script for creating the directories.


protected java.lang.String scriptCreateDir(java.lang.String dir,
                                           boolean clean)
Description copied from class: Machine
This functions makes the script for creating the new directories. Linux creates directories directly through ssh. Windows creates an install a script file for installing the directories, which has to be sent to the machine, then executed and finally deleted.

Specified by:
scriptCreateDir in class Machine
dir - The name of the directory to create.
clean - Whether the directory should be cleaned\reset.
The lines of code for creating the directories.
See Also:


protected java.lang.String createPathToDir(java.lang.String dir)
Function for creating the directories along the path until the end directory. Does not create the end directory.

dir - The path to the directory.
The script for creating the directory.


protected java.lang.String getAppDirectories()
Description copied from class: Machine
Creates the script for creating the application specified directories. Also creates the directories along the path to the directories.

Specified by:
getAppDirectories in class Machine
The script for creating the application specified directories.


protected void createInstallDirScript( dir)
Dummy function on linux machine. This is only used for windows machines!

Specified by:
createInstallDirScript in class Machine
dir - The directory to put the file.


protected java.lang.String changeFileDirPathForSecurity(java.lang.String path)
Description copied from class: Machine
Changes the file directory path to the format used in the security policy.

Specified by:
changeFileDirPathForSecurity in class Machine
path - The current path.
The formatted path.


protected java.lang.String getJMXremoteFilesCommand()
Description copied from class: Machine
This method does the following: Retrieves the path to the jmxremote.access and jmxremote.password files. Moves these files, if they are different from standard. Makes the jmxremote.access and jmxremote.password files readonly.

Specified by:
getJMXremoteFilesCommand in class Machine
The commands for handling the jmxremote files.


protected void createRestartScript( dir)
                            throws IOFailure
Creates script for restarting all the applications on a machine. This script should start by killing all the existing processes, and then starting them again. First the killall scripts is called, then wait for 5 seconds for the applications to be fully terminated, and finally the startall script is called.

Specified by:
createRestartScript in class Machine
dir - The directory where the script file will be placed.
IOFailure - If the restart script cannot be created.


protected void createArchiveDatabaseStartScript( dir)
                                         throws IOFailure
Creates a script for starting the archive database on a given machine. This is only created if the <globalArchiveDatabaseDir> parameter is defined on the machine level.
> #!/bin/bash
> cd InstallDir
> java -cp 'DB-CLASSPATH' org.apache.derby.drda.NetworkServerControl start < /dev/null > start_external_database.log 2>&1 &

Specified by:
createArchiveDatabaseStartScript in class Machine
dir - The directory where the script will be placed.
IOFailure - If the script cannot be written.


protected java.lang.String callStartArchiveDatabase()
Method for generating the command for running the external_admin_database_start script. This should be called before the application on the machines have been started.
> echo Starting external database
> if [ -e ./ ]; then
> ./ &
> sleep 5
> fi

The command for running external_admin_database_start script.


protected void createArchiveDatabaseKillScript( dir)
                                        throws IOFailure
Creates a script for killing the archive database on a given machine. This is only created if the <globalArchiveDatabaseDir> parameter is defined on the machine level. The output is appended to the log, thus the '>>' instead of the standard '>' when redirecting the output.
> #!/bin/bash
> cd InstallDir
> java -cp 'DB-CLASSPATH' org.apache.derby.drda.NetworkServerControl shutdown < /dev/null >> start_external_database.log 2>&1 &
where 'PORT' is in the setting: settings.archive.admin.database.port

Specified by:
createArchiveDatabaseKillScript in class Machine
dir - The directory where the script will be placed.
IOFailure - If the script cannot be created.


protected java.lang.String callKillArchiveDatabase()
Method for generating the command for running the external_database_kill script. This should be called when the application on the machines have been killed.
> echo Killing external database
> if [ -e ./ ]; then
> ./
> fi

The command for running external_database_kill script.


protected void createHarvestDatabaseStartScript( dir)
                                         throws IOFailure
Creates a script for starting the harvest database on a given machine. This is only created if the <deployHarvestDatabaseDir> parameter is defined on the machine level.
> #!/bin/bash
> cd InstallDir
> java -cp 'DB-CLASSPATH' org.apache.derby.drda.NetworkServerControl start < /dev/null > start_external_harvest_database.log 2>&1 &

Specified by:
createHarvestDatabaseStartScript in class Machine
dir - The directory where the script will be placed.
IOFailure - If the script cannot be written.


protected java.lang.String callStartHarvestDatabase()
Method for generating the command for running the external_harvest_database_start script. This should be called before the application on the machines have been started.
> echo Starting external harvest database
> if [ -e ./ ]; then
> ./ &
> sleep 5
> fi

The command for running external_harvest_database_start script.


protected void createHarvestDatabaseKillScript( dir)
                                        throws IOFailure
Creates a script for killing the harvest database on a given machine. This is only created if the <globalHarvestDatabaseDir> parameter is defined on the machine level. The output is appended to the log, thus the '>>' instead of the standard '>' when redirecting the output.
> #!/bin/bash
> cd InstallDir
> java -cp 'DB-CLASSPATH' org.apache.derby.drda.NetworkServerControl shutdown < /dev/null >> start_external_harvest_database.log 2>&1 &
where 'PORT' is in the setting: settings.common.database.port

Specified by:
createHarvestDatabaseKillScript in class Machine
dir - The directory where the script will be placed.
IOFailure - If the script cannot be created.


protected java.lang.String callKillHarvestDatabase()
Method for generating the command for running the external_database_kill script. This should be called when the application on the machines have been killed.
> echo Killing external harvest database
> if [ -e ./ ]; then
> ./
> fi

The command for running external_harvest_database_kill script.


protected void createHarvestDatabaseUpdateScript( dir)
Description copied from class: Machine
create a harvestDatabaseUpdatescript in the given machineDirectory.

Specified by:
createHarvestDatabaseUpdateScript in class Machine
dir - a given MachineDirectory.