Uses of Interface

Packages that use Request
dk.netarkivet.viewerproxy This module gives access to previously harvested material, through a proxy solution. 

Uses of Request in dk.netarkivet.viewerproxy

Classes in dk.netarkivet.viewerproxy that implement Request
static class WebProxy.HttpRequest
          A wrapper around the Jetty HttpRequest, giving the simple Request interface used in our URIResolvers.

Methods in dk.netarkivet.viewerproxy with parameters of type Request
protected  boolean GetDataResolver.executeCommand(Request request, Response response)
          Handles parsing of the URL and delegating to relevant methods for known commands.
protected  boolean UnknownCommandResolver.executeCommand(Request request, Response response)
          Helper method that checks if this is a command URL and throw an error if it is.
protected abstract  boolean CommandResolver.executeCommand(Request request, Response response)
          Abstract method for parsing of the URL and delegating to relevant methods.
protected static boolean CommandResolver.isCommandHostRequest(Request request)
          Returns true if the request specifies the host that we're running on.
 int ARCArchiveAccess.lookup(Request request, Response response)
          Look up a given URI and add its contents to the Response given.
 int URIResolver.lookup(Request request, Response response)
          Do a lookup on a request and update response with the result.
 int NotifyingURIResolver.lookup(Request request, Response response)
          Passes the uri to the current wrapped resolver and notifies the observer of the result.
 int CommandResolver.lookup(Request request, Response response)
          Parses the given URI and executes commands for all command URLs.

Uses of Request in dk.netarkivet.viewerproxy.distribute

Methods in dk.netarkivet.viewerproxy.distribute with parameters of type Request
protected  boolean HTTPControllerServer.executeCommand(Request request, Response response)
          Handles parsing of the URL and delegating to relevant methods.