Uses of Interface

Packages that use StatusEntry

Uses of StatusEntry in dk.netarkivet.monitor.webinterface

Classes in dk.netarkivet.monitor.webinterface that implement StatusEntry
 class JMXStatusEntry
          Implementation of StatusEntry, that receives its data from the MBeanServer (JMX).

Methods in dk.netarkivet.monitor.webinterface that return types with arguments of type StatusEntry
static java.util.List<StatusEntry> JMXStatusEntry.queryJMX(java.lang.String query)
          Query the JMX system for system status mbeans.
static java.util.List<StatusEntry> JMXSummaryUtils.queryJMXFromRequest(java.lang.String[] parameters, JMXSummaryUtils.StarredRequest request, javax.servlet.jsp.PageContext context)
          Get status entries from JMX based on a request and some parameters.

Methods in dk.netarkivet.monitor.webinterface with parameters of type StatusEntry
 int JMXStatusEntry.compareTo(StatusEntry o)
          Compares two entries according to first their location, then their machine name, then their ports, and then their application name, and then their index.