Uses of Interface

Packages that use JobIndexCache
dk.netarkivet.viewerproxy This module gives access to previously harvested material, through a proxy solution. 

Uses of JobIndexCache in dk.netarkivet.archive.indexserver

Classes in dk.netarkivet.archive.indexserver that implement JobIndexCache
 class CDXIndexCache
          A cache that serves CDX index files for job IDs.
 class CrawlLogIndexCache
          A cache that serves Lucene indices of crawl logs for given job IDs.
 class DedupCrawlLogIndexCache
          A cache of crawl log indices appropriate for the Icelandic deduplicator code, excluding all text entries.
 class FullCrawlLogIndexCache
          A CrawlLogIndexCache that takes in all entries in the crawl log.

Uses of JobIndexCache in dk.netarkivet.archive.indexserver.distribute

Classes in dk.netarkivet.archive.indexserver.distribute that implement JobIndexCache
 class IndexRequestClient
          Client for index request server.

Uses of JobIndexCache in dk.netarkivet.common.distribute.indexserver

Classes in dk.netarkivet.common.distribute.indexserver that implement JobIndexCache
 class TrivialJobIndexCache
          A trivial JobIndexCache implementation that just assumes somebody places the indexes in the right place (in TrivialJobIndexCache under the cache dir).

Methods in dk.netarkivet.common.distribute.indexserver that return JobIndexCache
static JobIndexCache IndexClientFactory.getCDXInstance()
          Get a cache of CDX files for a set of jobs.
static JobIndexCache IndexClientFactory.getDedupCrawllogInstance()
          Get a cache of Lucene index files for a set of jobs.
static JobIndexCache IndexClientFactory.getFullCrawllogInstance()
          Get a cache of Lucene index files for a set of jobs.

Uses of JobIndexCache in dk.netarkivet.viewerproxy

Classes in dk.netarkivet.viewerproxy that implement JobIndexCache
 class LocalCDXCache
          Deprecated. Use JobIndexCache-mechanism instead

Constructors in dk.netarkivet.viewerproxy with parameters of type JobIndexCache
DelegatingController(MissingURIRecorder mur, JobIndexCache cc, ARCArchiveAccess aaa)
          Initialise a controller with the relevant instances to control.