Uses of Class

Packages that use Application
dk.netarkivet.deploy Contains software for installing NetarchiveSuite on multiple machines. 

Uses of Application in dk.netarkivet.deploy

Fields in dk.netarkivet.deploy with type parameters of type Application
protected  java.util.List<Application> Machine.applications
          The list of the application on this machine.

Methods in dk.netarkivet.deploy with parameters of type Application
protected  java.lang.String LinuxMachine.osGetClassPath(Application app)
protected abstract  java.lang.String Machine.osGetClassPath(Application app)
          Makes all the class paths into the operation system specific syntax, and puts them into a string where they are separated by the operation system specific separator (':' for linux, ';' for windows).
protected  java.lang.String WindowsMachine.osGetClassPath(Application app)
protected  void WindowsMachine.windowsStartBatScript(Application app, directory)
          Creates the batch script for starting the application.
protected  void WindowsMachine.windowsStartVbsScript(Application app, directory)
          This function creates the VBscript to start the application.