Uses of Class

Packages that use HTTPRemoteFileRegistry

Uses of HTTPRemoteFileRegistry in dk.netarkivet.common.distribute

Subclasses of HTTPRemoteFileRegistry in dk.netarkivet.common.distribute
 class HTTPSRemoteFileRegistry
          This is a registry for HTTPS remote file, meant for serving registered files to remote hosts.

Fields in dk.netarkivet.common.distribute declared as HTTPRemoteFileRegistry
protected static HTTPRemoteFileRegistry HTTPRemoteFileRegistry.instance
          The unique instance.

Methods in dk.netarkivet.common.distribute that return HTTPRemoteFileRegistry
static HTTPRemoteFileRegistry HTTPSRemoteFileRegistry.getInstance()
          Get the unique instance.
static HTTPRemoteFileRegistry HTTPRemoteFileRegistry.getInstance()
          Get the unique instance.
protected  HTTPRemoteFileRegistry HTTPSRemoteFile.getRegistry()
          Get the HTTPS serving registry for remote files.
protected  HTTPRemoteFileRegistry HTTPRemoteFile.getRegistry()
          Get the webserver registry for this class of files.