Uses of Class

Packages that use BatchMessage

Uses of BatchMessage in dk.netarkivet.archive.arcrepository.distribute

Methods in dk.netarkivet.archive.arcrepository.distribute with parameters of type BatchMessage
 void ArcRepositoryServer.visit(BatchMessage msg)
          Resends a batch message to the requested bitarchive.

Uses of BatchMessage in dk.netarkivet.archive.bitarchive.distribute

Methods in dk.netarkivet.archive.bitarchive.distribute that return BatchMessage
 BatchMessage BitarchiveClient.sendBatchJob(BatchMessage bMsg)
          Submit an already constructed get message to the archive.
 BatchMessage BitarchiveClient.sendBatchJob(ChannelID replyChannel, FileBatchJob job)
          Submit a batch job to the archive.

Methods in dk.netarkivet.archive.bitarchive.distribute with parameters of type BatchMessage
 BatchMessage BitarchiveClient.sendBatchJob(BatchMessage bMsg)
          Submit an already constructed get message to the archive.
 void BitarchiveMonitorServer.visit(BatchMessage inbMsg)
          This is the message handling method for BatchMessages.
 void BitarchiveServer.visit(BatchMessage msg)
          Process a batch job and send the result back to the client.

Uses of BatchMessage in dk.netarkivet.archive.checksum.distribute

Methods in dk.netarkivet.archive.checksum.distribute that return BatchMessage
 BatchMessage ChecksumClient.sendBatchJob(BatchMessage msg)
          Method for sending batch job messages to the replica.
 BatchMessage ChecksumClient.sendBatchJob(ChannelID replyChannel, FileBatchJob job)
          Method for sending batch job messages to the replica.

Methods in dk.netarkivet.archive.checksum.distribute with parameters of type BatchMessage
 BatchMessage ChecksumClient.sendBatchJob(BatchMessage msg)
          Method for sending batch job messages to the replica.

Uses of BatchMessage in dk.netarkivet.archive.distribute

Methods in dk.netarkivet.archive.distribute that return BatchMessage
 BatchMessage ReplicaClient.sendBatchJob(BatchMessage msg)
          Method for sending a batch message and retrieving the results.
 BatchMessage ReplicaClient.sendBatchJob(ChannelID replyChannel, FileBatchJob job)
          Method for sending batch message and retrieving the results.

Methods in dk.netarkivet.archive.distribute with parameters of type BatchMessage
 BatchMessage ReplicaClient.sendBatchJob(BatchMessage msg)
          Method for sending a batch message and retrieving the results.
 void ArchiveMessageHandler.visit(BatchMessage msg)
          This method should be overridden and implemented by a sub class if message handling is wanted.
 void ArchiveMessageVisitor.visit(BatchMessage msg)
          This method should be overridden to handle the receipt of a message.