Interface AuditTrailManager

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface AuditTrailManager

The interface for the audit trail handler.

Method Summary
 void addAuditEvent(String collectionId, String fileId, String actor, String info, String auditTrail, FileAction operation)
          Adds an audit trail event to the manager.
 AuditTrailDatabaseResults getAudits(String collectionId, String fileId, Long minSeqNumber, Long maxSeqNumber, Date minDate, Date maxDate, Long maxNumberOfResults)
          Method for extracting all the audit trails.

Method Detail


void addAuditEvent(String collectionId,
                   String fileId,
                   String actor,
                   String info,
                   String auditTrail,
                   FileAction operation)
Adds an audit trail event to the manager.

collectionId - The id of the collection for whom the audit applies.
fileId - The id of the file, where the operation has been performed. Use the argument null for indicating all file ids.
actor - The name of the actor.
info - Information about the reason for the audit trail to be logged.
auditTrail - The string for the audit trail information from the message performing the operation.
operation - The performed operation.


AuditTrailDatabaseResults getAudits(String collectionId,
                                    String fileId,
                                    Long minSeqNumber,
                                    Long maxSeqNumber,
                                    Date minDate,
                                    Date maxDate,
                                    Long maxNumberOfResults)
Method for extracting all the audit trails.

collectionId - The id of the collection for whom the audit applies.
fileId - [OPTIONAL] The id of the file to request audits for.
minSeqNumber - [OPTIONAL] The lower sequence number requested.
maxSeqNumber - [OPTIONAL] The upper sequence number requested.
minDate - [OPTIONAL] The earliest date requested.
maxDate - [OPTIONAL] The newest date requested.
maxNumberOfResults - [OPTIONAL] The maximum number of results.
The audit trails corresponding to the requested arguments.

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