Class ServiceSettingsProvider

  extended by org.bitrepository.common.settings.SettingsProvider
      extended by org.bitrepository.service.ServiceSettingsProvider

public class ServiceSettingsProvider
extends SettingsProvider

Constructor Summary
ServiceSettingsProvider(SettingsLoader settingsReader, ServiceType serviceType)
          Creates a SettingsProvider which will use the provided SettingsLoader for loading the settings.
Method Summary
protected  String getComponentID(ReferenceSettings referenceSettings)
Methods inherited from class org.bitrepository.common.settings.SettingsProvider
getSettings, reloadSettings
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public ServiceSettingsProvider(SettingsLoader settingsReader,
                               ServiceType serviceType)
Creates a SettingsProvider which will use the provided SettingsLoader for loading the settings.

settingsReader - Use for loading the settings.
serviceType - Will be used to load a componentID for the service based on the type.
Method Detail


protected String getComponentID(ReferenceSettings referenceSettings)
getComponentID in class SettingsProvider

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