Class BasicMonitoringServiceAlerter

  extended by org.bitrepository.service.contributor.MessageDispatcher
      extended by org.bitrepository.service.AlarmDispatcher
          extended by org.bitrepository.monitoringservice.alarm.BasicMonitoringServiceAlerter
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class BasicMonitoringServiceAlerter
extends AlarmDispatcher
implements MonitorAlerter

Class for the monitoring service keep a watch on non responding components, and send alarms if needed.

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class org.bitrepository.service.contributor.MessageDispatcher
Constructor Summary
BasicMonitoringServiceAlerter(Settings settings, MessageSender sender, AlarmLevel alarmLevel, StatusStore statusStore)
Method Summary
 void checkStatuses()
          Check for components that have not responded withing the given constraints, and send alarm message if there is any.
Methods inherited from class org.bitrepository.service.AlarmDispatcher
emergency, error, sendAlarm, warning
Methods inherited from class org.bitrepository.service.contributor.MessageDispatcher
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public BasicMonitoringServiceAlerter(Settings settings,
                                     MessageSender sender,
                                     AlarmLevel alarmLevel,
                                     StatusStore statusStore)
statusStore - The store for the status results from the components.
sender - Used for sending the alarms.
alarmLevel - Only send alarms at this alarms level or higher.
statusStore - Used to maintain the status of the components.
Method Detail


public void checkStatuses()
Description copied from interface: MonitorAlerter
Check for components that have not responded withing the given constraints, and send alarm message if there is any.

Specified by:
checkStatuses in interface MonitorAlerter

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