Class AuditTrailService

  extended by org.bitrepository.audittrails.AuditTrailService
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class AuditTrailService
extends Object
implements LifeCycledService

Class to expose the functionality of the AuditTrailService. Aggregates the needed classes.

Constructor Summary
AuditTrailService(AuditTrailStore store, AuditTrailCollector collector, ContributorMediator mediator, Settings settings)
Method Summary
 void collectAuditTrails()
          Collects all the newest audit trails from the given collection.
 AuditEventIterator queryAuditTrailEventsByIterator(Date fromDate, Date toDate, String fileID, String collectionID, String reportingComponent, String actor, FileAction action, String fingerprint, String operationID)
          Retrieve an iterator to all AuditTrailEvents matching the criteria from the parameters.
 void shutdown()
 void start()
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public AuditTrailService(AuditTrailStore store,
                         AuditTrailCollector collector,
                         ContributorMediator mediator,
                         Settings settings)

store - The store for the audit trail data.
collector - The collector of new audit trail data.
mediator - The mediator for the communication of this contributor.
settings - The AuditTrailService settings.
Method Detail


public AuditEventIterator queryAuditTrailEventsByIterator(Date fromDate,
                                                          Date toDate,
                                                          String fileID,
                                                          String collectionID,
                                                          String reportingComponent,
                                                          String actor,
                                                          FileAction action,
                                                          String fingerprint,
                                                          String operationID)
Retrieve an iterator to all AuditTrailEvents matching the criteria from the parameters. All parameters are allowed to be null, meaning that the parameter imposes no restriction on the result

fromDate - Restrict the results to only provide events after this point in time
toDate - Restrict the results to only provide events up till this point in time
fileID - Restrict the results to only be about this fileID
reportingComponent - Restrict the results to only be reported by this component
actor - Restrict the results to only be events caused by this actor
action - Restrict the results to only be about this type of action


public void collectAuditTrails()
Collects all the newest audit trails from the given collection. TODO this currently calls all collections. It should only call a specified collection, which should be given as argument.


public void start()
Specified by:
start in interface LifeCycledService


public void shutdown()
Specified by:
shutdown in interface LifeCycledService

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