
dk.netarkivet.systemtest.functional.SystemOverviewTest.generalTest (from TestSuite)

Failing for the past 2 builds (Since Failed#130 )
Took 2 min 21 sec.

Error Message

Sets not equal, Expected sets contained the following 3 elements  not found in the result set:
[Application [machine=KB-TEST-BAR-016, application=BitarchiveApplication, instance_Id=BitApp_3, channel=null, replica=KBN], Application [machine=KB-TEST-BAR-016, application=BitarchiveApplication, instance_Id=BitApp_1, channel=null, replica=KBN], Application [machine=KB-TEST-BAR-016, application=BitarchiveApplication, instance_Id=BitApp_2, channel=null, replica=KBN]]
and the following 0 elements in the result set where not found in the expected set


java.lang.AssertionError: Sets not equal, Expected sets contained the following 3 elements  not found in the result set:
[Application [machine=KB-TEST-BAR-016, application=BitarchiveApplication, instance_Id=BitApp_3, channel=null, replica=KBN], Application [machine=KB-TEST-BAR-016, application=BitarchiveApplication, instance_Id=BitApp_1, channel=null, replica=KBN], Application [machine=KB-TEST-BAR-016, application=BitarchiveApplication, instance_Id=BitApp_2, channel=null, replica=KBN]]
and the following 0 elements in the result set where not found in the expected set
	at dk.netarkivet.systemtest.NASAssert.assertEquals(
	at dk.netarkivet.systemtest.functional.SystemOverviewTest.generalTest(

Standard Output

      Test success: snapshotTest
    Starting testcase SystemOverviewTest
      Test starting: generalTest
        Description: Test specification:
        Step: Goto the Systemstate page and wait for the extected number of applications to appear.
        Step: Click the 'Instance id' link (We need to do this to differentiate between instances of the same application running on the same machine)