
#76 (19-Dec-2015 02:17:22)

  1. [maven-release-plugin] prepare release bitrepository-parent-1.6 — Kim Christensen (ktc) / detail
  2. [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration — Kim Christensen (ktc) / detail

#74 (08-Dec-2015 02:17:21)

  1. Fixed  some of the javadoc — Asger Askov Blekinge (abr) / detail
  2. SNAPSHOT in duct taping javadoc errors. — thorbjoern / detail

#72 (26-Nov-2015 02:17:19)

  1. Updated headers. — Jonas Lindberg Frellesen (jolf) / detail

#70 (20-Nov-2015 02:17:15)

  1. add generalised DAO and DatabaseFactory classes, and use them to obtain — Kim Christensen (ktc) / detail
  2. refactor the DatabaseFactory concept — Kim Christensen (ktc) / detail

#69 (19-Nov-2015 02:17:26)

  1. teardown messagebus after class, rather than just after suite — Kim Christensen (ktc) / detail
  2. don't use pillarid as client id as it will prevent the client from — Kim Christensen (ktc) / detail