Polling Log

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This page captures the polling log that triggered this build.

Started on Sep 11, 2020 2:30:57 PM
Using strategy: Default
[poll] Last Built Revision: Revision fd07a5db1a02f4826b9dec3f90e0d242fab38243 (refs/remotes/origin/master)
 > git --version # timeout=10
 > git -c core.askpass=true ls-remote -h https://github.com/bitrepository/reference.git # timeout=10
Found 22 remote heads on https://github.com/bitrepository/reference.git
Ignoring refs/heads/AutoClosable as it doesn't match configured refspecs
Ignoring refs/heads/bitrepository-0.12 as it doesn't match configured refspecs
Ignoring refs/heads/brokenNonStatic as it doesn't match configured refspecs
Ignoring refs/heads/1.3-bugfix as it doesn't match configured refspecs
Ignoring refs/heads/bitrepository-0.14 as it doesn't match configured refspecs
Ignoring refs/heads/1.8-bugfix as it doesn't match configured refspecs
Ignoring refs/heads/nonStatic as it doesn't match configured refspecs
Ignoring refs/heads/HadoopReferencePillar as it doesn't match configured refspecs
Ignoring refs/heads/bitrepository-0.20.1 as it doesn't match configured refspecs
Ignoring refs/heads/maintenance-2020 as it doesn't match configured refspecs
Ignoring refs/heads/1.9-bugfix as it doesn't match configured refspecs
Ignoring refs/heads/bitrepository-1.0 as it doesn't match configured refspecs
Ignoring refs/heads/netarkiv_stress_test as it doesn't match configured refspecs
Ignoring refs/heads/0.23 as it doesn't match configured refspecs
Ignoring refs/heads/nonRetryingHttpFileExchangeClient as it doesn't match configured refspecs
Ignoring refs/heads/sonar as it doesn't match configured refspecs
Ignoring refs/heads/1.5-bugfix as it doesn't match configured refspecs
Ignoring refs/heads/getfileinfos as it doesn't match configured refspecs
Ignoring refs/heads/1.2-bugfix as it doesn't match configured refspecs
Ignoring refs/heads/1.7-bugfix as it doesn't match configured refspecs
Ignoring refs/heads/getFileIT as it doesn't match configured refspecs
[poll] Latest remote head revision on refs/heads/master is: 58d5c24cc2168e52e666b422f2bd7504ddcbc5ed
Done. Took 0.54 sec
Changes found