Class URIObserver

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Direct Known Subclasses:

    public abstract class URIObserver
    extends Object
    implements Observer
    Super class for all URIObservers - calls the URIObserver notify method on all notifications of a URI and its response code.
    • Constructor Detail

      • URIObserver

        public URIObserver()
    • Method Detail

      • notify

        public abstract void notify​(URI uri,
                                    int responseCode)
        This notify method is called on every notification of URI and response code.
        uri - The uri notified about
        responseCode - The response code of this uri.
      • update

        public final void update​(Observable o,
                                 Object arg)
        Will call the abstract notify method if arg is an URIResponseCodePair value.
        Specified by:
        update in interface Observer
        o - The observable which called this method. Ignored.
        arg - The argument. If Response instance, notify is called. Otherwise ignored.