Class CachingSLF4JLogRecord

    • Constructor Detail

      • CachingSLF4JLogRecord

        public CachingSLF4JLogRecord​(int index,
                                     CachingSLF4JAppender cachingSLF4JAppender)
        Make a caching log record, that exposes a log record at a given index as an MBean.
        index - The index of this log record, counted from the top of the list.
        cachingSLF4JAppender - The caching log handler this is an exposing view on.
        IOFailure - on any trouble registering.
    • Method Detail

      • getRecordString

        public String getRecordString()
        Description copied from interface: SingleLogRecord
        Get the log record on a given index from the top as a string. This will be formatted by some formatter, depending on implementation.
        Specified by:
        getRecordString in interface SingleLogRecord
        A String representation of the LogRecord, or null for none.
      • close

        public void close()
        Unregisters this object as an mbean.